9/11 Building 7 – Martin Noakes

Agenda 21 Link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5dvBHTwW4o Agenda 21 Link – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEEgtOFFlM An original music video that explores…

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31 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. It's not a mystery to this day, dude! Building 7 has already been explained by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) P.S. Worst song ever

  2. We know the details of the planning process. Bin laden worked on it for years. What are You talking about ? Can you please show me where this infomation is, because i've seen the info where Osama Bin Laden said in the aftermath of 9:11 that he had nothing to do with it. The last time I checked, Jet airliners fuel wasn't Diesel. Please reply

  3. Narcoleptic Dogstar · Edit

    I like this, but it is funny to me because it's like fucking elevator music with these insane lyrics. how punk rock is that, in a devo kind of way? hahaha, thanks a ton, cheers 😉

  4. Iraq and Afghanistan were only possible BECAUSE of 9/11, just like the American people being conned into the second world war by Pearl Harbour and the Vietnam war by the Gulf of Tonkin (non) incident… Please take the time to look at the P.N.A.C. (Project for the new american century) document and it should become a bit clearer.

    Also look into 'bohemian grove', 'child abuse' & the elite, 'agenda 21', 'vaccinations' and you will be shocked i'm sure.

  5. The dislikers must have cable TV. Shovel after shovel of BULLSHIT crammed into their brains……Common sense and logic???? WTF is that?????

  6. voting thumbs up or down is disabled yet the negative comments somehow appear with thumbs up. CENTCOM is still working the old game plan of trying to control. That's good news because it means they're behind the 8 Ball and it's only a matter of time before the pendulum of popular knowledge swings undeniably on the side of 9/11 Truth.

  7. A 10 year old could pick apart the pathetic 9/11 commission report. I am actually surprised this many sheeple know how to post comments. Nice song noakes.

  8. What I don't understand is why you don't want them to do the investigation?? If they want to do it, leave them alone. Truth is priceless. Let them do the investigation, we'll see the conclusion.

  9. Good video. I feel bad for the brain-washed who still think a 40-50 year old man orchestrated 9/11 from a Cave in Afghanistan on a laptop. LoL

  10. Martin, I've finished the Charlie Veitch 911 song! (ahem)
    I was playing with my Lego tower in bed,
    when something went a-pop-a-pop-a pop in my head,
    I grabbed that tower,gave it chafer chafer chafer,
    and out shot official story blindfaither!
    Binghams mom she made me c-c-cry'
    (I'd shoved a 1/2 an onion in my eye)
    a stone some flour egg and waterbomb,
    physics lesson showed where we was wrong,
    the names Chazza Veitch I'm a sonofabeitch,
    'n dats my song!

    could you put it to music Martin?

  11. HardcoreJungFunk · Edit

    You're quibbling about the truth movement charging a "donation" for DVD's! ha dont make me laugh How else are they supposed to raise awareness if the mainstream media ignore the story?When your precious biased mainstream media bankrolled by the corporate world trots out its own kind of Propoganda which we have to swallow night and day. Mainstream media is definitely NOT objective any more (if it ever was) – wheres all the investig journalism gone? The gatekeepers wont allow it

  12. you're not taking up the invite I note, the silence from the shill monkeys thus far is DEAFENING! Should I take it to your 'organ grinder'?

  13. ae911twoof reach a new low , with the pointless "Occupy Building 7" event, scheduled for 19th November.

    I predict a low turnout of low-achievers, followed by a youtube vid.


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