Look This Up On YouTube – “Why in the World are They Spraying?” Documentary ** At the 2013 Atlanta.MusicLibertyFest.com, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force …
When the same people stalk this video every day since April, in an attempt
to discredit me, when I have reputable background and character, should
tell you something. If I’m just so crazy to fabricate a story, wouldn’t I
just be ignored rather than be Web stalked? My loud mouth pushes the
buttons of the establishment and I frankly don’t give it shit, it means we
are exposing this unethical health and environmental crisis.
Keep up the good work kristen. Don’t worry about the paid trolls. They’re
only scum of the earth. These chemtrails are used to stop Russian/ Chinese
spy satellites from spying on us and our military. And, yes, the trails are
poisonous, but the government thinks that it’s more important to block
“enemy” spy satellites from monitoring us than our health. After all,
cancer is big business in the medical profession.
They are creating the drought in the west with these chemtrailz…first
spray metals in the air then use haarp to to heat the metals and dissipate
the moisture in the air/clouds. I have heard them say many times on the
weather channel well that storm dissipated once it reached near coast. Oh
really I wonder why it did.
Many consider her a hero because she has the balls to stand on a podium and
spill her guts. I listened to what she has to say and she hasn’t said a
single thing that really convinces me that chemtrails really exist as this
govt conspiracy. In my book she is misguided. She found some traces of
metals … and she felt a bit threatened by her commanding officer or
seniors … and that’s her proof for chemtrails. I am not convinced … and
her so-called bravery means nothing to me. I believe she is very sincere,
but she is misguided … she is thus sincerely misguided. By the way … I
saw Elvis Presley in Reno last week.
oh no! I’ve worked with people like this before—what a pain in the *&^%,
a new box of copy paper comes in for the photocopier and she sees all kinds
of secretive, nefarious stuff about it, uggghhh!—what a pain for
managers—she sees herself as the righteous person who has to set things
straight when really there’s nothing going on at all, messes up a good work
environment every time with her awe inspiring and highly intelligent
insights and revelations, ugggghhhh!
Does ANYONE know if the book “Cloud Studies” by Arthur Clayden is a real
book?? I’m trying to figure it out, I know it’s supposedly old, from 1905,
but I cant find it in any of my local libraries. And I can’t find reviews
of it anywhere on the internet either, in fact the only review I found was
on Amazon and came from a photographer who thought it was a fake.
Apparently after searching the only place I see it is on the shelf of the
4th floor of the Chicago Public Library. Anyone in the library right now?
This woman is a fraud. She implies global warming is not real. That
automatically discredits her as a credible speaker. Plus, most of her talk
is not backed up with any kind of credible verifiable evidence.
You know what would stop everything? If people stopped. Stop buying period.
Just sit for a week. If you got every American citizen to do that, it would
work. That or get a huge group of snipers to snipe out everyone. But thanks
to 9/11, everything including me asking for a refill of coke, which
is “chemtrail liquid”,
is a national threat. But, considering everyone is brain dead from
chemtrails it’s too late. Going online and to rallies won’t do shit either.
You have to actually do something. We started a war on TEA! Considering we
have too many illegals and such, it just won’t happen. So I’ll continue to
type and make no effort to make a difference; as it does nothing.
Good video. Chemtrails are obvious. Just go out in the early morning and
you’ll see X’s. Since when have clouds been black and low? Since when have
clouds been an almost 2-D flat blanket across the sky that teases you with
blue sky above? Since when has cloud watching been boring with every cloud
looking like “long skinny snakes”?
It’s simple yet people are too comfortable even with our massive inflation,
the world combined. Horray
The main way to change the world would be to stop everything. As doing
something “proactive” will just be throw in the trash by the government.
The government is too big now. It was never suppose to be that way. It’s
gotten out of control. ….I’d rather be in termoil than government
control. I’m already there as I don’t make enough money hourly to hardly
For those of you asking for evidence, my guess would be this: the chemtrail
process is highly guarded and secured making it impossible to get one’s
hands on any evidence unless they have top level access (top secret).
Kristen is credible and has a valid history, but even with all of that she
probably didn’t have authorization in the top secret projects. This is
backed up by her statements that she didn’t even know what she was truly
involved with in her nine years. She probably never had a chance to get her
hands on evidence, which makes sense. I support you, Kristen. Especially
since you are risking everything, like Snowden, to get information out to
us. Information we deserve to know. I have one question: During your time
with the Air Force did you ever hear anything about chemtrails relating to
HAARP, SURA and weather control? I don’t believe in conspiracy theories
until they are proven, but that question begs to be answered by many.
Barium in high doses “affect the nervous system, causing cardiac
irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis”
Aluminum oxide can contribute to Alzheimer’s when absorbed into the body in
Radioactive strontium can lead to bone disorders/diseases, including bone
cancer, in high doses.
** Look This Up On YouTube – “Why in the World are They Spraying?”
Documentary **
At the 2013 Atlanta.MusicLibertyFest.com, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force
Industrial Hygienist / Environmental Specialist gave a ground breaking
presentation of what she had discovered about chemicals known to be in
Chemtrails while serving her Country. Furthermore, she explains why she
left the military after an attempt to silence her from speaking out on
employee exposures from industrial sanding operations. This BRAVE young
lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a
minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this Video and any
other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This
is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well.
“they” are spraying the majority of the population… Why?
It’s curious how little exposure she got when you know damn well that Geo
Engineering is past being a Myth.
I know last year at this time they were spraying here in MN near daily. I
still look up every day and I’m outside a good amount of time too. Nothing
not anything like it was a year ago. Only a couple mornings that I woke up
to what looked like over night spraying.
What I do notice are plenty of cloud types that resemble the clouds left by
the aerosol spray. maybe the upper atmosphere is maintaining a level of
saturation here? I can only guess.
They show the images of what you may have seen elsewhere referred to as
having resulted from HAARP and for allot of folks a wiki page will be
enough explanation.
Now I read a few of you reporting that they are spraying in your area still
and often. So I wonder what the deal is?
