May 30 2014 Breaking News ChemTrails HAARP Military alter weather mind control health risks

May 30 2014 Breaking News New Climate Geo-Engineering Chem Trails HAARP Mind control Military weather manipulation depopulation plan Bill Gates Financial elite Big Corporate wall street Government…

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  1. Guess I have no choice but to report your video, I am being open and
    straight with you. We don't appreciate that you have stolen our logos and

  2. I heard that it has nothing to do with altering the weather. They are
    testing different chemicals to protect the U.S. from an EMP attack.
    Aluminum seems to be the best so far. Problem is, it also causes increased
    senility in elderly people. The aluminum accumulates in the brain,
    especially in males.

  3. Ya, Satan is saying "make them sick then force them to buy your insurance
    and if that doesn't work send them a hurricane or flood no a tsunami ! Well
    YAH is gonna get them for messing with His World !! Pray against this evil
    agenda !

  4. Look stock prices for aluminum, barium, and arsenic production is going up
    we are just trying to boost our economy
    its harmless and will not we repeat will not harm living organisms
    now SHUT UP before we report you as terrorist threats

  5. Look at that. They thought the Redshields would spare them. Money made
    them better until now. Well, the Redshields are murdering your children
    too. What are you going to tell your children? Tell them you believe in
    money. Tell them how you not only knocked down the big bucks, but you used
    you first love only to do evil and make people suffer. Now the redshields
    are culling the planet and you killed your own babies. You are the soldier
    that murdered your own children with your greedy love of money.


  7. The fake-Jewish Zionist (the 'zi' in Nazi) and the Jesuit ill-umiNaughty
    banksters (the world's unlawful owners) are waging their eternal, secret
    War On All Humanity (WOAH) with every conceivable covert weapon to
    dumb-down, sicken, poison, abuse, intimidate, coerce, deceive, frighten,
    misinform, alienate, disenfranchise, fraudulently indebt & foreclose,
    dispossess, unemploy, impoverish, criminalize, divide, conquer, enslave and
    exterminate Us. They are Humanity's only real threat and Mankind's only
    true enemy. Life will be like paradise without them.

    How Can We Stop This?

    Nothing will EVER change for Human benefit, until We create real democracy
    by relentlessly defining the true will of the mind of Mankind regarding
    everything for all to know. This is the singular collective act that can
    save Us. When We’ve done it, paradise (OUR TRUE WILL) will automatically
    begin to manifest, because observation is manifestation. For the first
    time, Humanity will be able to observe its true will and finally know what
    We all want. And, until We’ve done it, everything will continue to worsen
    for Us. Nothing is EVER accomplished until it has been defined.

    For every ill-umiNaughty psychopath there are millions of us. They need us
    more than we need them. The only reason We've never had real democracy
    (government designed to define and fulfill OUR will) is because Our unity
    and cooperation is the banksters' worst nightmare. So, Our unity should be
    everyone's top priority.

  8. No I have hours of video of planes spraying I can tell the difference
    between normal air traffic and the chemtrails. It's without a doubt
    happening all the trees around me are dying. I also watch them spread for
    hours and expand and cover the sky into artificial clouds. I've seen them
    fly parallel, synchronized, and in groups back and fourth covering the sky
    in patterns. I've also seen them spraying it would be flying with no trail
    and I've seen the trail turn on and off 

  9. No doubt in my mind. I live between a rock and a hard place..
    NavalStationNorfolk- AmphibiousBase, NavalOpsBase,OceanaNavalBase. The
    trees behind my place are dying FAST. the foliage ALL BUT GONE,on the
    bushes.What can any agency/org. do when the poison is literally falling out
    the sky?

  10. they blotted out the sky in Western WA right now,The use of the NanoToxic
    Chem-Trail has covered as frt as one can see in all directions, It worst
    then ever to day. They are doing this none stop right now" I tried to blog
    this to Fox, Greta wire but she or who ever pulled it"
    Look This isn't high flying vapor trail's, this is millions of tons of
    Nano Toxic' Brain killing Chem Cocktails being dumped in to our food water
    cloths, being breathed in"
    How is it no one is beating down the doors on this; Are the people that
    much of sheep to day not to see to know what there elected are doing to our
    nations people.

  11. Mcgoogle makes you sign in now every 10 minutes-what up with that? These
    nano geo engineers who are involved with chemtrails are killing us and
    Nature–therefore-they need to be killed on site-that is the only way these
    psychopaths will stop. 

  12. The people responsible for this are also breathing this air and eating the
    food so why wouldn't they be concerned about their own health and that of
    their families?

