See Bill Clinton claim he has no idea how World Trade Center Building 7 came down and does not even know where it is. He is also confronted about Bilderberg,…
Huge billboard going up in Times Square this September; not cheap….but highly effective. Thousands of Architects and Engineers disseminating the obvious truth to those who have not yet waken up to it (tens of millions of Americans have). Go watch Zeitgeist (original 2007 version…on YouTube; seen by more than 20 million people). Peace bro.
Am I supposed to find something new here? They've never come up with any impressive evidence to sway me, so I remain totally unconvinced. If you think they have some new compelling evidence then state what it is. Here's their "latest news,"…
"Latest News
New Items Available in the Store:
3D-Printed WTC Models,
AE911Truth Iron-on Patches
And all Five AE911Truth Documentaries for Just $25!
Plus: 15% Discount on EVERYTHING in the Store until July 31 with Coupon Code JulySuperSale"
Nobody should even bother trying to explain anything to klesks8686. Not only are his/her? logic and reasoning skills terrible..but several of the things she/he has said have already been proven factually/fundamentally incorrect. Also, her/his account picture is a cat. . . Thus, her/his argument is invalid. . . .
The 911 "truth" cult's evidence falls under two categories: 1) the easily refutable 2) the desperately insufficient…
For example, everything you said in your latest comment easily falls under the insufficient category… "Things like this happen all the time, war is profitable for the elites, happens all the time, bla bla bla"… none of this even remotely proves your myth. Take your "happens all the time" bullshit argument and shove it, you sad, deluded incompetent fool. Bye now.
They demolished the entire fucking building in front of millions of people on live television in order to dispose of a few pieces of paper inside? LOL,
I guess the logistics of hi tech nano-thermite controlled demolitions are more economical than all the complexities of a paper shredder.
Please perform a sanity check on the conspiracy occult mythology you read off the internet before repeating it.
Motive? A federal building containing documents that would surely incriminate the globalist elite suddenly collapses after an office fire. Collapsing at free-fall speed. Just like a controlled demolition. WHERE IS THE $2.3billion?!?!? The only records were destroyed in the demo. Building 7 was a loose end. 911 was an inside job.
Ok, well if you are familiar with it..then you are just simply a dumbass for dismissing the irrefutable evidence. Glad we got that cleared up. Sure, just reject factual history that proves things like 9/11 happen all the time to justify going to wars…the U.S. has been at war for approx. 95% of the time since it's founding. We like war. War is profitable for the elites in power and it helps them carry out their agendas. Study history better. Understand physics. You fail at trolling too.
I am familiar with the mountains of mythology that the 9/11 "truth" cult has spread across the net. And please don't try to pull the old John Farmer canard again, he does not believe the same extreme and absurd bullshit truthers believe, nice try though.
Just a quick reminder: usually comments on youtube are informal bro, you don't have to include your signature "sheep" at the end of your comment.
I am unable to decide if you are just trolling for the laughs..if you haven't even studied into 9/11 and the Mt. Everest sized pile of evidence that proves undeniably that it was orchestrated with inside intelligence…or if you are just truly that dumb…? Which is it? Also, ever heard about a guy named John Farmer and his book entitled: "Ground Truth" ??? . . . He was kinda the chief executive of the official 9/11 commission report. He disagrees with you :)… Sheep.
I don't know a single person who doesn't know that 9/11 was an inside job. And even those who can't imagine the cruelty began to question things.
However some people never listen, Lindbergh's 1941 speech is an example for that.
The younger people are willing to see that 911 was an inside job because they were not brainwashed by the US Nationalistic Religion like the rest of us old farts were.
The fact that WTC1,2&7 accelerated all the way down through the path of greatest resistance is the bottom line on the science of controlled demolition. AE911
Those buildings could not have been rigged in a day, much less a matter of hours, even w/ full access. That means that someone on the inside let it happen or made it happen.
@klesks8686 building 7 was a controlled demolion you bone head! Have you even seen how that building fell?? A couple office fires caused a big building to fall like that. Plus one time a similar building to building 7 burned in Ontario all night long and guess what?? THAT BUILDING WAS STILL STANDING! i got video proof. Plus how did the terrorists passport survive and land in the rubble by the WTC? oh and one more thing, where is the $2.3 trillion dollars that was wired (stolen) out of the penta
@kleks8686 building 7 was a controlled demolion you bone head! Have you even seen how that building fell?? A couple office fires caused a big building to fall like that. Plus one time a similar building to building 7 burned in Ontario all night long and guess what?? THAT BUILDING WAS STILL STANDING! i got video proof. Plus how did the terrorists passport survive and land in the rubble by the WTC? oh and one more thing, where is the $2.3 trillion dollars that was wired (stolen) out of the pentag
LOL, ok, you're just a sheep in the 9/11 "truth" cult.