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force |
Chemtrail Chemicals
NB: None of the words below are my own, I am re-posting for people to make
up their own minds….. please reshare.
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer Kristen Meghan
Blows Whistle On Air Force & Chemtrails
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force |
Chemtrail Chemicals
April 9, 2013
At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force
Bio-Environmental Engineer gave a ground breaking presentation of what she
had discovered about Chemtrails while serving her Country.
This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood/life on the line for US Please
take a minute to thank her and help US by redistributing this video and any
other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can!
This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well.
“They” are spraying the majority of the population…Why?
Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts
April 2013
By David Richards
Human Pesticide?
In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to
3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the
western world and Alzheimers disease, a condition that is caused by
aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.
If we don’t organize to stop this scourge, we deserve what we get.
There has been an increasing awareness of chemtrails in recent years.
Protests have been organized, movies have been released and whistle blowers
have come forward. Most significantly, former Los Angeles FBI chief Ted
Gunderson made a video denouncing chemtrails shortly before his death in
The heavy spraying began in NATO countries in the late 90s, but today
chemtrails are being recorded pretty much everywhere, from Russia to
Brazil, South Korea to Cuba. This is a program of extraordinary scope and
importance. However, while we know a chemtrail program exists, there is
very little hard information on how it functions and what its goals are.
I have been researching chemtrails and, while I dont yet have the full
picture, I present this information will plug a few holes.
Most politicians are as oblivious as we are. AC Griffin, a former CIA and
NSA operative, says: The monies that go into CIA projects dont necessarily
come from congressional appropriations. The congress as a whole is
completely oblivious to the aerosol program. They are afraid to ask.
People on the inside who oppose the program are punished. One of the key
people who designed the aerosol is now sitting in federal penitentiary.
They still go to him to ask him questions.
Griffin also revealed that former Clinton era Navy Chief of Naval
Operations, Jeremy Boorda, left, was murdered because he opposed the
program. Boorda was found dead in 1996 with three shotgun wounds in his
chest. The authorities were quick to claim he committed suicide, and the
autopsy results were never released to the public.
Commercial airliners are involved in spraying. In the very beginning, the
aerosols were sprayed solely by military planes, but now the program has
been expanded and commercial airliners have been outfitted with aerosol
units controlled by computers and satellites. Photos provide evidence of
this, like this Lufthansa jet flying over the US (below,left).
In the airline industry, the operation is known as Project Cloverfield. In
2000, a high level executive at an American airline revealed his office was
visited by two men from an unnamed government agency:
They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with
others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked
what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us
that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we werent cleared
for itWe were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that
we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.
Delivery by commercial aircraft raises the possibility that many countries
have not given consent to being sprayed, and may be unaware its even
Weather manipulation is a daily occurrence Chemtrails are used in
conjunction with HAARP for geo-engineering (the technical term for weather
control). Much is written about the ability to create disasters like
earthquakes and tsunamis against an enemy, but we dont realize that weather
patterns are manipulated all the time. Scott Stevens was a TV weatherman in
the US but quit his job upon realizing that this was happening on a nigh
daily basis.
Global warming is the cover story for the increasingly severe and bizarre
weather worldwide.
Geo-engineering is used to force GMO crops on the world. Manufactured
floods and droughts damage harvests and put farmers out of business.
Monsanto has the patent for GMO seeds that are drought and flood resistant,
as well as resistant to the poisonous effects of aluminum, one of the key
metals in chemtrails. Any farmer who refuses to grow GMO crops will not be
able to guarantee a good harvest and will go out of business. Even worse,
Monsantos end game is to force what are termed Terminator seeds on farmers
worldwide. These crops dont produce seeds, meaning the farmer has to buy
new seeds from Monsanto every planting season!
Weather Derivatives are chemtrail insurance. You may wonder how the big
players protect their interests from weather warfare. Say, how does George
Soros, who owns thousands of acres of farmland in America, protect his
profits from engineered drought?
Companies use financial instruments to hedge against risk of adverse
weather conditions. They first appeared in the late-nineties, the same time
the heavy spraying started! Michael Agne, a trader at the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, explains how they work:
Youre betting theres going to be a weather disaster within a particular
time-frame, at a particular location, and when it does happen theres going
to be a big pay-off. Obviously, insiders can make big bucks making bets
based on the geo-engineering timetable.
Chemtrails are a soft kill operation Soft kill attacks primarily aim to
disable and weaken the enemy, not kill him. As Dr. Len Horowitz has
explained, wars are an inefficient way to lower population numbers because
they destroy infrastructure. The preferable scenario is to create a sick
population dependent on the military-medical-industrial complex for their
health. In this way, you have population control, make vast fortunes doing
it and keep the infrastructure intact.
Chemtrails are a multi-pronged attack.
Firstly, the metallic salts used in the aerosols are highly toxic and
require our bodies to waste tremendous amounts of energy removing them.
Millions of people cannot do it. In the last ten years, respiratory disease
in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates
have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimers disease, a
condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.
The second thing is the release of diseases. A high placed military insider
claims that bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and placed on fine
filaments for release. The metals released along with the diseases heat up
from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses
to thrive in the air supply.
Third, chemtrails contain nano technological weapons. Surprisingly, this
fact has remained so low-key in the alternative media. It is well proven by
researchers like Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and former government scientist
Clifford Carnicom.
The nanotech consists of genetically modified organisms that are basically
bio-robots. When we inhale them, they take up residence in our bodies and
live as parasites. When the infestation becomes advanced, the individual
develops what is termed Morgellons disease. He is so weak that he can
barely do anything and suffers an array of bizarre and ghastly symptoms:
scabs that dont heal, hair that falls out and is replaced by pseudo hair
and unceasing crawling sensations beneath the skin.
Morgellons is a new condition that has appeared in the last decade – the
same time the heavy spraying kicked in! There are an estimated 60,000+
sufferers in the US alone, and their symptoms are chronicled by the
Morgellons Research Foundation.
There is evidence that the nanotechnology in the aerosols creates
genetically modified red blood cells. Clifford Carnicom has found these
cells in the atmosphere and in the blood samples of most people he tests.
