This video solves the 20 year old mysteries:
NOW, we have a real tool, to stop the chemtrail attack on our planet!
This is a VERY important video, so please download, translate/upload, and forward it to all activists. This is some of the most important information, on the planet, and it must go viral!
Time to roll up our sleeves, and get to work!
Blessings to all!
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The generators of any waste are resposible for that waste. All waste that’s
transported of a special or hazardous nature requires a manifest to
accompany it from the pick up to the disposal site. In theory and under the
law that’s the process no matter who the trasporter is.
Now I know what drug my breathing down so fast!! I used to haul Fly Ash and
pump it into oil pits to dry them up… It wasn’t too long after leaving
that job that my breathing went down hill!! My adopted dad also hauled it,
but he did it a lot longer than I did and he died from respiratory distress
in 1997… No one said anything about this being the possibility, but it’s
pretty obvious since he had to stop driving 2 years before he died… It
was discovered in my lungs in 2004 and my lung doctor cleaned my lungs
then, and again in 2008, both times removing all that was possible at the
time… I haven’t been able to have it done again because my lungs are too
weak to undergo another cleaning… But, this explains it all!!
Of course… OF COURSE! Yes! It all makes sense now! Here I was thinking
all these years that the stooges behind this insanity were reaching deep
into their own pockets to afford the concoction that mucks our skies. But,
nooo… of course they’re gonna use an industrial waste product.. ha, just
as they concocted ways to totally inundate our bodies with fluoride –
another industrial waste product. Those clever little shits. Grrrr…
Well thank you Mr. Haarp Report – you’ve done it again.. you’ve pulled some
real science into this crazy conspiracy, building what may end up being a
paradigm-shift for many. Much appreciate this!
Almost forgot to say, I only found this video by mistake as it wasn’t
showing on my lastest subscription list…….done deliberately by Google?
Bravo for a break in the case. This is news. One additional issue in this
case, I find that the trails appear most suddenly and without any sound of
aircraft actually. On days of illegal spraying the trails will be released
but the sound is muffled, the planes must be outfitted with a silencer (!?)
Is this a possibility in aircraft? To have noise reduction on the engines
so folks don’t notice the planes over their homes, etc?
Last Sunday I was driving Southbound I-5 between Olympia and Portland at
close to sunrise. Just past Chehalis, one can look to the East, and see Mt.
Rainier, and to the South-East, Mt. St Helens. As the sun was just rising,
I looked over and expected to see the sun rising up over Rainier. What I
saw was lines and lines of aerosol trails, obscuring the sun, and the
mountain. I starting wondering. ….when was the last time that I saw a
clear, unobstructed sunrise, or for that matter, sunset? Are these aerosols
attempting to hide something?
Glad your back, I thought we’d lost you for a while
Thank you for your work and research for u tube vids
Bless you
Watch out.. I think Youtube is suppressing views for this video. This is
very powerful information for our cause. Thank you for your dedication to
exposing these highly toxic programs.
In Texas-the bush cartel owns and runs the centerpoint–google
search major shareholders and corporate officers–WHEN will these guys be
held to account–never as long as everyone takes their money-from
childtrafficking, from dirty drugs, from bankster debt schemes and all
their owned state and local politicians-as well as federal government which
they own as well…With a Hillary vs Jeb upcoming election–guaranteed Bush
cartel will destroy the entire surface of the planet. Pray for their own
sake as well as everyone elses that they are stopped before it is too
late.They are a mess and even THEY know it.
Please Share!
New information.
Important. Watch.
Must share this far and wide.
I’ll mirror to spread the knowledge.
With full credit naturally Brother.
I follow Chemtrails closely everyday on the road and by research.
Shared, The Chemtrails continue in Souther Ca. Seems like the trails now
are longer and are less visiable. They seem to dissapear faster then
This makes sense, the oil and gas industry uses flyash in cementing, which
is the same thing as coal ash as you pointed out and there is an extreme
shortage of the material available for cementing.
This video solves the 20 year old mysteries:
We know what they r that’s no longer the question. How to stop them is the
Thank you for posting this. Is this presentation something that you
created; or, is it uploaded from somewhere else?
