Pilot Forgets to Turn Off Chemtrails! (Debunked)

Another viral YouTube video purporting to show a pilot forgetting to turn off chemtrails as a plane comes in to land is another example of how baseless consp…

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  1. This doesn’t explain anything. I used to live beside an airport as a child
    and NEVER saw this ‘phenomenon’ before, EVER! Why are you trying to
    is it because you work for Alex Jones who does not like to be questioned
    about certain things and blocks those who do. We have SEEN pilots turn on
    and off chemtrails MID FLIGHT! Those trails in that video did NOT
    disappear!! You’ve been on the ‘debunking’ wagon for some time now Paul,
    not your style, has Alex gotten to you?

  2. This doesnt mean chemtrails are not real at all as there are videos showing
    planes actually spraying chemicals while in the sky.

  3. Great video, I agree that this video is just a contrail. It’s disturbing to
    me that so many people are too ignorant to realise this.

  4. It’s a chemtrail.There is no wind different pression.The plane is on the
    ground not in the air.The jet left a giant vortex of chemical that is so
    thick and wide that you cannot see through.This Guy is Stupid.

  5. Tell me Mr Watson what exactly would it look like if a pilot did forget to
    turn off the spray apporatis ?well you dont have a answer for that one do

  6. No you are Wrong .
    Your either another shill or you need to go back and study ,
    Your no brain child that’s for sure, and it is obvious to i and many others
    that you know very little on this subject and your credibility
    Is obviously lacking as to your flimsy explanation which is based on
    milarchy… Better go back to school and pay attention this time. Fool
    fuctard you are. 

  7. I was in the Air Force, I became an aircraft mechanic, I then became an
    airline pilot. Chemtrails is just an excuse for fat, lazy Americans to not
    Learn real science and/or physics.

  8. ok this vid is not what the people think it is 🙂
    but what do u mean about all that chemtrail stuff? there no chemtrail`?
    if the sky gets cloudy on a day with a blue sky and the only think that
    makes clouds are airplanes. then i think there is something what is not

    sorry for my english

  9. So,it wasn’t just this one plane that “forgot” to turn off the
    Chemtrails,then? It would have been the next plane & the next & the next
    etc,etc. Every plane that landed at LAX that entire foggy night (every
    foggy night). That’s easy enough to prove then one way or the other. Just
    go out to the airport on a foggy night & watch the planes lands. 

  10. If you think about it, why would the pilot land if he still had chem in the
    tanks? I would say they only land once they run out of chemicals, unless it
    was an emergency of some type. Also, everything done when landing is done
    in a procedure, and it is very unlikely that a trained pilot would forget
    part of this. 

  11. Now that we can use sites like flightradar24 to identify almost all
    aircraft it’s easy to see who the ‘chemtrailers’ are. They’re not secret
    military planes, they’re just innocent commercial airlines going about
    their business. I think the ability to track and identify planes in real
    time will end this chemtrail nonesense once and for all just as the advent
    of mobile phone cameras ended all those shaky 8mm movies of UFO’s. Now that
    everyone on the planet is carrying a camera 24/7 the UFO’s have gotten very
    shy…. ha ha

  12. People who honestly think that Chemtrail’s are hazardous are bonkers!! If
    they had the slightest bit of time to actually research the physics and
    science behind it.. they would quickly realise that they’re not an issue! 

  13. Why isn’t anyone concerned about the amount of pollution these jet aircraft
    put into the atmosphere? That’s something that I’d be more concerned about.

  14. All I know chemtrail attack planes are real, the vortex excuse does NOT
    explain why the trail lingers in the air the way it did.

  15. JessicaAtreides37 · Edit

    Just Google…here’s a BIG! list of people that will drop stuff all over
    the fucking sky!!!!!
    How the hell is a shit load of companies that you can Google and then just
    go and hire a ”conspiracy”? it’s not a “conspiracy” it’s a massive
    business, with thousands of aircraft for hire TO ANYBODY WHO HAS THE MONEY!
    to get a “seeding” project underway!
    “Chem trail conspiracy”…but there IS! no conspiracy, it’s all public
    knowledge for krists sake!!! 

  16. So what are you saying? white unmarked planes aren’t out there doing
    trails? How else would you change the chemistry of the air ? Let me guess
    like the hoky global warming cartoons of chimneys at sea, tinsel silver
    chip sail in space deflecting the sun? GE started weather engineering and
    guess what you may be right about this vid, but now they’ll be able to do
    it on commercial airlines because of you. You are not from this world bro .
    I documented London bad , I mean it’s so low in your face sounds like you
    had some sugar with your medicine lately. Crouch end check it out the vid
    in , “OCCUPY THE SKY”– it’s the most scathing proof with time-lapse in one
    spot. Clouds move contrails dissolve and I got a time-lapse of them
    spraying Crouch end that shuts people up like you ad infinitum. Enjoy your
    ice nucleation field sorry “polar vortex”. can’t deny it TWATSON, BTW knew
    about royals and the facade of nations as a poli sci student in 1989 and i
    got laughed at. I figured it out on my lonesome. 

  17. And this is why the truth movement isn’t taken seriously because people
    believe every plane is spraying crap on them even though it’s just a

  18. Paul’s right, people need to stop being so stupid and putting stupid videos
    on stupid youtube, that’s so stupid when stupid people do something stupid
    like that on the stupid internet, then stupid people view it, making them
    more stupid, reminds me of the stupid man that hung out outside an airport
    airfield in Austin, taking vids of planes taking off and landing, then
    uploads the vids to youtube and calls them DOOMSDAY PLANE!!! or something
    stupid like that. Who was that stupid man again? I think his name was Alex,
    not sure about, I will have to do some resear- yeah it was fucking Alex

  19. Really? You’re gonna include a Wikipedia reference? My lil cousins could
    write more facts than that? That’s gonna debunk the situation?

  20. The triple tic tac toe patterns over my house (EVERY FREAKING DAY) must be
    a “non issue as well. Thanks for clearing that up dip shit!

  21. Thank you for revealing the truth about Contrails. There are many disinfo
    sites such as GeoengineeringWatch.org and Globalskywatch.com who are
    spreading disinformation, pseudoscience, fear and intimidation. If people
    want to find out the truth they should study basic Meteorology. The truth
    shall set you free.

  22. You can’t convince me that they aren’t spraying chemicals in our skies!
    Maybe this was a foggy night vortex. But i’m seeing too many foggy days.

  23. Actually you have just explained the conspiracy, rather than debunked it,
    for one thing, what a nice little bit of science to explain away
    chemtrails, when there is evidence of chemtrails being used in the korean
    war, experiments with biological weapons which were despatched from the
    wings of planes, crop dusters, the list continues and yet, you look at one
    explanation to the contrary and decide it’s not happening.


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