They are quite unlike normal red blood cells; they can grow outside of the
body in a petri dish, survive high temperatures and withstand being doused
in acid. Clearly, this is highly sophisticated bio warfare!
We don’t know for sure what purpose they serve, but the answer may have
been provided by Ray Kurtwell, one of the biggest names in the
transhumanism movement. In a recent speech he said: ‘In the next 25 years
we will have bloodcell -sized devices that go inside your body and keep you
healthy from inside, that go in your brain and interact with your
biological neurons and merge with our biological intelligence.’
When an establishment scientist tells us with certainty that something will
exist, assume that it already does. There is a chance that the ‘blood-cell
sized devices’ that Kurtwell mentioned are the weaponized red blood cells
being discovered, and that mind alteration is currently underway.
How do the perpetrators protect themselves? The Illuminati never launch an
attack without making sure they’re protected first. For instance, President
Bush took an anthrax vaccine two weeks before the anthrax attacks in 2001.
They may drink a solution once a day that removes the toxins from their
bloodstream, or have a chip put in their arm that acts like a tiny dialysis
Many involved in the operation probably don’t know the true agenda. Dr.
Bill Deagle was a doctor at Buckley air force base and claims to have
treated the pilots who were spraying the aerosols, ‘95% of them told me
they were up there spraying to reflect the sun to stop global warming, so
most of them are dumb enough to believe that garbage.’
The Illuminati are vandalizing the skies, as visibly as a graffiti artist
spraying a wall, and yet most of us remain oblivious. Like little else,
chemtrails bring home just how desperate our predicament is.
Despite this, I think anti-chemtrail activism has tremendous potential. The
existence of the operation is easy to prove and we have the testimony of
many whistle blowers. The protest movement can continue to generate
momentum because chemtrails will persist for decades to come.
David Richards, 24, teaches English in Mongolia. He is a regular
Makow Comment- Citizens should form committees in every city to monitor and
photograph chemtrail activity; educate the public and spread awareness; and
to petition politicians and media. The Illuminati positively hate
spontaneous political activity they don’t initiate and control. This is a
great way to increase consciousness about the NWO conspiracy.
First Comment from A:
I took this photo myself after I became aware the chemtrails problem was
real. Hats off to David Richard for his fine essay for Henry Makow,
Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts. It is one of the best I’ve
read. But even three years ago I would have dismissed it as BULLSHIT.
I offer this ~~ my sad chemtrails mea culpa. I didn’t wake-up to the issue
until last spring when a friend brought me Michael Murphy & Paul
Wittenberger’s video documentary WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING. My
friend knew I was hoarse and suffering asthma and finally receptive to his
arguments, but even the video didn’t convince me. What convinced me was
leaving the USA and traveling to the Middle East last July and magically
having my problems disappear. Also a close friend nearly died of asthma and
COPD last spring. These three events finally grabbed my attention and I
became a firm believer in the chemtrails problems.
So don’t get TOO upset if your friends don’t immediately see and understand
the chemtrails problem. It is almost too mind-boggling to believe. It takes
even a truly smart person a while to come around. Not being so bright, it
took me longer.
Second Comment from Annette-
Henry, as regards the article on Chemtrails this morning , I think everyone
should watch this video. It’s even more horrific than anyone could guess.
This video is rather plodding at first for those that are already well
aware of the chemtrails , but the speaker does a great job building her
case to the final conclusion; she demonstrates that this can be nothing
other than a demonic attempt to control every single living thing on the
Kristen, only naive and uninformed people would doubt you. 1) The trails
are blatant all above us. 2) It’s documented (Google it) that the US Air
Force often sprayed chemicals/bacteria on unknowing citizens, i.e., the
bacteria spray on San Francisco in the 1950s. 3) Our govt has a long
history of sick programs, i.e. forced sterilization, aka eugenics in many
states during the 20th century. People need to get informed. In US defense
docs they’ve mentioned geoengineering and weather weaponization. People
need to do their research.
Someone who steps on stage between two concerts and says “do i look crazy?”
is not a reliable source. There’s too much of this “i know this” or “i
heard that” about chemtrails, and that just isn’t good enough. By now
somebody would have broken into a hangar and stolen some parts or some
samples, to have some solid proof of all this. I’m still unconvinced.
I spent 7 years in the Air Force as a journeyman aircraft mechanic and 25
years in the Federal Aviation Administration as an engineering technician.
I would be the first to applaud her for her findings if she could provide a
link between her samplings of hazardous materials in the air and water
around Warner Robbins AFB only IF she could establish the link between the
dangerous chemicals she cites, and how they get into the jet fuel. She only
relates to her commander that her test results came in out of limits. Why?
She claims to have ‘connected the dots’ but she never finishes connecting
the dots after she gets her out of tolerance readings. She assumes that it
came from the jet fuel that was tainted with chemical agents. The picture
above appears to be of Air Force One blasting through the air at maybe
35,000 feet leaving vapor trails from the transition of hot exhaust gases
meeting ambient air temps of -10 degrees. These are not chem-trails. These
are just vapor trails. Why do the linger for so long when we look up in the
air and some of them disappear quickly? If there is no movement of the air
at the altitude that the vapor trails were laid down they will linger like
a cloud. If there is vertical or horizontal movement of the body of air the
vapor trails are left in, they will disperse quickly. Why are there
supposedly so many lingering chem-trails all over the country now? That is
because air travel has increased tenfold in the past 25 years. Watch and
learn for yourself. Some vapor trails disappear almost instantly behind the
aircraft. Some linger for 30 minutes. The ones that go away fast are laid
down in air that contains high altitude winds that disperse it. The ones
that stay are at an altitude that has no current high altitude wind. Simple
logic… Besides, what moron is going to introduce chemicals into jet fuel
and then have it put down over themselves? Again, I don’t disagree with her
findings of her samples. However it is a quantum leap to connect the dots
to assume it came from jet fuel. No wonder her commander threatened her.
