Chemtrails finally proven by whistleblower?

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S military connection…

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  1. anyone who denies the existence of chem-trails havent taken the time to
    look up at the sky every day. THEY GRID THE FUCKING SKY, then it spreads

  2. We can debunk this once and for all- somebody fly a home made illegal drone
    through a freshly deposited "chem trail" with air analyzing sensors
    and find out what exactly is in that streak. 

  3. oh and im guessing all the elites must have the 'antidote' since they are
    apparently spraying it all over them fucking selves?! what tosh. people see
    something with their eyes and their brains start coming to all sorts of
    manically diverse conclusions. the human imagination is wild in many. 

  4. If I was a Elite power mad banker I would pay many people and sources
    (internet traffic shaping and deep web choking) to get massive amounts of
    mis- and dis-info into this guys hands. then sit back and order popcorn
    while I watched him spin every time there was a "NEW STORY" …….
    he..he… he… don't scoff it could be the truth.

  5. LUKE see the documentaries by my friend Michael Murphy entitled What in the
    world are they spraying, and Why in the world are they spraying
    respectively and he has 3rd doc coming out calle Who in the world is
    spraying? If you'd like to get an interview with Mike let me know and I
    will set it up for you brother, he'd be willing to do tihs whenever man.
    Peace Luke.

  6. Am I the only one that thinks this lacks a shit load of evidence to support
    what she is saying? Where is the profit in spreading random chemicals?
    How has the government been controlling the ecosystem since the '40s?
    There is money in controlling the weather HOW? Such vague explanations.

  7. sorry but polluting the air would damage the health of EVERYBODY including
    the people that approved it and their families, its a conspiracy theory and
    nothing more

  8. i feel there r no conspiracies. they all have some if not all truth.
    skeptics r ignorant and dont allow themselves to open their minds. 

  9. americanroadwarrior · Edit

    Again, this is not proof of chemtrails even if she DID have pictures of the
    stored chemicals, which she doesn't. You would need much more evidence and
    testimony about how these chemicals are supposedly put in planes and
    sprayed. Which cannot be obtained if it's not happening.

    This is a chemtrailer and the ridiculous things they believe when they see

    There are no chemtrails.

  10. This is very weak. Heresay is not evidence, and the idea that entire
    airframes have hidden pumping and spraying systems, and that the
    aerodynamic explanation for aircraft CONTRAILS is somehow a hoax is

  11. Finally proven… ? I seen no proof, not that I don't believe her she could
    be telling the truth, but she had no proof, and websites aren't proof
    either. Real proof would be some good video footage with audio, peoples
    faces and names to those faces, documented test findings with verifiable
    locations, and possibly several more whistle blowers with
    unassociated similar stories. Btw, the interviewer sure seems like he knew
    this woman… I wouldn't think you'd usually hug someone just from an
    interview… oh yeah, be sure to check out that link advertising their
    merchandise…. hmm?

  12. All "chemtrail" conspiracy theorist's argument:

    Premise: The technology to produce chemtrails exists
    Premise: Chemtrails can be used as weapons
    Conclusion: Thus, the American government is secretly using chemtrails on
    the american population to control their minds and negatively affect their

    Hmmm… I feel like there is a leap of logic somewhere in there.

  13. Dark Day Ministries · Edit

    I'm not really sure anything was 'proven' in this interview as she is very
    open about the fact that these are her 'opinions'. I'm still open-minded.
    Do you think you could do a video on vaccines? I am trying to be
    open-minded about this too and can't really find any evidence that this
    causes autism or that it is harmful to any but a small minority who are

  14. My God must be true.(SARCASM). So she sat and viewed inventory on a
    computer screen OMG. Has she ever even within spitting distance of an
    actual air force jet? Just because she was in the "Air Force" doesn't mean
    she knows one damn thing about how aircraft function. I was and still do
    work in aircraft maintenance . In particular JET ENGINES. The only thing
    that goes through a jet engine is JET FUEL. They never have been or will
    be designed to spread chemicals!!! Now whats her experience level I've
    been working on engines for 17 years now hand have over 5000 flight hours.