Superb report, thank you!
excellent work, and thanks for that early heads up. I’m thinking about
doing a video on vaccines and how I think they are linked to adults having
adolescent behavior. we can see how everyone is acting like dumb children
but no one knows why. i think it’s the organic mercury compound used as a
preservative in vaccines. it’s fat soluble so it can break the blood brain
barrier where it then slows down and sometimes stops blood flow in the
brain. I’m also going to experiment with generating electricity. cheers
Please watch and share, very good presentation and very informative.
Thank you and keep up the peaceful fight for freedom and justice.
It is wonderful to have such an enormous new DOT! Love and thanks for your
work, and so great to see such a number of great comments when this has
only been up a day. Times are changing, and exposing this will help expose
so many other atrocities that are flying under the radar of the average
person. This is NEWS.
This is why those bastards spray in summer. This also means that HAARP is
a different beast and can alter weather without the spray. Sounds like two
separate major problems we have. Time to find the HAARP machines that
alter weather than we can go after the planes.
Please be advised that PBS is not our friend! Proceed accordingly and with
caution regarding the recommended PBS documentary on activism. In China,
they have card readers so they can collect the identity of everyone at a
protest, then go collect them from their homes in the middle of the night.
Could that happen here?
“We [the Zionists] have it all under such control that no one — no one or
no-body can [reach] people unless it is done through our media control.
(Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century? Chairman of ABC
Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS; James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS;
David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC; Fred Silverman, President of PBS;
Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time; Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News &
World Report; Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones; Warren H.
Phillips, Editor of Newsweek; Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide;
Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times; Sulzberger family; TV
program producer, Norman Lear. These and more all are Zionists!) We have it
sewed up!” – Harold Wallace Rosenthal from the Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Interview 1976 .
It is more than dumping waste. We r in the midst of the Biggest Malthusian
depopulation perhaps in the entire history of humanity. We r in epic flood
Thanks, u have worked so hard to show us these details, we appreciate ur
They’re dumping whatever they want on us. I believe they are dumping
fracking waste.
In my research of this , the claim is that the ash is being used as fill at
airports in lined and capped off areas. It is important to find out if in
fact it is being put into tanks and loaded onto planes for dispersal into
the air. To make a clear case thi smust be proven and documented.
So instead of spraying it into the air they spray it into the air?
“QE” Generator’s sound great but aren’t the free lunch they are cut out to
unless you like “Pie in the Sky” ! It looks like if we are to save the
stop buying electricity… and buy a mule .
dear sir beacon. this is ground breaking news . of course i,m sharing this
video. with this information we just might save our planet and our children
yet. thank you so much . you have given me new hope and new information to
use and share.
I’ve known about this for a very long time and have been jumping up and
down about this since I first saw the white, sticky threads coming down out
of the sky just outside Sedona back in ’86. This has been going on since at
LEAST then, if not before, and not since “the mid 90’s” like most folks
say. It ate HOLES in my (then) girlfriends car paint. I saw it again in Las
Vegas when it covered all the cars in a parking lot in August of ’95. Did
the same thing to my car’s paint job and I still have the car to prove it.
People tried to tell me it was ‘migrating cloud spiders’. Spiderweb silk
does NOT eat holes in polymer paint material. It also does not contain
aluminum, barium and all sorts of other metals. I’ve read online (at Cliff
Carnicom’s site, if I remember correctly) that one analysis showed an
organic component. There have also been reports from several people who’ve
collected samples and looked at them under a microscope that it contained
red blood cells!
I now give ALL the trolls and naysayers who thought I was crazy over the
last 30+ years a one-finger salute.
Reprocessed coal ash is being sprayed? How much gets loaded into each
plane? Is it mixed with the fuel or loaded separately?
Mike, what is your source of certainty on this? Where are the “secret
bases” you refer to. This video leaves many questions.
Also, I don’t know any “career activists”, as you said ” I am pretty upset
with the “career” activists, who never bothered to do this detective work.
Oh, well, I guess they are not as devoted to saving our planet, as I am.” I
do know many people who work hard long hours and days for the good of all
life on Earth, and are very devoted. Appreciate everyone working hard. They
shouldn’t be put down. The only career individuals any of us know are
working from the other side – geoengineers, scientists, gov. officials…
If you unlocked a secret and a solution here, good. Tell us where you came
up with these facts please. Viral status should have verification before
it’s worthy of serious attention. I’m not trying to sound ugly – these are
real questions.