She did find bad test results, but provided no link between the results and
what caused them.
on Thanksgiving this year 2013,I was outside with one of my sons. There
were a ton of chemtrails in the sky. I actually saw the trails come down in
the sun, looking like rain fall! I even tasted something chemical in my
mouth, and within about 3 mins, my throat became sore and I had a hard time
eating dinner. I have been feeling ill , with headaches, stomach cramps
A women with more Balls than most men I Know!! This Lady Is an American
Hero!! And A PATRIOT! All You men out there that can see what is really
going on- Take off those lace panties that you are wearing and STAND Up!
where I live no one is wearing masks or oxygen tanks on their backs, I’m
not being told to stay indoors, Spring is here–trees are budding, flowers
are coming out, kids are out playing more and more, people are jogging and
riding their bikes, baseball season is upon us, etc., this lady is just
going thru a phase in her life where this is her thing, in a number of
years she will likely look back and just see it as a trip that she was on
at the time, the adoring, paranoid, enablers don’t help much—just fuel
her trip
OK, so you say, that those guys spray themselves with barium and strontium?
And could you provide details how much of those chemicals (estimate) were
delivered to your base vs. how much have you found on the ground? Sorry,
technical education too and I’m a PPL pilot (not a jet fighter LOL ) and
your explanations don’t ring a bell.
I feel sorry that you lost your job in USAF. I really am. But this speech
doesn’t provide any specific / concrete information. It is just one of many
populist talk.
@ Cullen Sanders: I didn’t originate the idea that Kristen should have test
data- SHE claimed to have specific test data! When asked to show it, she
I have listened to Kristen and in isolation I see nothing wrong with what
she says. Logically one has to ask why an intelligent person such as
herself would put herself in such a dangerous position for anything other
than deep moral conviction. A person of her abilities hardly needs
However as some are saying it is now most important for empirical evidence
to be brought forward in peer reviewed paper to back up her claims also and
I have not been able to locate such a thing yet.
Having said this it seems the widely observed emission trails, often
criss-crossing skies and which visibly dissipate into a type of cirrus like
cloud is a primary evidence which is after all fuelling this whole debate.
For those that say there is no evidence you are suspect or in denial. There
is this most obvious evidence. What it means is where the shortfall of
scientific enquiry exists.
Does everyone on this page see clearly that SHILL, “Kevin Schmidt”, is
using classic STRAW MAN and “character assassination” tactics on this
video? He sought out one of my OLD comments to attack and used the same
strategy, because it is his job to scour videos and harass people. Since
the disinformation shills have no argument and no proof of their own to
dispute any credible documentation about CLIMATE ENGINEERING, they are
using the straw man to make it appear that shedding light on CLIMATE
ENGINEERING somehow means that we are “all for fossil fuel pollution”. That
is the most ludicrous accusation yet. That new approach is a new all time
low for the shills. Kevin Schmidt’s name has been added to the growing LIST
of shills that rampantly attack youtube awareness videos. Incidentally, for
anyone confused, climate engineering is the worst pollution that can exist.
YES we must stop fossil fuel consumption, we must be better stewards of the
planet, yet CLIMATE ENGINEERING is only worsening the already severe
problem! It is the profiteers of dirty energy working with the geoengineers
so that we can keep on consuming oil,gas,coal. THEIR SOLUTION IS TO SPRAY
20,000 TONS OF SULFURIC ACID INTO THE STRATOSPERE, because the aluminum,
barium and strontium didn’t work as well as they had hoped. So, rather than
turning to CLEAN ENERGY, their “solution” is to spray more pollution. I
think we’ve all seen David Keith on Colbert promoting his new book “A Case
For Climate Engineering”. Kevin Schmidt is ridiculous and should be banned
from this video, he’s an obvious troll, a shill that gets paid to attack
awareness videos. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Internet-shill
Shills such as hama neggs, atheist ahole, and KEVIN SCHMIDT are PAID to
scour youtube and attack awareness videos to suppress awareness and public
outcry. They are associated with “metabunk” hired by Mick We$t and it is
their JOB to make negative comments via bullying, character assassination,
ad hominem, straw man, semantics, word twisting and lies, designed to cast
doubt and pull people over to their disinformation sites, metapunk and
contrailpscience both ran by their guru, gaming programmer with no
expertise or education in any field that qualifies him as a “debunker”,
Mick We$t. These TROLLS get hired off of craigslist when they respond to
“forum poster” or “internet blogger” jobs. It’s pathetic that humanity can
be sold for .02 cents per comment. Check other chemtrail videos and you
will see the SAME names over and over all regurgitating their SCRIPTED
HYPE. They’re like viruses plaguing the net, sitting around in their
underwear glued to their laptops attacking everyone that speaks up about
this atrocity in our skies because they have nothing else better to do than
bully awareness videos and contribute to the demise of the planet being the
pathetic cowards that they are. The video poster should delete trolls off
the page as soon as he recognizes their tactics. Those are not real people
engaging in debate, it’s a tactical attack team hired to twist your words,
and twist the truth, so their employers can KEEP ON POLLUTING THE PLANET
Kristen, you are wonderful!!!
Thank you so much for all you do!
If I can be of any assistance I’d luv to help
support and protect and share the truth.
If you’re ever in Phoenix I am at your service.
Take care of yourself…and please eat real and in balance and local.
The food system is a big fraud to say the least.
When the same people stalk this video every day since April, in an attempt
to discredit me, when I have reputable background and character, should
tell you something. If I’m just so crazy to fabricate a story, wouldn’t I
just be ignored rather than be Web stalked? My loud mouth pushes the
buttons of the establishment and I frankly don’t give it shit, it means we
are exposing this unethical health and environmental crisis.
Keep up the good work kristen. Don’t worry about the paid trolls. They’re
only scum of the earth. These chemtrails are used to stop Russian/ Chinese
spy satellites from spying on us and our military. And, yes, the trails are
poisonous, but the government thinks that it’s more important to block
“enemy” spy satellites from monitoring us than our health. After all,
cancer is big business in the medical profession.
They are creating the drought in the west with these chemtrailz…first
spray metals in the air then use haarp to to heat the metals and dissipate
the moisture in the air/clouds. I have heard them say many times on the
weather channel well that storm dissipated once it reached near coast. Oh
really I wonder why it did.
