Amazing UFO activity! UFO fleet controls Chemtrails, Sept 2014

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  1. A very nice catch bro’ great filming since you were on a boat, not sure if
    they were monitoring the chem-trails, but one could only hope so,
    definitely a small fleet of UFO craft 🙂 Shared!

  2. This is one of the most interesting videos I have seen lately of any
    channel. My first instinct was ye olde Chinese lanterns as they fly and
    disappear like them but I don’t think Chinese lanterns would glow like that
    in daylight. I’m not sure.
    Then I thought flares but no they don’t move like that.
    Whatever it is you are still a bloody ufo magnet dammit

  3. Il y a aussi cette hypothèse, celle d’un fake…. C’est tellement courant
    et banalisé
    la dispositions des points lumineux me font penser aux dessins de
    constellations du ciel….

  4. GREAT CATCH!! and this is exactly what I saw, voilá: 46 Ufos – Schwarm, Ufo
    Swarm, Lichtkugeln, Plasma? daylight -, Germany 12.7.2014, no fake, MUST

  5. Please don’t be mislead by deception that these things are here to ‘help’
    humanity – they’re NOT. Quite the opposite in fact, and for all you
    scoffers and naysayers, the Bible leaves NO doubt as to where these things
    originate from and what is behind them, but of course, you’ll quite happily
    and fervently believe in ‘alien saviours’ and all the hype surrounding
    these things, but believe in the ONE TRUE God ? “No way !” I hear you
    bleat. You FOOLS !

  6. Fleet of UFOs Recorded On An iPhone Video Above #Normandy

    09/12/14 Report- I was on a yacht with a friend. We were sailing together,
    enjoying the beautiful blue sky in Normandy. I was watching a huge
    Chemtrail and some nice clouds while taking a sunbath, when my attention
    got turned away by something else (I don’t remember). I stopped watching
    the sky for some minutes.

    When I stared at the sky again, I slowly noticed some strange little dots
    of light near the huge Chemtrail. As always, I got my iPhone in my pocket
    🙂 So I immediately took it and recorded what I could. After checking on
    my PC screen, I counted seven white objects slowly descending inside the
    trail, and also disappearing behind it. It seems the huge orb is am the
    mothership “leading” the fleet.

    ► I have 3 hypothesis:

    – These are parts of meteors falling down. (rare phenomenon in daylight!)

    – These are spy drones / military devices, controlling – watching the
    trails (maybe to analyse them)

    – These are UFOs = unidentified flying objects – controlling and monitoring
    these trails.

    What do you think? I’m pretty confused on this one. This type of sighting
    is pretty recurrent where I live, I’ve been seeing these thing hundreds of
    times, and sometimes I could record the most impressive ones. (like this

    ► Feel free to comment and tell me your opinion. I’ll mostly reply to
    constructive comments!

    Type ➫ Lights
    Scale ➫ Unknown
    Duration ➫ 45 seconds
    Color(s) ➫ White
    Light(s) ➫ Yes
    Speed ➫ Slow
    Filmed with ➫ iPhone 5S

    Filmed by me from the sea in Normandy, France, September 2014.

    Let us know what you think by commenting below.

  7. you say u film all of this yourself, but this ship has a french flag,
    another one u filmed before (the swarm mentionned below in a link to a
    german vid) comes from Germany.

    There’s also some filming near a golf Course in America and ur stationary
    camera in the states too i believe.

    How do u do to film all that yourself ? U teleport by magic everytime a UFO
    appears on Earth ?

  8. Our governments, or better, our enemies are adding something very unholy on
    these contrails. Should we say something like human blood? These white
    orbs, I am beginning to think are not evil but Angels taking care of these

  9. I don’t buy the chem-trail argument so I’ll call them vapour trails…the
    lights seem much higher that the vapour trails and a long way off. They
    also seemed to go behind the vapour before disappearing and yes one seemed
    to be flashing. There you go…no editorialising (what if’s and supposes),
    I still don’t know what that was a display of, UFO”S?

  10. Ils sont tous les jours au dessus de nous, dans nos nuages, en grand
    nombre, ils passent très vite, mais je les voient, ils sont nos amis…
    sa c est se que je ressent au fond de moi ,, regarder , ils passent vite
    mais vous pouvez voir l ombre de la trajectoire , les arrêt brutaux, et les
    changements de direction . C est tellement Visible maintenant, que je suis
    surprise que personne ne remarque ca . et sur toutes les vidéos que je
    trouve sur youtube, ou les nuages sont filmés, je les voient aussi…alors


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