  15. Congrats Luke, you've been visited by my special trolls. As you see the
    amount of views weather modification videos get there are large masses of
    people who care about the environmental health impacts of weather
    modification. It's hard for people to believe, but do they really think the
    govt just stops with cloud seeding and military chaff (another military
    spraying op)? Keep up the good work Luke. Your journalism is unbiased and

  16. more heresay. Show me official documents, wikileak them. Until then this
    is useless.
    EDIT:.. oh god she's a vaccine denier. I guess polio and small pox died off
    on their own? Stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid..

  17. OK, lets be clear what the word proof means, because people seem to use
    that word loosely these days. You need the chemicals in hand and under a
    microscope. You need EVIDENCE of these chems on a delivery system. While
    this interview is intriguing, it is nowhere near proof. 

  18. They are creating the drought in the west via chems. First metals in the
    air then heat from lasers/haarp to heat the metals and dissipate the
    moisture. I've heard meteorologist say multiple times "that storm
    dissipated once it got near coast". Humm really… 

  19. I can identify with this whistle blower.
    Working in ES management as an environmental engineer with a "fortune 250"
    int. corp. for 16 yrs., my dept. was 'tolerated' by the top brass. While
    attending high level meetings, my input on responsible decision making
    regarding health, safety and environmental impact was often openly
    ridiculed and/or ignored and often denied ES allocated funding. In fact,
    during a break at one such meeting, was told by a top executive, "Look, you
    and your people are not an asset but a liability to the company, a waste of
    money. If we had our way, we'd still be using freon and dumping cyanide
    into the stream behind the plants. You're window dressing.".

    After that meeting – after years of contention, confrontations, insults,
    uphill battles and spinning my wheels – I made the decision to resign.

  20. I have the highest respect for Kristen and absolute confidence in what she
    is testifying to as well as as least 10 years of almost daily, personal
    observation of weather modification & chemtrail dispersals all over the
    United States, (44 states I travelled through), as well as the year I spent
    in Southwest Asia, Hungary, Germany and Newfoundland. I am 60 years old,
    born on a military base, been a pilot since I was 14, and worked refueling
    civilian, commercial and military aircraft for several years; I KNOW
    aviation fuels, aviation and how CONtrails USED to look in the years prior
    to when chemtrailing started about 1997. Since I started truly observing
    aircraft at altitude back about 1964, I NEVER saw the types of CHEMTRAILS
    we are seeing today, prior to 1996. You young people who deny their
    Chemtrails are REAL, and there is nothing you can say or do to make people
    who KNOW they exist to not believe in them. And if you TRULY do not believe
    in the reality of chemtrails and the military weather modification project,
    you soon will! They serve no truly beneficial purpose and are not only
    unnecessary but also extremely harmful to human life, to flora and to
    fauna, worldwide. It is a ploy to WEAPONIZE WEATHER to deny water to
    people, to cause harmful flooding, to destroy crops to nations that refuse
    to fall into line with the wishes of the NWO globalists. Is it really that
    hard to believe we can actually do that?

  21. When the heavier metal particles get into our system it makes it harder for
    the immune system to do its job and keep us healthy. You can get very
    stressed and tired and need to sleep more, find it hard to concentrate,

  22. I remain … unconvinced. She seems quite willing to jump to conclusions.
    Look at her speculations at the end. A rational, skeptical person would
    answer the question a little more reserved, but no she goes on and connects
    it with all kinds of other 'conspiracy' topics. So, she's clearly familiar
    with these ideas that are already out there. This has the signs of
    confirmation bias all over it. She's read all about chemtrails so she goes
    looking for signs to confirm her pre-existing views.

  23. You are in denial if you do not believe in weather modification which
    involves spraying the air… Here's a your friendly neighborhood
    researcher bragging about cloud seeding technology that has been in effect
    since the 1960s: do a search for otW4Nj71xec on youtube and "DRI cloud
    seeding DRONE" on google. Drones are apparently much cheaper than
    airplanes. They say it's silver iodide, but who knows what's really in the
    concoction. Or even if that is true for Nevada, what is true elsewhere?

  24. Thanks to all the trolls for helping to make this a popular video, and
    helping the rest of us that research these things professionally, to get
    the word out.

  25. Consider the source: @ 2:05 "I was threatened to be thrown into a mental
    institution and have my daughter taken away". Sorry, she is not credible
    and I am not persuaded.
    Update: Darkness is right – I misheard her.


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