Many consider her a hero because she has the balls to stand on a podium and
spill her guts. I listened to what she has to say and she hasn’t said a
single thing that really convinces me that chemtrails really exist as this
govt conspiracy. In my book she is misguided. She found some traces of
metals … and she felt a bit threatened by her commanding officer or
seniors … and that’s her proof for chemtrails. I am not convinced … and
her so-called bravery means nothing to me. I believe she is very sincere,
but she is misguided … she is thus sincerely misguided. By the way … I
saw Elvis Presley in Reno last week.
Chemtrails are a molehill compared to the planetary destruction being
wrought by the fossil fuel industries.
Once we solve the problem of fossil fuel pollution, the problem with
chemtrails will also be solved.
Get your priorities straight!
Put your efforts and focus on stopping fossil fuel pollution FIRST!
oh no! I’ve worked with people like this before—what a pain in the *&^%,
a new box of copy paper comes in for the photocopier and she sees all kinds
of secretive, nefarious stuff about it, uggghhh!—what a pain for
managers—she sees herself as the righteous person who has to set things
straight when really there’s nothing going on at all, messes up a good work
environment every time with her awe inspiring and highly intelligent
insights and revelations, ugggghhhh!
Kristen you are a very courageous woman. I wish our elected officials had
the same integrity that you do. If
Does ANYONE know if the book “Cloud Studies” by Arthur Clayden is a real
book?? I’m trying to figure it out, I know it’s supposedly old, from 1905,
but I cant find it in any of my local libraries. And I can’t find reviews
of it anywhere on the internet either, in fact the only review I found was
on Amazon and came from a photographer who thought it was a fake.
Apparently after searching the only place I see it is on the shelf of the
4th floor of the Chicago Public Library. Anyone in the library right now?
This woman is a fraud. She implies global warming is not real. That
automatically discredits her as a credible speaker. Plus, most of her talk
is not backed up with any kind of credible verifiable evidence.
You know what would stop everything? If people stopped. Stop buying period.
Just sit for a week. If you got every American citizen to do that, it would
work. That or get a huge group of snipers to snipe out everyone. But thanks
to 9/11, everything including me asking for a refill of coke, which
is “chemtrail liquid”,
is a national threat. But, considering everyone is brain dead from
chemtrails it’s too late. Going online and to rallies won’t do shit either.
You have to actually do something. We started a war on TEA! Considering we
have too many illegals and such, it just won’t happen. So I’ll continue to
type and make no effort to make a difference; as it does nothing.
Good video. Chemtrails are obvious. Just go out in the early morning and
you’ll see X’s. Since when have clouds been black and low? Since when have
clouds been an almost 2-D flat blanket across the sky that teases you with
blue sky above? Since when has cloud watching been boring with every cloud
looking like “long skinny snakes”?
It’s simple yet people are too comfortable even with our massive inflation,
the world combined. Horray
The main way to change the world would be to stop everything. As doing
something “proactive” will just be throw in the trash by the government.
The government is too big now. It was never suppose to be that way. It’s
gotten out of control. ….I’d rather be in termoil than government
control. I’m already there as I don’t make enough money hourly to hardly
For those of you asking for evidence, my guess would be this: the chemtrail
process is highly guarded and secured making it impossible to get one’s
hands on any evidence unless they have top level access (top secret).
Kristen is credible and has a valid history, but even with all of that she
probably didn’t have authorization in the top secret projects. This is
backed up by her statements that she didn’t even know what she was truly
involved with in her nine years. She probably never had a chance to get her
hands on evidence, which makes sense. I support you, Kristen. Especially
since you are risking everything, like Snowden, to get information out to
us. Information we deserve to know. I have one question: During your time
with the Air Force did you ever hear anything about chemtrails relating to
HAARP, SURA and weather control? I don’t believe in conspiracy theories
until they are proven, but that question begs to be answered by many.
Barium in high doses “affect the nervous system, causing cardiac
irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis”
Aluminum oxide can contribute to Alzheimer’s when absorbed into the body in
Radioactive strontium can lead to bone disorders/diseases, including bone
cancer, in high doses.
I can’t comment on you tube, but I can say “THANK YOU KRISTEN!” right here.
Thanks for confirming what we had surmised. We KMNOW you’re not ‘crazy’.
No one is crazier than the people who do this to humanity.
** Look This Up On YouTube – “Why in the World are They Spraying?”
Documentary **
At the 2013 Atlanta.MusicLibertyFest.com, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force
Industrial Hygienist / Environmental Specialist gave a ground breaking
presentation of what she had discovered about chemicals known to be in
Chemtrails while serving her Country. Furthermore, she explains why she
left the military after an attempt to silence her from speaking out on
employee exposures from industrial sanding operations. This BRAVE young
lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a
minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this Video and any
other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This
is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well.
“they” are spraying the majority of the population… Why?
It’s curious how little exposure she got when you know damn well that Geo
Engineering is past being a Myth.
I know last year at this time they were spraying here in MN near daily. I
still look up every day and I’m outside a good amount of time too. Nothing
not anything like it was a year ago. Only a couple mornings that I woke up
to what looked like over night spraying.
What I do notice are plenty of cloud types that resemble the clouds left by
the aerosol spray. maybe the upper atmosphere is maintaining a level of
saturation here? I can only guess.
I’ve tried searching images of different cloud formations but have you
seen wikipedia? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cloud_types
They show the images of what you may have seen elsewhere referred to as
having resulted from HAARP and for allot of folks a wiki page will be
enough explanation.
Now I read a few of you reporting that they are spraying in your area still
and often. So I wonder what the deal is?
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force |
Chemtrail Chemicals
Chem-trials are real…..
Ex-USAF Sergeant speaks of military practices that violate civilian public
health, safety and welfare mandates.
*Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer | Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On
Air Force | Chemtrails*
*See Also:
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer | Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On
Air Force | Chemtrails
NB: None of the words below are my own, I am re-posting for people to make
up their own minds….. please reshare.
