alex jones, BBC predicted building 7 falling well in advance About Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (Scholars) is a non-partisan organization co…

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  1. Do you think this video is evidence of anything? Do you know that the firefighters predicted 7 would fall by 2 pm that day? That's why nobody died; the building of cleared of any people and a collapse zone set up. That's why a news story coming down the wire was misunderstood to mean that 7 had already collapsed when it hadn't. Any major event is going to have outright mistaken reports in the early stages of reporting.

  2. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    Everyone keeps saying this, and so far, people have either provided me with evidence that is in no way solid proof, or have downright refused to offer me any (the latter being more frequent). I, too, like to have evidence (bearing in mind that EVIDENCE is not the same as PROOF), hence the content of this video.

  3. Okay. Cult-like then. You believe in things for which you have no evidence and that have been demonstrated to be false. Call it a religion then if you like. In any case, you're brainwashed. I like to have evidence for the things I believe in.

  4. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    By definition, a cult involves worship, and more often than not, religion. I'm anti-religious and no truth seeker worships anyone with relevance to research of events like this. So, no.

  5. But of course you're impenetrable to facts…
    Who told me OBL declared war on the US? Ummm, OBL did. Read his declaration of war, FFS.

  6. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    If you referred to the Hillsborough Justice Campaign as an example of a situation that has a group of witness and victims… then you mistake me for someone who believes that every single disaster is a conspiracy.

  7. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    First, I guessed that you would simply refer to the fact that I demonstrated the point you believe you made – you had no other response. Taking personal opinions and analysis out of the situation, nobody, unless docile and/or closed-minded, can deny that hearing someone say something on TV does not automatically make it true. Also, why did you reference the Hillsborough Justice Campaign?

  8. "To quote you directly…"that is all very interesting but it has nothing to do with 9/11"

    I am discussing the conspiracy mindset in general not 911 specifically.

    "In direct response – the only way to know for sure that the "eye witness.."

    Thank you for demonstrating the point I was making. See how you have already fictionalised away information you don't want to hear.

  9. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    To quote you directly, in regards to an example based on 7/7… "that is all very interesting but it has nothing to do with 9/11" - (almost a direct quote, minus your grammatical screw-up).
    In direct response – the only way to know for sure that the "eye witness" is an actual eye witness is to get footage from the day of the attack, and that, unsurprisingly, in spite of the immediate media attention, is damn hard to find.

  10. " …think about what makes sense as opposed to just agreeing with the man on the TV screen"

    Yes conspiracy theorist often make statements like this. The irony is that whenever a piece of TV news happens to click with their fictionalised account of events they treat it like the gospel truth.

    Example: some conspiracy theorists like to believe Elvis didn't die and discount that story. But Diana dying works within their plot so the TV is telling the truth about that one.

  11. Alex Jones is your perfect example of a fat fuck redneck Republican. He has a radio show in the USA that does nothing but stir the pot of Conspiracy theories. Every week he's jerking off some new theory to his ready made audience who classify him as a good source of information.

  12. "You have taken the phrase out of context. It is a "waste of time" explaining it to YOU because you are pre-programmed to reject the evidence.

    Example: eye witness recounts her traumatic survival of 7/7 attack.

    Conspiry-nut response: she can't be telling the truth because I know the truth. Therefore she must be a government agent doing a false flag. If they need false flag operations there MUST be a plot.

    I am bound facts and evidence. Whereas you can resort to fiction.

  13. Truthers of the world UNTIE

    Its all bat shit crazy if you ask me. To be honest with you i was totally open minded when all this stuff went down. I started looking in to all of the claims. One after the other.

    There is nothing to support any of this nonsense. And if these stories had an ounce of credibility?

    There WOULD be things to support them. There isn't. And that is not going to magically change one day…………down the road.

    Its not getting "BETTER" with time

  14. So your argument is that Tupac was murdered by the cops (really?).

    ipso-facto the entire security, legal, academic, government, emergency services, media, military and policing infrastructure of the United State should be assumed to be corrupt.

