Geo-Engineering CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT begins !!! – Admitted- Chemtrails to De-Populate

NEWS PROOF FROM OVERSEAS !!! shame on you 9 news. SUNRISE. CH 10.. ABC !!!! all lying and covering this up… WE HAVE JUST FOUND A DOCUMENT SAYING… Gm – GE…

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  1. They use Psychological Projection,Cognitive Dissonance,Confirmation Bias
    and Attitude Polarization to achieve there goals. They have been doing this
    for many years and are good at forming your opinion for you. The big
    picture is Depopulation. Good Luck!

  2. We need our Army to take down everyone of these planes spraying these
    Chemtrails. The planes need to be taken down and the pilots arrested.

  3. They are using nano technology. That's what the blood is for. Morgellons
    disease is a symptom of this spraying. Tiny microscopic, self-replicating
    fibers form INSIDE YOU. These fibers can bind together to form structures,
    from there they can form into devices which respond to frequency.

  4. It must be some sort of Conspiratorial Coincidence that Mon-Satan has
    developed Genetically Modified Seeds that are engineered to grow in
    aluminum…….but, of course, ONLY after those seeds have been sprayed
    with their Patented, Roundup Ready herbicide. Oh yeah, and by the way,
    those "special seeds" also contain "terminator" genes. They will only yield
    ONE crop that is STERILE…..that is, they produce NO seeds that can be
    replanted. Ask the farmers in India, where over a MILLION of them have
    committed SUICIDE after being bankrupted by the use of Monsanto's
    Genetically Engineered Terminator Seeds……What? You say you NEVER heard
    about this on the "NEWS"…..!!???

  5. If you think chemtrails has something to do with the weather—read agenda
    21 initiated by your trillionaire friends who think there are too many
    people on their earth.

  6. I've had it! I'm gathering up all my astronomy equipment and selling it
    before it's all worthless. I've invested thousands of dollars on my hobby
    but I can't take the frustration any longer, every time we have a clear
    night (which isn't very often) the planes come and ruin my plans. They are
    spraying at night now and it's completely destroying the night sky. Last
    night there were no clouds and yet the sky was a hazy ashen color, the
    brightest stars and planets looked like dull greasy blobs. I live in one of
    the darkest area's of America, it used to be a very desirable destination
    for sky watchers…but no longer. Anyone living in a cave that still
    doesn't believe we're being sprayed…take a look at satellite photos and
    see for yourselves. 

  7. Very often when someone aligns himself with the demonic forces for the
    purpose of obtaining wealth or power he eventually comes to wish he had
    never done it. But then it's too late as the demons take his life over and
    force him to do things he never would've dreamed of. I have an idea these
    so-called 'geoengineers' will soon meet that fate, if they haven't

  8. We have known this for years and been telling about it and most people have
    continued believe Geo-Engineering (chemtrails) was not happening. Hopefully
    now it will spread like wildfire, though I guess many will be convinced
    that its for the better and to save us all……rather than the truth which
    is it will kill us all……. :(

  9. The Rothschild Zionist and most affluent and mega wealthy of the Globe are
    reforming the planet to suit themselves. It is a massive program. I suggest
    ALL research this. The so-called slandered "conspiracy theorists" over all
    were right on target. Very sad times. De-population and life-span reduction
    engineered intentionally. No matter how far fetched it sounds…it is true.
    Cognitive dissonance will not make that fact go away. FYI.

  10. Tuolumne County CA TUD was recently contacted and I found out that Sonora
    Ca has false water test results given to the public to pass high
    concentration of carcinogens in the water
    just take your tap into a container to a test kit purchase online and you
    can see illegal concentrations of toxic chemicals in the tap water also the
    rain water is causing harm to agriculture and local farms lakes and
    waterways don't eat the fish don't swim in the water!
    My seven yr. old daughter every single school day comes home sick
    respiratory infections nasal congestion and headaches I clean her up supply
    her detox and cleansing remedies teas and apple cider vinegar teas she has
    gluten free food and NO FLOURIDE toothpaste
    I have been diligently preventing her illnesses caused by exposure to
    chemtrail toxins and public school contaminations in their water and poor
    food meal plans offered in school lunches packed with gluten salt sugar and
    fat and nitrates..she sparks right back up
    After i treat her She gets a decontamination mineral bath and immediate
    nutritional regime and hydration when she walks in the door ..I strip them
    out of their contaminated clothing washing it immediately before they even
    sit down for snack and homework they have to wash up first even dad who
    works at the hospital has to strip out and get his clothes and himself
    washed up before hugging me or sitting on the furniture. sounds Whack and extreme but it is extremely important to take every
    precaution to prevent being infected by these carcinogens..
    My daughters tummy problems disappear and her and her dads head aches go
    away after administering distilled water ,homemade stocks soups and fresh
    foods raw foods non GMO organic foods … only !
    I also get respiratory infections when I go outside …I'm fine all day
    until I leave to go to store or sit on back porch…I'm better off staying
    indoors running my rainbow air purifiers. and sealing house up running vent
    air to circulate out the stale air I use ventilators and water air
    purifiers its insane that the natural air outside is no longer natural and
    pure enough to breath without horrible side effects and ill health effects
    I have gotten sicker and sicker the closer I have relocated into city
    developments and the amounts of fluoride in the tap and rain water is
    getting higher and higher
    I grow my own herbs and greens and I now know they are only good for
    looking at as curb appeal I can no longer consume them due to the
    contaminated rain we had dump down on us over the past few months and weeks
    just days ago we had a huge flood of rain and snow
    …I cannot let my kids play in the rain or snow…we are loosing all
    aspects of childhood experiences in nature our kids are forced to play
    indoors and game all day to keep them happy that's what the government
    to keep them plugged into the gaming mind manipulating programs …causing
    more psychological harm to them.
    every single person on this planet around the world is getting sprayed is
    effected , we all have a responsibility to get involved in the class action
    law suits against these engineers.

  11. Stephanie Struble · Edit

    They have no legal right spraying anything. Someone needs to take these
    planes down and confront them, then arrest them! How much of OUR money are
    they spending doing this? The cost of airplane fuel, the pilot and not to
    mention the chemicals they are buying to kill us with. CHANGE YOUR

  12. I'm not saying that the Govt. wouldn't do something like this, but how do
    the big wheels in charge keep themselves safe from the chemicals, because
    they breathe the same air that we do. Why would they poison themselves? 

  13. In my humble opinion, the purpose of Chemtrails is to increase the electro
    magnetic potential of both the atmosphere and the human body, to depopulate
    by slowly poisoning us with heavy metals and other contaminants, to alter
    the ph of ths soil and to interfere with weather patterns. They want to
    destroy the very ground we eat out of, the air we breathe and the bodies
    given to us by our Creator. It is totally diabolical in intent.

  14. take zeolite to remove metals in your systems and supplement your diet with
    minerals, take selenium, and iodine which is critical for you health and
    has been taken out of our salt, also remember to supplement your pets.
    Ionic foot baths are good at taking out metals too but we need to replenish
    the minerals after the foot bath….we are at war people!!! Please take
    care of yourself it is a huge battle to regain your health once it is
    lost…God Bless you all!!

  15. jonathan humphries · Edit

    its all coming to a head soon folks, stand by and in the meantime, clean
    you bore and bolt carrier group. Once finished, coat with a light coat of
    lubricant, wipe with a rag….


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