"I don't know what to think, what does the internet, Alex Jone,s and other high-priests in the conspiracy occult subculture want me to think, baaaaaaa baaaaa"
See, it goes both ways bocce boy, but you don't like that do ya? To date, your 9/11 "truth" cult has provided NO coherent motive for WTC7 demo. Deal with it bro.
do a fucking search on what wtc7 was investigating at the time it went down you fucking sheep baaaa baaaa "i dont know what to think what does my government want me to think?" fuck you! you are what is wrong with this countries population you stupid fucking robot. and btw the 9/11 truth is made of mostly family members of people who died on 911 and firemen who helped. those are the people you are mocking fuck you klesks. they did tons of reasearch you just watch the news for your opinion, robot.
I say this with no certainty, but a fairly obvious potential motive for someone to destroy Building 7 is that it housed offices of the DOJ and various intelligence agencies such as: the FBI, CIA, NSA (amongst others). It's probable that there were important documents in there containing information that may have posed a threat to certain people who wanted the information destroyed. Desire to cover up bad behavior due to a fear of consequences is a powerful motivator and common in murder cases.
lol, cracks me up when these delusional 9/11 "truth" cult fanatics try to heckle ex- politicians. The buildings were not brought down in controlled demos. Even if 9/11 had been a sinister gov. plot, there would be no reason for the perps to demolish WTC7.
Since Larry Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's evidence of fraud?
If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire, how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and stress loads 18 minutes after impact?
How can Marvin Bush be in charge of WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?
I wouldn't have yelled out asking him about building 7, he's Bill Clinton, not George Bush or Giuliani or Bloomberg, I believe he genuinely had no clue what he was talking about, nor anyone else. I think when he yells out about Bilderberg he seems to register some thought, maybe then he knew what he was trying to get at and maybe remembered building 7. That's so stupid as if every high government insider knows the truth behind building 7? Most don't even know about it.
Huge billboard going up in Times Square this September; not cheap….but highly effective. Thousands of Architects and Engineers disseminating the obvious truth to those who have not yet waken up to it (tens of millions of Americans have). Go watch Zeitgeist (original 2007 version…on YouTube; seen by more than 20 million people). Peace bro.
Am I supposed to find something new here? They've never come up with any impressive evidence to sway me, so I remain totally unconvinced. If you think they have some new compelling evidence then state what it is. Here's their "latest news,"…
"Latest News
New Items Available in the Store:
3D-Printed WTC Models,
AE911Truth Iron-on Patches
And all Five AE911Truth Documentaries for Just $25!
Plus: 15% Discount on EVERYTHING in the Store until July 31 with Coupon Code JulySuperSale"
ae911truth (dot) org. Check it out, then get back to me….
the killtom's are 100% satanic.
Bill Clinton is nothing but a puppet, but nice video! Im glad you had the courage to shout at that liar. I just wish more people would wake up!
"…her/his account picture is a cat. . . Thus, her/his argument is invalid. . ."
What is this, your brilliant "logic and reasoning skills" at play? lol, your comment is embarrassingly ironic. Be careful.
Nobody should even bother trying to explain anything to klesks8686. Not only are his/her? logic and reasoning skills terrible..but several of the things she/he has said have already been proven factually/fundamentally incorrect. Also, her/his account picture is a cat. . . Thus, her/his argument is invalid. . . .
The 911 "truth" cult's evidence falls under two categories: 1) the easily refutable 2) the desperately insufficient…
For example, everything you said in your latest comment easily falls under the insufficient category… "Things like this happen all the time, war is profitable for the elites, happens all the time, bla bla bla"… none of this even remotely proves your myth. Take your "happens all the time" bullshit argument and shove it, you sad, deluded incompetent fool. Bye now.
They demolished the entire fucking building in front of millions of people on live television in order to dispose of a few pieces of paper inside? LOL,
I guess the logistics of hi tech nano-thermite controlled demolitions are more economical than all the complexities of a paper shredder.
Please perform a sanity check on the conspiracy occult mythology you read off the internet before repeating it.
Motive? A federal building containing documents that would surely incriminate the globalist elite suddenly collapses after an office fire. Collapsing at free-fall speed. Just like a controlled demolition. WHERE IS THE $2.3billion?!?!? The only records were destroyed in the demo. Building 7 was a loose end. 911 was an inside job.
Ok, well if you are familiar with it..then you are just simply a dumbass for dismissing the irrefutable evidence. Glad we got that cleared up. Sure, just reject factual history that proves things like 9/11 happen all the time to justify going to wars…the U.S. has been at war for approx. 95% of the time since it's founding. We like war. War is profitable for the elites in power and it helps them carry out their agendas. Study history better. Understand physics. You fail at trolling too.