    In the same way that I only have to know one black person who has committed a crime for it to be possible that all black people are criminals?

  15. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    I absolutely agree, people are docile all over the world – the same things are happening here in the UK, with situations such as the 7/7 London Bombings… people are a) too scared to acknowledge the truth and b) too scared to unite, thus this planet will not improve and people will continue to complain about it!

  16. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    Who told you that Bin Laden declared war and Islamists targeted WTC? Was it the media of your own country, by any chance? Given my beliefs on 9/11, that's hardly going to tip me in the opposite direction.

  17. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    No, it doesn't, but it can't be explained – it only takes one dodgy situation for the possibility of all of them being dodgy.

  18. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    Pre-programmed, you say? Well, I haven't believed in this stuff all my life, so that's clearly ridiculous. As for refusing to supply evidence because you're "wasting" your time… it would appear that you had time to construct a response after reading my comment.

  19. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    If you refuse to listen to the majority of the stuff that truth seekers talk about and use your own brain to piece things together, then of course it won't make sense. One measly piece of information on its own is going to sound "loopy" by anybody's standards – the realisation kicks in when you pull your arse out of your head and really think about what makes sense as opposed to just agreeing with the man on the TV screen. The world will not change because people will not unite.

  20. No psychic abilities needed. It had al-Qaeda fingerprints all over it–multiple simultaneous attacks, OBL declaring war, Islamists targeting the WTC in 1993, etc..
    Must I continue?

  21. What's building 7? Is it the one between 6 and 8? Who is Alex Jones? Isn't he the guy that got those people to drink cyanide kool-aide?

  22. I'm not sure if it's amusing or saddening how people get terrified when the unfortunate reality begins to piece together and make more sense than the Kool Aid

    In the case of the Truth movement it is just sadness. Pathetic sadness actually. Absolutely nothing supports the nonsense you people talk about. But you keep going like one day.. something is magically going to show up.

    Its not.. Its been over ten years and the "TM" is being swept in to the dust bin of history.


  23. No, she knew because the Government knew. Surely you're aware that the news reporters are told by the Government what is to go in the news, in general?

    What a stupid comment!! We don't live in Russia!!

  24. "…merely the fact that many people will have seen who killed Tupac, it was in Vegas, outside, in front of a Hotel, yet they "couldn't" tell us who it was – "

    That is all very interesting but its has nothing to do with 911.

    2 months ago the body of Richard III was discovered we now know how he was killed and who killed him. He had been missing for 500 years.

  25. "the reporters will lose their jobs…."

    So President Nixon wanted Woodward and Bernstein to repot the story that forced him to leave office?

    "- it is not the situations that I am comparing, "

    You did compare them, and you just did it again.

    "Could I have an example of this evidence you speak of?"

    No, I'm not wasting my time. You are pre-programmed to dismiss the mountain of evidence implicating OBL as part of the conspiracy.

  26. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    In reference to the first quote – the reporters will lose their jobs if they don't report what the Government want them to report.
    Second quote – it is not the situations that I am comparing, merely the fact that many people will have seen who killed Tupac, it was in Vegas, outside, in front of a Hotel, yet they "couldn't" tell us who it was – apparently with this they didn't need an investigation and their psychic abilities were correct. Could I have an example of this evidence you speak of?

  27. "No, she knew because the Government knew"

    Sure telling journalists is a great way of keep a top secret black-ops mission secret 😉

    "Surely you're aware that the news reporters are told by the Government what is to go in the news, in general?"

    So does the Obama administration tell Fox News to rip into the Obama administration on a nightly basis?

  28. Nope, there is plenty of evidence that Bin Laden did it.

    "reporter who wants to keep their job gives a name… "

    Sorry I have no idea what this sentence means.

    " Tupac's death"

    Is not a useful comparison.

    "they knew as soon as the planes hit that it was Bin Laden?"

    No, they only suspected Bin Laden at that stage. He had the means and motive to carry it out and a track record of atrocities.

    They confirmed it was Osama later on, and he wasn't exactly shy about it.

  29. The journals are not published by the Government. They are private in house fire fighting magazines. Read in the fire halls.

