Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 –

Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 AE911Truth’s new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7…

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  1. Actually, who cares who is to blame for this or any other so-called "conspiracy"… the FACT remains that these events have *all* been used to take away our freedom! We can no longer fly without someone shoving their hand in our pants, the guv can search our houses without a warrant (even when we are not home), etc. Do some research and stop pretending like everything is "just fine" to make yourself feel better. "As in the days of Noah…"

  2. Could you provide me a list of the 'over 200,000 other a&e's' and how do you know for a fact they've studied this evidence? When? Where. What materials? I'm genuinely curious.

  3. We have investigated and the evidence for controlled demolition is conclusive. Watch Blueprint for truth and Experts speak Out.

    The call for an official investigation is the legal option in our system of government but it will not happen until the case is presented and won in the court of public opinion.

  4. They like their life just the way it is. Thats the only reason.Just like rock-stars ,movie-stars, if you wanna be on TV. Then you say as your told or your not on TV. I hope this puts some balance in your belief.

  5. 200,000 who don't have the balls to go through their cognitive dissonance and face the truth eh'?
    Whatever gets you through the night.

  6. That would make sense, except ask a random person how many buildings were brought down on 9/11 and they will say two. Nobody gives a crap that T7 fell. It was never part of the pro-war propaganda. Bringing T7 down is completely unnecessary and just risks the mal-doers being caught.

  7. Beats me.

    Have you seen the "9/11" episode of Lone Gunmen?

    It's almost as if the people who planned it broadcast their intentions ahead of time to the world so as to laugh at all of us or something.

    Assuming of course it was planned by insiders.

  8. I would like to see your comments in regard to Dimitri Khazelov's evidence regarding 911. You architects and engineers would have access to the WTC Demolition Plan that was submitted in order to gain building permit?

  9. I really wonder how much evidence do people need to believe the obvious… sometimes I feel like I am in favor of the global elite that want to massively reduce the human population… its hard to argue against them when so many people are so stupid and willingly accept there own servitude…

  10. This is less about trying to convince those who believe the offical report, and more about conjuring excuses to refute what you see with your own eyes. It's one of those situations when the truth is so terrifying to think is accurate, you have to grab at every straw just to keep your sanity.

  11. I like how 1600 Architects and Engineers are brave enough to look at the evidence and speak out about it, with risks of being ridiculed and/or losing their jobs or careers due to corporate mass media propagandised, false unscientific stories. When you study all the available evidence, AE911Truth has the best explanation and found the hard evidence you just can't deny.

  12. Hi, have you thought about having a pool of experts to bring counter-arguments on the site, in order to provide some cognitive dissonance and persuade people to weigh the evidence without running the risk of "being led" by strong corroboration?

  13. grazie,
    "I'm confused though, why would they make it a controlled implosion?"
    Asking speculative questions is a denial technique. Another is "It can't be because …"

    Deal with the facts. WTC 7 fell at free fall acceleration for about 100 feet. If you understand what that means then you know that it could only have been a controlled demolition. If you can't figure that out you will be forever "confused".

  14. I take it you mean "explain." The explanation is simple. Terrorists are the only people who use truck bombs. Terrorists who wired truck bombs on the day and at the site of the Twin Towers had a high probability of being involved. When you consider that one of the vans had a mural of the Twin Towers and a plane crashing into it; then the probability reduces to one. So here is a question that needs to be asked. Why didn't the US invade ersatz israel?

  15. I kook at this video, and I wonder if at least part of the equation could be shoddy construction in the 1970s? It would not have been the first time… I think that the collapse of the WTC (even the north and south tower) was a disaster that was bound to happen… But one MUST be open minded about a planned catastrophe…

  16. There are only about 23 qualified people (other than the people who wrote the NIST and FEMA reports) that support the official collapse theory.

  17. I like how theres like 1,600 Architects and Engineers, and yet you completely miss out over 200,000 other architects and engineers who disagree.

  18. for building 7, they did the next best thing.. not mention it in the media at all. Unlike the pentagon strike, there were many cameras that captured building 7's collapse. The cover story of the towers was planes hit it making it fall 11 floors a second pulverizing into dust. They didn't have a cover story for building 7, so they omitted it out of the original 911 commission report.

    For the 2008 NIST report, they said normal office fires made the entire structure fall in 6.5 seconds. All lies.

  19. PunjabiSikhRajput1 · Edit

    Only americans are stupid enough to believe whatever the government tells them… also the government loves you and want whats best for you… keep drinking your tap water, eating your processed foods, and taking your vaccines… while your at it take some psychotropic drugs while your at it…

  20. People still think that 9/11 was done by "terrorists" … It's like believing that Santa comes on Christmas and leaves you presents.

  21. Don't make assumptions about others' intelligence based on a difference of opinion. I know who the Rothschild family is. No single family or bank "owns" the Federal Reserve. MOST of the Rothschild family is not even involved in banking anymore! The Rothschild firm never REPORTED that Napoleon had won. Others ASSUMED that based on the selling of stocks by the Rothschild firm. And NONE of that has anything to do with 9/11. So, again, what do the Rothschilds have to do with any of this???

  22. The hijackers were in caves? Really? Even the ones who had master's degrees and lived in Germany? Even the ones that traveled to the US for flight training?

  23. That didn't really answer my question, which was about the method, not the decision to do it (which would make sense, to rope the country into war.) If you were going to do something like this you would want to do it in a way that deflects suspicions that it was planned, so why would you do a controlled demolition as opposed to just blowing the buildings up?

  24. rt.c o m/news/chechnya-tallest-building-fire-280/ – The blaze that had engulfed the tallest skyscraper in the North Caucasus region of Russia, has been put out, leaving the building almost completely destroyed. THE WHOLE BUILDING WAS NEARLY IN FLAMES! DID IT COLLAPSE? HELL NO. PEOPLE WAKE UP. 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB. I know it's hard for you people that believe our government would lie to you, but you better wake up and realize they couldn't give a shit about you.

  25. PunjabiSikhRajput1 · Edit

    Still believe it was 19 men in caves in afghanistan that blew up all these buildings in 9/11? Only an American would believe in something that stupid…

  26. The fact that another investigation has not happened or probably will not should be the biggest Tell…
    How many times was the Kennedy Assassination investigated?


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