Building a Custom Arcade Cabinet, Part 7

It’s about time! Sorry for the lack of updates on the arcade cabinet project, but after a big delay with technical hurdles and busy schedules, Norm and Wes are back with some progress to report. Wiring and testing of the numerous control buttons continues, plus we turn our attention to the CRT monitor and setting it up to run properly on Windows.

Link to monitor input lag forum database:

More details about input lag testing:

Watch the previous episodes here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

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34 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. 7:00 OMG I CAN HEAR THE ANNOYING CRT FREQUENCY!!! that’s amazing.
    According to my cellphone’s spectrum analyzer, it’s about 15,73khz. I
    thought YouTube supported only up to 14khz audio!
    Edit: yep, wikipedia confirms: 50 Hz/60 Hz CRTs used for television operate
    with horizontal scanning frequencies of 15,734 Hz (for NTSC systems) or
    15,625 Hz (for PAL systems).[53] These frequencies are at the upper range
    of human hearing and are inaudible to many people; however, some people
    (especially children) will perceive a high-pitched tone near an operating
    television CRT.

  2. Please guys- I feel like this started with Will. We all complained that he
    was talking over others, now there’s very few camera features with him, now
    it’s occurring with Norm and his guests. I’m not so sure many have a
    problem with either of you as people. You guys seem genuinely nice and
    you’re pretty cool but for the love of god: stop talking over people. Let
    your guests finish what they’re saying and then retort. If it’s a matter of
    keeping guests on track to offer content we’re interested in try and have
    predetermined ques or pre-shoot meetings about topics up for discussion and
    general flows of the shoot.

    It just seems downright disrespectful when you want to bring another body
    onto the show as a friend or expert and then frequently interrupt or talk
    over them.

  3. John’s Arcade restores old arcade machines. He document the entire
    restoration. Quite entertaining and in my opinion a lot more interesting
    for people who like the practical side of the restoration and build

  4. Sorry for making you wait. In this video we’re just gonna talk and point
    the camera at a few things, but not actually do anything.

  5. Sorry to say, but what a let down.. Here i though this was an update…Just
    finish the thing & then show us please…

    Stuck getting a front-end & games working ?. If so.
    Use hyper-spin, that front end you have isn’t great in comparison..
    A heap of people use hyper-spin..
    Has great support around with a tone of features & a great looking

    Should be good once you figure out all the kinks & get it up & running.

  6. All of the fad with retro arcade games is a nostalgia factor. I’ve fired up
    M.A.M.E. or some other emulator several times in the past. And after a
    short while I’m bored with them, they are old and I’d rather play some
    Assassin Creed or any other modern game instead.
    Don’t meet your childhood heroes, don’t replay childhood games or movies.
    Their gonna lose their “magical” nostalgia feel.

  7. I have been battling with MAME for years. It’s basically a complete
    nightmare getting everything you want working as it should. I’ve been
    wanting to build an arcade cabinet but I keep putting it off in the hopes
    that a better than MAME solution, or at least a significantly improved MAME
    will come out some day.

  8. Why wouldn’t you use a modern monitor. I don’t see any benefits except
    nostalgia i guess. It would be a muck nicer setup. You could even play n64
    or ps1 on there.

  9. About time you nutbags. Glad to see that you have not given up. Built many
    of these. It’s a lot of work but so worth it when you’re done :)

  10. Cocktail cabs look cool, but I would hate too be bending over all the time
    just too play a game, when I build one, it will be a mini barcade cab. 


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