    The conspiracy stuff is retarded nonsense for idiots and morons. The fire dept assessed 7 with their own structural Eng's. The building was so badly damaged it was not worth defending. It was evacuated and permitted to burn. They fully expected it to collapse.

    And its old news.

    Move on sweetie.

  30. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    The problem with the journals is exactly the fact that they were conducted AFTER September 11th – it's very, very difficult to find genuine footage containing interviews from that very day, because the press is free until the Government get onto it. After the first 24 hours or so, the only stuff that would get published is anything the Government were comfortable with being published. When the Government "screw up", people just think they're idiots, but they're not. They know what they're doing.

  31. Honey? Go and read the fireman journal interviews. These are not Government documents. They were conducted for fire fighting magazines after Sept 11th. Debriefings on the events. They are in house fire magazines that the guys get in the halls.

    The fire dept were well aware of the buildings situation. It was cordoned off and simply allowed to burn. They were expecting it to come down by 2pm. It fell at 5.

    More than 6 reporters all reported this fact BEFORE it fell.

  32. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    No, she knew because the Government knew. Surely you're aware that the news reporters are told by the Government what is to go in the news, in general?

  33. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    I'm not sure if it's amusing or saddening how people get terrified when the unfortunate reality begins to piece together and make more sense than the Kool Aid. Acquiescence is growing strong, it would appear.

  34. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    Exactly, I thought it would be common sense to assume that from a plane hitting a building, only where it was hit would there be sufficient damage… guess there are a few double-figure IQ owners out there who think they're smart because they took a degree in a subject that the Government allowed them to.

  35. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    Neither is there any proof, not even any evidence, that Bin Laden was the slightest bit involved – yet a reporter who wants to keep their job gives a name to the world and Bob's your uncle. All the witnesses to Tupac's death and they supposedly couldn't find his killer, yet they knew as soon as the planes hit that it was Bin Laden? No.

  36. Why do you care about the BBC when 5 or 6 American news stations and reporters all reported BEFORE 7 came down that it was in imminent collapse. Why care about one when half a dozen said exactly the same thing..

    That's illogical.

    The fire dept were simply waiting for 7 to come down. This is OLD news. Dan Rather reported this. Scott Pelley of CBS reported this. So did a half dozen others. The video is on YT.

    I don't see the relevance of what you're saying.

  37. Yeah.. blah blah. The BBC thing was cleared up years ago. The reporter even explained why that happened. A very innocent honest mix up. I don't really know why anyone gives a flying fuck about this stupid crap when no less than half a dozen other reporters said 7 was GOING to collapse. Not that it HAD collapsed. That it was about to. Ashley Banfield of CNN does a live stand up saying 7 is going to go soon.

    Wow she's a psychic is she?. No. She knew because the fire dept did

  38. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    I don't know for a fact that the FDNY would have had contact with the British news reporters. I do know that this isn't the first time that mainstream media hasn't visually fucked up – I don't know if you're aware of the 7/7 London bombings, but if so, what do you make of the photo of the supposed bombers? Looks very Photoshopped to me. Now, why would they want to do a thing like that? They want us to keep thinking foreign people are the enemy so they can continue to bomb the shit out of them.

  39. XxXHeavenElevenXxX · Edit

    If you watched this video carefully, the very first reporter for BBC said it HAD fallen down, just before the shot in which the following reporter was stood right in front of it, the building not even on fire. Video doesn't lie – reporters who don't want to lose their jobs do.

  40. Hope you enjoy the money and notoriety ….one day Alex Jones you will face Jesus and will pay a price for your garbage slinging

  41. That one that blew it?? Who would that be? Jane Standley. That's old news dude. And she cleared up the miss understanding on this years ago.

    How do you think Ashley Banfield, Scott Pelley of CBS and about 5 or 6 other reporters alll said…

    "Building 7 is going to come down next. The fire dept say they are just waiting for it".

    Because the fire dept WERE waiting for it

    The amount of basic common sense you guys hurl under the bus on all this stuff is quite frankly stunning.


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