  13. This is to control and reduce world population, is also destroying crops
    and expend the influence of Monsanto, GMO's don't need much light to
    grow… The Future is absolute enslavement 

  14. None of this is hidden from God– He will destroy those that destroy the
    earth . His word declares in plain english. In His timing all will be
    revealed and dealt with. Get rapture ready. Turn your life over to Jesus.
    Seek the truth. Tribulation is just around the corner. Maranatha Love to
    the Church V

  15. Wow so many paranoid people, if they put as much energy in to living a
    productive life as trying to prove these hokum theories the world will be a
    better place. A whole lot of theories and no independent scientific proof
    for any of it. 

  16. Funny how all those contrails that persist have a gap between the trail and
    the engine. What that proves is what comes out of them is vapourized and
    then condenses. Trouble for all the chemtrail enthusiasts is none of the
    chemicals (metals) they say is in a chemtrail can be vapourized in a jet
    engine. That means there has to be some sort of blast furnace in the plane
    heating metals to vapour and keeping it that hot as it moves from furnace
    and through the engines. If they can't do this then every contrail would
    have to be visible right from the moment the material exits the engine.
    The more you learn about chemtrails the more you realize that this would
    be, if you actually wanted to kill masses of people, probably the least
    effective and inefficient method you could possibly choose.

  17. FYI…up at 35,000 feet the air can be -80 below zero so hot engines and
    moisture created by the ignition of fuels also causes this. It is not all
    chem trails per say it is an exhaust by product of jet engine airplane
    flight in a high altitude environment…just saying not every plane is out to
    kill you. However they did measure a 1 degree difference (Increase)when the
    planes stopped flying during 911 groundings…so they may have got an idea
    from that and ran with this ridiculous idea of global warming and human
    intervention…and when human intervene it always works out right? bwaa ha
    ha. Climate change has been happening since the creation of Earth…thank
    GOD or we wouldn't even be here. So it is safe to say our pollution is
    polluting the environment but we can't measure our actual impact due to
    this dynamic Earth we live on again Thank GOD! 

  18. Chemtrails are a act of war and should be treated like that, and those
    responsible should hang down on main street from a pretty tree. 

  19. That's rubbish about global warming …liars, all of the governments. Just
    tell us the truth you want us all dead. .pure and simple..i wonder if they
    take medication tp save themselves..b…..ds

  20. There's no doubt. I'm here in Wake Forest,NC and they dumped so bad on the
    21st you couldn't see the sun. Today for example, it was a cloudless sky
    and then there appear to be clouds, but they're chemtrails. You can see
    several planes laying them down. Yes, automobiles are terrible, but they're
    nothing compared to this!!

  21. Trees are dying because of this ..extremely sad. . and we could be extinct
    as well . Why are they doing this? weather control..Who is in control of
    this..Obviously someone who doesn't care about humanity or this world

  22. I've watched a few of these "chemtrail" videos. Long on rhetoric but short
    on evidence. The one thing I've noticed is that no one fully addresses how
    the perpetrators of these chemtrails avoid the harmful effects of their
    work. How do these nano particles know who's to supposed to die?

  23. Global warming is just a cover story, that they have made up in order that,
    "they" can carry out this dastardly practice. I don't understand why
    people are not marching on Washington. I have called my congressional
    office about this, and all they would say is," that this is normal
    condensation from the jet engines", Our representatives know all about
    this, and they are not doing anything about it, because, their all bought
    and paid for by the global money powers. This, I believe is all about
    population reduction. They think they are God! I pray for the day that God
    will show them that it's his job to control the weather. I personal
    recommend that every one should be praying about this also, for this is
    just pure evil. 

  24. It's not just the chemtrails that I'm tired of seeing. I can't see my sky
    anymore at night at all. These things spray every single day on the east
    coast, and astronomers need the sky to observe. We can't go out so we use
    our planetarium instead. It's covering up what's on the other side of the
    blanket of clouds that's being covered up as well. That sulfur rains down
    on us and it's stinks. I don't even want what's falling to touch me but you
    can't become a hermit. This is sickening. This is why the snow didn't melt
    in a controlled setting for over 2 1/2 months, and I set it on fire and it
    just blacked and never melting and it was also emitting and black smoke
    that smelled terrible. I had to dump the study because it was too dangerous
    and out of my league.

  25. Best line from this excellent exposee for me was…"as a government agency,
    were not allowed to do anything harmful"….he is so deep in shit he can't
    smell it…that has to be up there with the biggest lies ever
    delivered…oh but first one needs to locate the actual "government"
    running things…it aint the one on CNN


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