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer Kristen Meghan
Blows Whistle On Air Force & Chemtrails
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force |
Chemtrail Chemicals
April 9, 2013
At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force
Bio-Environmental Engineer gave a ground breaking presentation of what she
had discovered about Chemtrails while serving her Country.
This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood/life on the line for US Please
take a minute to thank her and help US by redistributing this video and any
other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can!
This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well.
“They” are spraying the majority of the population…Why?
Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts
April 2013
By David Richards
Human Pesticide?
In the last ten years, respiratory disease in the US has moved from 8th to
3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates have more than doubled in the
western world and Alzheimers disease, a condition that is caused by
aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.
If we don’t organize to stop this scourge, we deserve what we get.
There has been an increasing awareness of chemtrails in recent years.
Protests have been organized, movies have been released and whistle blowers
have come forward. Most significantly, former Los Angeles FBI chief Ted
Gunderson made a video denouncing chemtrails shortly before his death in
The heavy spraying began in NATO countries in the late 90s, but today
chemtrails are being recorded pretty much everywhere, from Russia to
Brazil, South Korea to Cuba. This is a program of extraordinary scope and
importance. However, while we know a chemtrail program exists, there is
very little hard information on how it functions and what its goals are.
I have been researching chemtrails and, while I dont yet have the full
picture, I present this information will plug a few holes.
Most politicians are as oblivious as we are. AC Griffin, a former CIA and
NSA operative, says: The monies that go into CIA projects dont necessarily
come from congressional appropriations. The congress as a whole is
completely oblivious to the aerosol program. They are afraid to ask.
People on the inside who oppose the program are punished. One of the key
people who designed the aerosol is now sitting in federal penitentiary.
They still go to him to ask him questions.
Griffin also revealed that former Clinton era Navy Chief of Naval
Operations, Jeremy Boorda, left, was murdered because he opposed the
program. Boorda was found dead in 1996 with three shotgun wounds in his
chest. The authorities were quick to claim he committed suicide, and the
autopsy results were never released to the public.
Commercial airliners are involved in spraying. In the very beginning, the
aerosols were sprayed solely by military planes, but now the program has
been expanded and commercial airliners have been outfitted with aerosol
units controlled by computers and satellites. Photos provide evidence of
this, like this Lufthansa jet flying over the US (below,left).
In the airline industry, the operation is known as Project Cloverfield. In
2000, a high level executive at an American airline revealed his office was
visited by two men from an unnamed government agency:
They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with
others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked
what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us
that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we werent cleared
for itWe were made to sign non-disclosure forms that basically stated that
we would go to prison if we told anyone what we knew.
Delivery by commercial aircraft raises the possibility that many countries
have not given consent to being sprayed, and may be unaware its even
Weather manipulation is a daily occurrence Chemtrails are used in
conjunction with HAARP for geo-engineering (the technical term for weather
control). Much is written about the ability to create disasters like
earthquakes and tsunamis against an enemy, but we dont realize that weather
patterns are manipulated all the time. Scott Stevens was a TV weatherman in
the US but quit his job upon realizing that this was happening on a nigh
daily basis.
Global warming is the cover story for the increasingly severe and bizarre
weather worldwide.
Geo-engineering is used to force GMO crops on the world. Manufactured
floods and droughts damage harvests and put farmers out of business.
Monsanto has the patent for GMO seeds that are drought and flood resistant,
as well as resistant to the poisonous effects of aluminum, one of the key
metals in chemtrails. Any farmer who refuses to grow GMO crops will not be
able to guarantee a good harvest and will go out of business. Even worse,
Monsantos end game is to force what are termed Terminator seeds on farmers
worldwide. These crops dont produce seeds, meaning the farmer has to buy
new seeds from Monsanto every planting season!
Weather Derivatives are chemtrail insurance. You may wonder how the big
players protect their interests from weather warfare. Say, how does George
Soros, who owns thousands of acres of farmland in America, protect his
profits from engineered drought?
Companies use financial instruments to hedge against risk of adverse
weather conditions. They first appeared in the late-nineties, the same time
the heavy spraying started! Michael Agne, a trader at the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, explains how they work:
Youre betting theres going to be a weather disaster within a particular
time-frame, at a particular location, and when it does happen theres going
to be a big pay-off. Obviously, insiders can make big bucks making bets
based on the geo-engineering timetable.
Chemtrails are a soft kill operation Soft kill attacks primarily aim to
disable and weaken the enemy, not kill him. As Dr. Len Horowitz has
explained, wars are an inefficient way to lower population numbers because
they destroy infrastructure. The preferable scenario is to create a sick
population dependent on the military-medical-industrial complex for their
health. In this way, you have population control, make vast fortunes doing
it and keep the infrastructure intact.
Chemtrails are a multi-pronged attack.
Firstly, the metallic salts used in the aerosols are highly toxic and
require our bodies to waste tremendous amounts of energy removing them.
Millions of people cannot do it. In the last ten years, respiratory disease
in the US has moved from 8th to 3rd highest cause of death. Asthma rates
have more than doubled in the western world and Alzheimers disease, a
condition that is caused by aluminum poisoning, has also skyrocketed.
The second thing is the release of diseases. A high placed military insider
claims that bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and placed on fine
filaments for release. The metals released along with the diseases heat up
from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses
to thrive in the air supply.
Third, chemtrails contain nano technological weapons. Surprisingly, this
fact has remained so low-key in the alternative media. It is well proven by
researchers like Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and former government scientist
Clifford Carnicom.
The nanotech consists of genetically modified organisms that are basically
bio-robots. When we inhale them, they take up residence in our bodies and
live as parasites. When the infestation becomes advanced, the individual
develops what is termed Morgellons disease. He is so weak that he can
barely do anything and suffers an array of bizarre and ghastly symptoms:
scabs that dont heal, hair that falls out and is replaced by pseudo hair
and unceasing crawling sensations beneath the skin.
Morgellons is a new condition that has appeared in the last decade – the
same time the heavy spraying kicked in! There are an estimated 60,000+
sufferers in the US alone, and their symptoms are chronicled by the
Morgellons Research Foundation.
