Amazing Technology – 9/11: Why the WTC7 Building Collapsed

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted an extensive three-year scientific and technical investigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, col…

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19 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. bahaha omg this video is retarded. these idiots don't deserve to be alive
    anyone with 1/4 of a brain knows this is demolition. fire???? O M G. how r
    these criminals not arrested???

  2. And therein lies the problem with truthers. They apply schoolyard, "looks
    like a duck" logic to complex engineering and structural phenomena. Thanks
    for illustrating that point for those who have actually researched this and
    reviewed the relevant documentation. Hopefully your daughter will grow up
    with better critical thinking skills than you have.

  3. Your 11 year old is a structural engineer and expert on controlled
    demolitions? Sad that your kid will have to grow up in a house with a
    paranoid, delusional parent.

  4. And this is the problem. You are literally saying 'Hah, My child knows X'.
    Yes. She's a child. Child believe a lot of stupid shit. But you're *proud*
    of your child believing in stupid shit. And apparently you believe your
    child more than the people who actually know what the fuck they're doing.
    Have fun in your own personal 'mental prison', Where everything is a
    conspiracy, the lizard people control the world, and that guy who flipped
    you off the other day was totally an illuminati agent.

  5. you must be delusional that this building just fell down without added
    destructive forces and NO a fire doesn't make any structure fall straight


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