BBC says Building 7 collapsed, while it’s STILL standing..!!

This video was BANNED on Google Video!! Hired agents everywhere are desperately trying to stop this video from spreading on the internet!! Keywords: 911 9-11…

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  1. I'd love to hear the explanation of how they collapsed due to fire. I have talked to many architects / physics majors who have told me it couldn't have happened the way everyone thinks.

  2. Ummm he was talking about the “solomon brothers” building collapsing a few blocks from the WTC… you should watch the first 15 seconds of the video again

  3. They said details were sketchy, easy to make mistakes. BBC could have misunderstood speculation… People who believe just because one thing happens that it decides a huge argument are as bad as theists. Btw the there is an explanation of why they collapsed due to the fire.

  4. They said it was still burning not that it had collapsed!!!!! She said as you can see behind me the trade center seems to still be burning we see these huge cloud sof smoke and ash…. She never said the trade center had collapsed??????????????

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA This is embarrasing to watch! These dumb bastards have shot themselves in the foot ! God bless all those victims and their families ! WE ARE FINALLY WAKING UP !! They are crapping themselves at the fact that – we are NO LONGER SILENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. did anyone else catch the fuck up around :55? she said there was a partial collapse of the building next to a tower from the falling debris. So how in the fuck did 7 "collapse from fire and debris how far away?

  7. This implies to me that it was actually the British authorities doing a covert illegal black flag operation with the American government against it's own people Just so they can get the patriot act going. The dirty Bastards!

  8. Their goal is one world order, they need to create a police state and disintegrate national sovereignty, they can't just do this without 'doing some things' can they? Ultimately, God will allow all of this to happen, otherwise we would stop them in their tracks but rest assured they did it and 9-11 was an inside job.

  9. “WTC7 demolished for safety” was to be the official story. You can watch the video of the workers leaving WTC7 saying it is going to “blow up” and “keep your eye on that building; it’ll be coming down”. What happened? Rudy Giuliani is a sissy; a sissy loves a secret. A sissy loves to play “you wouldn’t understand”. A sissy doesn’t notice the difference between an M16 and an M14 or an AK47. A sissy does not notice the difference between fire collapse and controlled demolition. Real men do.

  10. Don't get me wrong, the Bush regime sucked, but they did not perpetrate 9/11. I'm sorry, conspiracy nut, Muslims DID do 9/11. Don't let the secular Jew, muslim-apologizing mind-benders convince you otherwise.

  11. here’s the thing…you people say that “Zionists” control the media. That’s where you’re wrong. YES, Jews control the media, but they are certainly not “zionists”–they are self-loathing, America-hating, leftist- extremist Jews who fucking HATE zionist Jews, anf LOVE making excuses for Muslim terrorists. It is these Jews that control the media, and created the whole 9/11 conspiracy hoax to accomplish 2 goals 1. take responsiblilty off of muslims, 2. discredit the Bush regime

  12. Please explain to this 36 year old fucktard how the building that supposly fell already hasnt,and its still in view behind her?I must be missing something here?


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