There is evidence that the nanotechnology in the aerosols creates
genetically modified red blood cells. Clifford Carnicom has found these
cells in the atmosphere and in the blood samples of most people he tests.
They are quite unlike normal red blood cells; they can grow outside of the
body in a petri dish, survive high temperatures and withstand being doused
in acid. Clearly, this is highly sophisticated bio warfare!
We don’t know for sure what purpose they serve, but the answer may have
been provided by Ray Kurtwell, one of the biggest names in the
transhumanism movement. In a recent speech he said: ‘In the next 25 years
we will have bloodcell -sized devices that go inside your body and keep you
healthy from inside, that go in your brain and interact with your
biological neurons and merge with our biological intelligence.’
When an establishment scientist tells us with certainty that something will
exist, assume that it already does. There is a chance that the ‘blood-cell
sized devices’ that Kurtwell mentioned are the weaponized red blood cells
being discovered, and that mind alteration is currently underway.
How do the perpetrators protect themselves? The Illuminati never launch an
attack without making sure they’re protected first. For instance, President
Bush took an anthrax vaccine two weeks before the anthrax attacks in 2001.
They may drink a solution once a day that removes the toxins from their
bloodstream, or have a chip put in their arm that acts like a tiny dialysis
Many involved in the operation probably don’t know the true agenda. Dr.
Bill Deagle was a doctor at Buckley air force base and claims to have
treated the pilots who were spraying the aerosols, ‘95% of them told me
they were up there spraying to reflect the sun to stop global warming, so
most of them are dumb enough to believe that garbage.’
The Illuminati are vandalizing the skies, as visibly as a graffiti artist
spraying a wall, and yet most of us remain oblivious. Like little else,
chemtrails bring home just how desperate our predicament is.
Despite this, I think anti-chemtrail activism has tremendous potential. The
existence of the operation is easy to prove and we have the testimony of
many whistle blowers. The protest movement can continue to generate
momentum because chemtrails will persist for decades to come.
David Richards, 24, teaches English in Mongolia. He is a regular
Makow Comment- Citizens should form committees in every city to monitor and
photograph chemtrail activity; educate the public and spread awareness; and
to petition politicians and media. The Illuminati positively hate
spontaneous political activity they don’t initiate and control. This is a
great way to increase consciousness about the NWO conspiracy.
First Comment from A:
I took this photo myself after I became aware the chemtrails problem was
real. Hats off to David Richard for his fine essay for Henry Makow,
Chemtrails: Frightening Lesser-Known Facts. It is one of the best I’ve
read. But even three years ago I would have dismissed it as BULLSHIT.
I offer this ~~ my sad chemtrails mea culpa. I didn’t wake-up to the issue
until last spring when a friend brought me Michael Murphy & Paul
Wittenberger’s video documentary WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING. My
friend knew I was hoarse and suffering asthma and finally receptive to his
arguments, but even the video didn’t convince me. What convinced me was
leaving the USA and traveling to the Middle East last July and magically
having my problems disappear. Also a close friend nearly died of asthma and
COPD last spring. These three events finally grabbed my attention and I
became a firm believer in the chemtrails problems.
So don’t get TOO upset if your friends don’t immediately see and understand
the chemtrails problem. It is almost too mind-boggling to believe. It takes
even a truly smart person a while to come around. Not being so bright, it
took me longer.
Second Comment from Annette-
Henry, as regards the article on Chemtrails this morning , I think everyone
should watch this video. It’s even more horrific than anyone could guess.
This video is rather plodding at first for those that are already well
aware of the chemtrails , but the speaker does a great job building her
case to the final conclusion; she demonstrates that this can be nothing
other than a demonic attempt to control every single living thing on the
#whisleblowers #chemtrails
Kristen, only naive and uninformed people would doubt you. 1) The trails
are blatant all above us. 2) It’s documented (Google it) that the US Air
Force often sprayed chemicals/bacteria on unknowing citizens, i.e., the
bacteria spray on San Francisco in the 1950s. 3) Our govt has a long
history of sick programs, i.e. forced sterilization, aka eugenics in many
states during the 20th century. People need to get informed. In US defense
docs they’ve mentioned geoengineering and weather weaponization. People
need to do their research.
Some people will do anything for a little attention.
I am a former Air Force Air Craft Tech and did not believe all this but you
have given me pause for thought. I will take this to heart.
In closing Jesus Christ is seeking each of us to know us as his own.
Someone who steps on stage between two concerts and says “do i look crazy?”
is not a reliable source. There’s too much of this “i know this” or “i
heard that” about chemtrails, and that just isn’t good enough. By now
somebody would have broken into a hangar and stolen some parts or some
samples, to have some solid proof of all this. I’m still unconvinced.
I spent 7 years in the Air Force as a journeyman aircraft mechanic and 25
years in the Federal Aviation Administration as an engineering technician.
I would be the first to applaud her for her findings if she could provide a
link between her samplings of hazardous materials in the air and water
around Warner Robbins AFB only IF she could establish the link between the
dangerous chemicals she cites, and how they get into the jet fuel. She only
relates to her commander that her test results came in out of limits. Why?
She claims to have ‘connected the dots’ but she never finishes connecting
the dots after she gets her out of tolerance readings. She assumes that it
came from the jet fuel that was tainted with chemical agents. The picture
above appears to be of Air Force One blasting through the air at maybe
35,000 feet leaving vapor trails from the transition of hot exhaust gases
meeting ambient air temps of -10 degrees. These are not chem-trails. These
are just vapor trails. Why do the linger for so long when we look up in the
air and some of them disappear quickly? If there is no movement of the air
at the altitude that the vapor trails were laid down they will linger like
a cloud. If there is vertical or horizontal movement of the body of air the
vapor trails are left in, they will disperse quickly. Why are there
supposedly so many lingering chem-trails all over the country now? That is
because air travel has increased tenfold in the past 25 years. Watch and
learn for yourself. Some vapor trails disappear almost instantly behind the
aircraft. Some linger for 30 minutes. The ones that go away fast are laid
down in air that contains high altitude winds that disperse it. The ones
that stay are at an altitude that has no current high altitude wind. Simple
logic… Besides, what moron is going to introduce chemicals into jet fuel
and then have it put down over themselves? Again, I don’t disagree with her
findings of her samples. However it is a quantum leap to connect the dots
to assume it came from jet fuel. No wonder her commander threatened her.