I am familiar with the mountains of mythology that the 9/11 "truth" cult has spread across the net. And please don't try to pull the old John Farmer canard again, he does not believe the same extreme and absurd bullshit truthers believe, nice try though.
Just a quick reminder: usually comments on youtube are informal bro, you don't have to include your signature "sheep" at the end of your comment.
I am unable to decide if you are just trolling for the laughs..if you haven't even studied into 9/11 and the Mt. Everest sized pile of evidence that proves undeniably that it was orchestrated with inside intelligence…or if you are just truly that dumb…? Which is it? Also, ever heard about a guy named John Farmer and his book entitled: "Ground Truth" ??? . . . He was kinda the chief executive of the official 9/11 commission report. He disagrees with you :)… Sheep.
I don't know a single person who doesn't know that 9/11 was an inside job. And even those who can't imagine the cruelty began to question things.
However some people never listen, Lindbergh's 1941 speech is an example for that.
The younger people are willing to see that 911 was an inside job because they were not brainwashed by the US Nationalistic Religion like the rest of us old farts were.
The fact that WTC1,2&7 accelerated all the way down through the path of greatest resistance is the bottom line on the science of controlled demolition. AE911
Those buildings could not have been rigged in a day, much less a matter of hours, even w/ full access. That means that someone on the inside let it happen or made it happen.
Thanks for having a backbone unlike the rest of these other Oregonian pussy's. I live in Southern Or. and I would yelled at his lying ass also.
@klesks8686 building 7 was a controlled demolion you bone head! Have you even seen how that building fell?? A couple office fires caused a big building to fall like that. Plus one time a similar building to building 7 burned in Ontario all night long and guess what?? THAT BUILDING WAS STILL STANDING! i got video proof. Plus how did the terrorists passport survive and land in the rubble by the WTC? oh and one more thing, where is the $2.3 trillion dollars that was wired (stolen) out of the penta
@kleks8686 building 7 was a controlled demolion you bone head! Have you even seen how that building fell?? A couple office fires caused a big building to fall like that. Plus one time a similar building to building 7 burned in Ontario all night long and guess what?? THAT BUILDING WAS STILL STANDING! i got video proof. Plus how did the terrorists passport survive and land in the rubble by the WTC? oh and one more thing, where is the $2.3 trillion dollars that was wired (stolen) out of the pentag
LOL, ok, you're just a sheep in the 9/11 "truth" cult.
"I don't know what to think, what does the internet, Alex Jone,s and other high-priests in the conspiracy occult subculture want me to think, baaaaaaa baaaaa"
See, it goes both ways bocce boy, but you don't like that do ya? To date, your 9/11 "truth" cult has provided NO coherent motive for WTC7 demo. Deal with it bro.
do a fucking search on what wtc7 was investigating at the time it went down you fucking sheep baaaa baaaa "i dont know what to think what does my government want me to think?" fuck you! you are what is wrong with this countries population you stupid fucking robot. and btw the 9/11 truth is made of mostly family members of people who died on 911 and firemen who helped. those are the people you are mocking fuck you klesks. they did tons of reasearch you just watch the news for your opinion, robot.
I say this with no certainty, but a fairly obvious potential motive for someone to destroy Building 7 is that it housed offices of the DOJ and various intelligence agencies such as: the FBI, CIA, NSA (amongst others). It's probable that there were important documents in there containing information that may have posed a threat to certain people who wanted the information destroyed. Desire to cover up bad behavior due to a fear of consequences is a powerful motivator and common in murder cases.
lol, the 9/11 "truth" cult has NEVER provided a coherent motive to demolish WTC7.
And what was contained inside WTC7? You haven't even bothered to find out.
No reason? You must be a paid shill. Building 7 was a CIA base and it had important CIA documents in it.
lol, cracks me up when these delusional 9/11 "truth" cult fanatics try to heckle ex- politicians. The buildings were not brought down in controlled demos. Even if 9/11 had been a sinister gov. plot, there would be no reason for the perps to demolish WTC7.
Asked and answered.
Can you provide a video of your second claim and the time at which it is seen? Thanks
Fuck bill
Since Larry Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's evidence of fraud?
If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire, how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and stress loads 18 minutes after impact?
How can Marvin Bush be in charge of WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?
@amazingblur im pretty sure Bill Clinton knows about building 7 but hes obviously not going to give a honest answer in front of the crowd of sheeple.
I wouldn't have yelled out asking him about building 7, he's Bill Clinton, not George Bush or Giuliani or Bloomberg, I believe he genuinely had no clue what he was talking about, nor anyone else. I think when he yells out about Bilderberg he seems to register some thought, maybe then he knew what he was trying to get at and maybe remembered building 7. That's so stupid as if every high government insider knows the truth behind building 7? Most don't even know about it.
this guy is a killer youtube search bill clinton rise to power