A loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls. David Chandler will soon be publishing a video that contains a more in…
They got to be paid for trolls or the dumbest people on the planet. You got
over 2000 architects and engineers say the government narrative is
impossible. You got two planes that totally disappeared at their crash
sites you got at least five black boxes they can’t find. you got to three
buildings that collapse due to fire and all these different events happens
on 9/11, 2001 for the first time in the history of the world. How stupid
are you. not to mention 757 going through 16′ hole.
so what are those flashing lights in the ReAL CD Dick Gage?….why did
ae9/11 turn down all of those offers to debate in a controlled environment
with actual engineers and physicists? And why are you stealing money from
your gullible followers……. When any truther can publish a valid,
reviewed paper, get back to me
How is it some people still can’t figure out building 7 collapsed from a
controlled demolition? Richard Gage explains this without a doubt in his
“he set the charges-set, boom, it collapses” ( you can also hear at that
same time on the radio: “into the dive hole!” as you can hear the
explosion…..) “he came back twenty minutes later looking like a three
stooges movie all covered in plastic I swear to god” Man 2 “do yah got good
Sh*t in there?” “that’s good Sh*t”. “don’t look back there” Man 2
“Who-hoo-hoo-hoo” “allllriiiight” (inaudible)“come on back?” anyone have
audio enhancing software? Help!
The uploader is a shill. The reason we don’t hear explosions on ANY of the
WTC demolitions is because they were brought down by
nano-thermite/thermonuclear devices.
@chuck3377 This paticular video has always played fine for me, but I do
have one, the first minute of which, always plays choppy, even with a 9 MEG
connection. In times past, sometimes a re-boot seems to allow a stopping
video to play through. It doesn't always help though, as noted. Thank you
for attempting to view the video and for the comment. Take care brother, ric
ohhh god, you wouldnt have to keep rewinding to try and here an explotion
if there was explotions evryone would here them loud and clear, this video
dont prove shit, im so shocked when i read a few comment and they are like
“wow clear evidence” or “wow should not ignore this info” lmao really? this
video proves nothing at all
They got to be paid for trolls or the dumbest people on the planet. You got
over 2000 architects and engineers say the government narrative is
impossible. You got two planes that totally disappeared at their crash
sites you got at least five black boxes they can’t find. you got to three
buildings that collapse due to fire and all these different events happens
on 9/11, 2001 for the first time in the history of the world. How stupid
are you. not to mention 757 going through 16′ hole.
When Popular Mechanics published their article David Von Kleist challenged
the publisher to a debate publicly. He declined. Why?
so what are those flashing lights in the ReAL CD Dick Gage?….why did
ae9/11 turn down all of those offers to debate in a controlled environment
with actual engineers and physicists? And why are you stealing money from
your gullible followers……. When any truther can publish a valid,
reviewed paper, get back to me
Your comment proves your deaf, or extremley ignorant. Possibly both
How is it some people still can’t figure out building 7 collapsed from a
controlled demolition? Richard Gage explains this without a doubt in his
“he set the charges-set, boom, it collapses” ( you can also hear at that
same time on the radio: “into the dive hole!” as you can hear the
explosion…..) “he came back twenty minutes later looking like a three
stooges movie all covered in plastic I swear to god” Man 2 “do yah got good
Sh*t in there?” “that’s good Sh*t”. “don’t look back there” Man 2
“Who-hoo-hoo-hoo” “allllriiiight” (inaudible)“come on back?” anyone have
audio enhancing software? Help!
The uploader is a shill. The reason we don’t hear explosions on ANY of the
WTC demolitions is because they were brought down by
nano-thermite/thermonuclear devices.
Your hearing the central supporting structure collapsing.
GREAT VIDEO! Very hard ignore this information.
Great upload,especially all the added links in the information box. nice
work .
@chuck3377 This paticular video has always played fine for me, but I do
have one, the first minute of which, always plays choppy, even with a 9 MEG
connection. In times past, sometimes a re-boot seems to allow a stopping
video to play through. It doesn't always help though, as noted. Thank you
for attempting to view the video and for the comment. Take care brother, ric
ohhh god, you wouldnt have to keep rewinding to try and here an explotion
if there was explotions evryone would here them loud and clear, this video
dont prove shit, im so shocked when i read a few comment and they are like
“wow clear evidence” or “wow should not ignore this info” lmao really? this
video proves nothing at all
i dont hear anything
You can clearly hear the explosion.
keeps on freezing and wont load for me, must mean you did a good job on the
presentation of this video