She did find bad test results, but provided no link between the results and
what caused them.
on Thanksgiving this year 2013,I was outside with one of my sons. There
were a ton of chemtrails in the sky. I actually saw the trails come down in
the sun, looking like rain fall! I even tasted something chemical in my
mouth, and within about 3 mins, my throat became sore and I had a hard time
eating dinner. I have been feeling ill , with headaches, stomach cramps
A women with more Balls than most men I Know!! This Lady Is an American
Hero!! And A PATRIOT! All You men out there that can see what is really
going on- Take off those lace panties that you are wearing and STAND Up!
Kristen Meghan is a true American Hero
where I live no one is wearing masks or oxygen tanks on their backs, I’m
not being told to stay indoors, Spring is here–trees are budding, flowers
are coming out, kids are out playing more and more, people are jogging and
riding their bikes, baseball season is upon us, etc., this lady is just
going thru a phase in her life where this is her thing, in a number of
years she will likely look back and just see it as a trip that she was on
at the time, the adoring, paranoid, enablers don’t help much—just fuel
her trip
on clear days in La, no trails, on cloudy days, trails everywhere
OK, so you say, that those guys spray themselves with barium and strontium?
And could you provide details how much of those chemicals (estimate) were
delivered to your base vs. how much have you found on the ground? Sorry,
technical education too and I’m a PPL pilot (not a jet fighter LOL ) and
your explanations don’t ring a bell.
I feel sorry that you lost your job in USAF. I really am. But this speech
doesn’t provide any specific / concrete information. It is just one of many
populist talk.
Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer | Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On
Air Force | Chemtrails
You are not stalked. Nobody really gives a shit.
@ Cullen Sanders: I didn’t originate the idea that Kristen should have test
data- SHE claimed to have specific test data! When asked to show it, she
Remember US Airforce whistle blower
I have listened to Kristen and in isolation I see nothing wrong with what
she says. Logically one has to ask why an intelligent person such as
herself would put herself in such a dangerous position for anything other
than deep moral conviction. A person of her abilities hardly needs
However as some are saying it is now most important for empirical evidence
to be brought forward in peer reviewed paper to back up her claims also and
I have not been able to locate such a thing yet.
Having said this it seems the widely observed emission trails, often
criss-crossing skies and which visibly dissipate into a type of cirrus like
cloud is a primary evidence which is after all fuelling this whole debate.
For those that say there is no evidence you are suspect or in denial. There
is this most obvious evidence. What it means is where the shortfall of
scientific enquiry exists.
Thank you so much!!!
What a crock of shit, no proof whatsover. She is a member of the tinhat
HAMA, contact Dane Wiginton and he will give you the test results. I saw
snow that did not melt in 90 degree temps.
Does everyone on this page see clearly that SHILL, “Kevin Schmidt”, is
using classic STRAW MAN and “character assassination” tactics on this
video? He sought out one of my OLD comments to attack and used the same
strategy, because it is his job to scour videos and harass people. Since
the disinformation shills have no argument and no proof of their own to
dispute any credible documentation about CLIMATE ENGINEERING, they are
using the straw man to make it appear that shedding light on CLIMATE
ENGINEERING somehow means that we are “all for fossil fuel pollution”. That
is the most ludicrous accusation yet. That new approach is a new all time
low for the shills. Kevin Schmidt’s name has been added to the growing LIST
of shills that rampantly attack youtube awareness videos. Incidentally, for
anyone confused, climate engineering is the worst pollution that can exist.
YES we must stop fossil fuel consumption, we must be better stewards of the
planet, yet CLIMATE ENGINEERING is only worsening the already severe
problem! It is the profiteers of dirty energy working with the geoengineers
so that we can keep on consuming oil,gas,coal. THEIR SOLUTION IS TO SPRAY
20,000 TONS OF SULFURIC ACID INTO THE STRATOSPERE, because the aluminum,
barium and strontium didn’t work as well as they had hoped. So, rather than
turning to CLEAN ENERGY, their “solution” is to spray more pollution. I
think we’ve all seen David Keith on Colbert promoting his new book “A Case
For Climate Engineering”. Kevin Schmidt is ridiculous and should be banned
from this video, he’s an obvious troll, a shill that gets paid to attack
awareness videos. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Internet-shill
Shills such as hama neggs, atheist ahole, and KEVIN SCHMIDT are PAID to
scour youtube and attack awareness videos to suppress awareness and public
outcry. They are associated with “metabunk” hired by Mick We$t and it is
their JOB to make negative comments via bullying, character assassination,
ad hominem, straw man, semantics, word twisting and lies, designed to cast
doubt and pull people over to their disinformation sites, metapunk and
contrailpscience both ran by their guru, gaming programmer with no
expertise or education in any field that qualifies him as a “debunker”,
Mick We$t. These TROLLS get hired off of craigslist when they respond to
“forum poster” or “internet blogger” jobs. It’s pathetic that humanity can
be sold for .02 cents per comment. Check other chemtrail videos and you
will see the SAME names over and over all regurgitating their SCRIPTED
HYPE. They’re like viruses plaguing the net, sitting around in their
underwear glued to their laptops attacking everyone that speaks up about
this atrocity in our skies because they have nothing else better to do than
bully awareness videos and contribute to the demise of the planet being the
pathetic cowards that they are. The video poster should delete trolls off
the page as soon as he recognizes their tactics. Those are not real people
engaging in debate, it’s a tactical attack team hired to twist your words,
and twist the truth, so their employers can KEEP ON POLLUTING THE PLANET
Strontium is found nature…..
Kristen, you are wonderful!!!
Thank you so much for all you do!
If I can be of any assistance I’d luv to help
support and protect and share the truth.
If you’re ever in Phoenix I am at your service.
Take care of yourself…and please eat real and in balance and local.
The food system is a big fraud to say the least.