UFO (ORB) Fires Its Gun into Chemtrail!! Twice!!

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48 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Stratos H D – I need a company who want to associate their products with
    me. Like Alien Skateboards or something like that. It could be any company
    as long as they are not interested in changing what I am doing. And how I
    am doing it.


  2. Martin-G-Tattoos – One of many objects I did not track in this clip. It is
    either falling cotton junk or a sky fish or and orb. Not sure.

  3. I was sent a link yesterday showing an orb in a yard that comes up to the
    camera and I cannot find it now. Can someone provide that link for me?
    Thank you.

  4. Very nice capture! I see other things flying by this orb… is it more
    likely orbs have guns? Or that other orbs are flying on the same line at a
    faster speed & different altitude. Hard to judge depth perception in shots
    like this… thx for the share 

  5. Very special catch. As we call them orbs they are not at all, friendlies
    need no bio-alloy crafts, they travel by thought as a projection. Think of
    it as you and your entire conscious wrapped in a cocoon of highly ionized
    particles “in this case”. The being projecting in our atmosphere was not
    shooting because he resides inside his own time and space, like a force
    field sort of speak. Melamin in our prism of 7 layers causes the arc effect
    you see, this is made when H2O, metals, space dust and other chemical
    particles come into contact with this cocoon. We see it as a shot, it is a
    magnetic ripple polarizing the melamin pouring into our compressing
    atmosphere. Subscribed, thank you for catching this on video. 

  6. That is very cool! Hard to see them doing something in the chemtrail until
    you expertly pointed it out. Hey, check out my UFO videos sometime. I
    have one where a UFO stops dead in its track and interacts with me.

  7. They firing http://www.google.co.uk/patents/US2963975 They are with the
    chemmers , just the chemmers and everyone else dont know…THEY ARE UFOS
    RUN lol . I seen several hundred of these in umpteen years . Things are far
    from what the projected tv trance , I have pic of a creature sat in one of
    the pods . They work with military/ over see everything , dont think 99.99
    % not know . They also leave chems , 90 degree ones also . Peace . Great
    vid by the way 

  8. Whoa! I hope they’re friendly? They can’t be much worse than the scum we
    have ruling us now! That’s some of the best UFO footage I’ve seen, well
    done Crrow!

  9. I’m a new subscriber and I as you share the same views , thank you for the
    great work you do , and I really appreciate your honesty , it’s hard to
    find that lately ! 

  10. I’ve watched a video that talked about how extraterrestials are working to
    counter these chemical spraying programs. Maybe that’s them….

  11. That orb looks like it may be analyzing the chemicals using a ‘projectile
    pulse wave’ type emitter. I would imagine chemical analysis would be done
    outside the craft as apposed to drawing in samples to avoid contamination
    issues. Maybe the pulse contains micro processors to examine the chem

  12. Is it possible this is a NATO drone unit of some kind which is injecting a
    new chemical mix into these wretched chemtrails?

    Here in the UK, NATO drench us with chemtrails from 05:30 all day to 20:30
    hours. And I wouldn’t put anything past these utter bastards

  13. I’ve been photographing small objects in chemtrails for years — they
    normally resemble black “barrels” for lack of a better description, and
    most of the time they seem to be analyzing the trail’s contents.

  14. ok. now I am stunned. what the hell is going on in our skies ?. are they
    shooting out neutralising objects or probes to analyse the chemicals ?. 

  15. At 2:03 you get a Second similar Object falling to the left much faster.

    Also, do they ever go “UP”? That is, against gravity or quite ‘falling’?

  16. I don’t think they are shooting the chemtrails. That’s identical to what I
    saw and I think whatever they are it looks like they are scanning or
    sampling the cloud. Maybe to determine what they planes are spraying. But
    it looks like they are scanning or taking samples.

  17. Don’t see anything! You wanna tell me that little dot is a UFO? come on get
    real! It’s probably a drone! Not saying there aren’t any flying saucers!
    Even the Nazis had them!

  18. Congratulations on another brilliant first-time capture of an event.
    Looking forward to all of your upcoming posts! You continue to be the
    epitome of a sky hunter and I hold you in the highest esteem for
    that. Thank you.

  19. at 1:49 in the lower center something moves very quickly away from the orb
    . However the angle is such it’ might be a separate object moving away from
    the orb. It might not be shot from the orb itself.

  20. The orbs are the planes, too, it’s a shape they make. The planes are not
    real airplanes, they are the orbs shape-shifting into a plane, or
    projecting the shape, but the orbs are doing it.

  21. Absolutely amazing footage! And great channel!

    I’ve captured UFOs in chemtrails before, but nothing like this. A very well


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