Chemtrails, Here is your PROOF 100% Real “MUST WATCH”

Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM Are Very real. If you are still in doubt that them lines in the sky are contrails or that the milky …

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28 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Strange there is a rise in barium and aluminum over the last 50
    years…must be chemtrails. Couldn't POSSIBLY be industry, aluminum plants
    or barium for fracking. This lady is full of shit blaming chemtrails for
    the death of trees.

  2. They are not modifying the weather, they are Terra-forming the earth. The
    only true question is why? And for what…. or who? Know your past to
    unlock this future they are creating!

  3. The phenom of "conspiracy panic" played into the hands of the perpetrators
    after 9-11-2001. The panic was converted into ultra pseudo-patriotism to
    enlist most of the country into a resource war on Afghanistan, Irag and now
    the entire mideast.. After 10 years, the panic has worn off and many of
    the same people who were seduced by the planes crashing into the Twin
    Towers now realize it was a False Flag or "New PEARL HARBOR"

  4. The non-evaporating trails are out in force today; traveling mostly in a
    N-S, S-N, some with N-Easterly/S-Westerly patterns. I did see a 'normal
    contrail' (like those in the 80s and before) that evaporated quickly like
    they normally do flying with non-evaporating aircraft trails. There is no
    corresponding flight patterns and to those trails left lingering and
    blanketing the sky today – the routes are entirely different, especially
    today. I will also check atmospheric readings to see if they show some
    rhyme and reason to what appears abnormal

  5. HA There’s a huge amount of evidence (in addition to lots of people
    remembering persistent contrails). It dates back to 1918, and continues up
    to the present day.

    Contrail photos through history – Fifty photos of persisting and spreading
    contrails from 1950 to 1995. Taken from people’s old photo albums, and old
    books. Also links to other similar collections.
    Life Magazine Contrail Photos – Eleven photos that appeared in Life
    Magazine from 1940 to 1998 show persisting and spreading contrails.
    WWII Contrails – A large collection of photos showing persisting and
    spreading contrails from WWII in the 1940s.
    Pre WWII Contrails – The History of contrails dating back to 1918, with the
    first persistent spreading contrail observed in 1921
    Some more WWII Contrails – A WWII contrail photo I found in an old photo
    album uploaded to Flickr.
    Thirty Contrails, Forty Years Ago – An impressive photo of a sky full of
    contrails from before 1967.
    Clouds before Planes – Cloud Studies 1905 – A 100 year old book showing
    photos of clouds that some chemtrail enthusiasts think must be man-made.
    Memphis Belle WWII Bomber Contrails – 1944 – A 1940s film that shows planes
    leaving contrails, including with gaps in them.
    Fighter and Bomber Contails, 1940s – Video and photos of wartime contrails
    over London and the English countryside
    Twilight Zone Contrails – Contrails show up in a 1959 episode of The
    Twilight Zone
    Chemtrails were Contrails – A video of some old newspaper accounts of
    Contrail Confusion is Nothing New – Accounts from the 1950s of people being
    confused by contrails – taking them to be something else.

  6. cinderellalifestyle · Edit

    You do need to properly title/date this reposted piece so that people are
    aware this presentation to the UN took place in 2007. Not much has
    happened, in the meantime, if anything the assault is more widespread
    worldwide; many countries are putting programs in place. Pass along
    California Skywatch dot com as a link, (also can be found in G search as
    Agriculture Defense Coalition ) to directly credit Ms. Peterson, who is
    connected to that info source, and which will give anyone seeking info,
    more current information.

  7. If all those "depopulation" theories really started after WWII how come the
    population growth went from 3 to 7 billions since 1960?

  8. I HATE the evil bastards that have hijacked the world gov'ts and are
    killing us and destroying the world. "And the nations were angry, and thy
    wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and
    that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the
    saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy
    them which destroy the earth." Revelation 11:18

  9. I have the power to blast away chemtrails and bring climate change using
    shamanic magic. i use 144 sided vogel crystals and absorb much of my power
    from sacred sites like Mt Shasta.

  10. Dawoud is obviously dubbed and she's talking about chemicals like carbon
    monoxide and other green house gasses when she's talking about "chemicals
    let off by planes". and the only trails she talks about are "con trails" or
    "Condensation trails" freakin morons. get me an air sample from a respected
    scientific journal and i'll believe you.

  11. White ppl are the DEVIL the bible speak off… cant wait till the MOST HIGH
    waste their asses of the face of the globe…

  12. chemtrails are a good thing! i mean the government is trying to fix
    pollution with geo chemtrail engineering, and we are finally depopulating
    the earth. its ok! we are only getting rid of those unhealthy, no soul
    no heart over consuming pollution causing assholes .


  13. It is this simple. Control the weather, you control the crops. Control
    the crops and you control the people and the prices of the food. Control
    the people and you have total enslavement. Meanwhile, by controlling the
    weather, they can pinpoint where they want the tornadoes, hurricanes,
    severe drought, and floods. Then, as that area is raped, pillaged and
    plundered by this "act" of god, they can reap huge financial gains and
    seizure of property. The venomous snakes that run this country with their
    allegience to that six pointed star logo, dance and sing in their luxurious
    homes as the money keeps rolling in.

  14. Tuke411 – I tried to LIKE your comment that Peter D is a Shill but YT
    wouldn't allow it.
    Peter D is definitely a shill because she wouldn't recant this. And if she
    did, I guarantee it would only happen if she were threatened.
    It's all true. We just had a huge Chemtrail Sun Halo here in Florida
    earlier this week. We also see Huge moon halos every few weeks. Sure tgese
    things could happen due to ice crystals before chemtrailing/geo engineering
    started, but they didn't happen every few weeks.
    AGENDA 21 -look it up!

  15. There still some that refuse to believe the truth even with proof
    of poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated
    fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium,
    nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene
    dibromide, and polymer fibers. Wake up!


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