01/01/2014 SOUND of HARRP WEAPON IN ACTION NEW YEARS DAY Leslie Jones October 20, 2014 40702 Commentshttp%3A%2F%2Fconspiracytheorytruth.com%2F01012014-sound-of-harrp-weapon-in-action-new-years-day%2F01%2F01%2F2014+SOUND+of+HARRP+WEAPON+IN+ACTION+NEW+YEARS+DAY2014-10-20+04%3A18%3A30Leslie+Joneshttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.conspiracytheorytruth.com%2F01012014-sound-of-harrp-weapon-in-action-new-years-day%2F You are looking at ALCOA Primary Metals, Massena West Plant. call them tell them to shut the Big Infra sound engine off ! and ask for the log Book and instal… (Visited 19 times, 1 visits today)
Keren Chadwick October 20, 2014 at 4:45 am · Edit If I lived there I would be very scared & wish I go around and DESTROY all of these environmentally scarring machines !!! Reply
If I lived there I would be very scared & wish I go around and DESTROY all
of these environmentally scarring machines !!!
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