NWO plan started over 200 years ago they control Money, 18 Mossad Agents stayed on the 91st floor of tower one, Rent Free for a year Posing as Art Students, …
@deadadelta Continuted 19. 1947 National Security Act agreed to by many
Countries, spend one fifty 1/5 of the American Budget each Year for SECRET
CIA agent refused to MURDER Presidential Canidate ROSS PEROIT=Pictures of
George H Bush Bringing in Planes full of Drugs also see Oliver North IRAN
CONTRA=member of Knights of Columbus, Most CIA Heads have been K of C, 20.
1882 After being Run out of 88 Countries Co
@deadadelta Continuted 17. Keep PH Level at point 9, for a Month will KILL
most any CANCER, 18. take 1-2 Sodium Bicarbonate tablets eachday this will
give You an ALKALINE Body, Cancer cannot Grow in one, Virus will not stay
long in an Alkaline Body Sodium Bicarbonate is Pure Baking Soda, cost 1-2
pennies day, the PH Strips Cost $12.00 box will last Year God Bless
Religious Secrets Hidden 1,600 Years site of Late Dr. Ernest L
@deadadelta Continuted 34. When Magnesium is Depleted from Soil, Peoples
BRAINS quit working good, then thier Health gets bad I suggest whole
civilizations have Vanished because of lack of MAGNESIUM Old Countries
continue to Last and People stay Healthy they put Magnesium back in Soil by
returning Human & Animal Shit to Soil Any MAGNESIUM will help Brain &
Body,, SCIENTIST =YouTube =georgeeby Identifies 4 types of MAGNESIUM as
being the BEST, # 1= MAGNESIUM Citrate, 2 Mag=Sulfate
@deadadelta Continuted 40.Getting rid of Competition, When Little Drug
DEALERS start getting Business of Big Drug Dealers, they will Plant Drugs
on People to get them Busted/Arrested 41. Paying CASH for Signs, to get
FREE ADVERTISING in News Papers & FREE SPOTS on TV Stations They do not
need a Circuit Judge in office, they can get Accidentially Arrested Drug
Dealers Cases throwed out in lower courts before
@deadadelta Contintued Iam Connected to "NO RELIGION" see SECRETS HIDDEN
1,600 years at= "ASKELM" 35. NO BODY on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT is
connected to the FOUNDING of AMERICA Everyone on the Court is the type
People our FOUNDING FATHERS come to AMERICA to ESCAPE One US Supreme Court
Justice been telling Judges do not tell anyone what Religion You belong to
see film "RED MASS" at spirituallySmart See my Uploads I Pray God to Bless
Each of You who finds my site
Oh dear. You really should start taking those pills your doctor prescribed.
Or maybe you haven't been yet and that's the problem. Gov't risking
revolution to claim a bit of insurance. Demolishing towers to achieve
something that's already achieved with the impacts themselves (wars/patriot
act) and now weather changing weapons being used. Keep talking, I'm loving
plus the risk/reward analysis doesn't compute. There's an old military
maxim called KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). This is the most overly
complicated plan possible. If they get caught….well, there'd be
revolution and the overthrow of the western political and military system
as we know it….if they succeed they get to claim on the insurance and
pass laws that are apparently useless since the real terrorists are the
gov't. Not quite computing here…How's it sound to you?
@deadadelta Continuted 33. TOXIC WASTE build up in LIVER, do the SCIENTIST
Dr HULDA CLARK liveer Flush cost $5-10.00 flush, over 35 must do 15 at two
week intervals , Liver Performs over 900 functions for Body, see my Flush
under my UPLOADS Doctors tell LIeS only know what Drug Companies teach
them, 9 billion just for Advertising Feel good bad cholestrol 225 dr say
150, Salt does not raise blood pressure leaving MAGNESIUM out of Fertilizer
over 80 years, Magnesium is most important
Lot of VARIABLES, See Dr Judy Wood, she points out 80% of the Buildings
turned to """"DUST""""in one of her video she shows a STEEL beam turning
into """DUST""" Just a few Miles away Hurricane ERIN a Cat 3 , capable of
DROWNING everyone in NY City went Un-Reported, it stood still in the OCEAN,
then after tower 1 & 2 turned to DUST, ERIN turned Right and went out to
SEA Some sort of New Weapon was getting POWER from ERIN see 5 big HAARP'S
they can change the Weather, Earthquakes etc
@deadadelta Continuted 30. Copy this information give it to your Friends,
tell them to Check it out and give out Copies, again we must get this
Information to all Soldiers 31. Programs written for TV's Release ENDORFINS
in BRAIN causes ADDICTION they do not wont you to discuss Meaningful things
like Economics and how to Protect You Family & Your FREEDOM 32 Elements in
. Fluoride is the Primary ingredients in RAT POISON REPAIR BRAIN, pure
water, avoid Sodium, MAGNESIUM YT=georgeeby
@deadadelta Continuted 6.Tried over & over finally STOLE American Money
System 23rd December 1913 FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, we have given them TRILLIONS
for Nothing see HARVARD PROFESSORS Explain 59min Documenatry "FIAT EMPIRE"
7. BANKER JEWS still Control JESUITS=JESUITS CONTROL Catholic =see
Ex-Jesuits on YouTube or Google=ALBERTO RIVERA 8. MURDERED Abraham Lincolyn
6-8 American Presidents Last Kennedy see "VATICAN ASSASSINS 9. 1945 Have
the World DRUGGED with NEUROTOXIN Continut
@deadadelta Continuted 12. You start to wake up at 2 weeks, Craving for
Sweets & Cola's & many DRUgS Broke in Two Weeks, 3-4 Months Big TRANSITION
it hurts Head Sinuses, take little cola, Passes in 4 days, You are more
alert more awake 13. 3000 Professionals & Dr Hirzy Testifying before
Congress Representing 7000 EPA workers all for a Ban on FLUORIDE Watch Film
"PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES"=at FLUORIDEALERT, you see them change name from
HEX-ACID to S-Fluoride, see my Films, God Bless
The fire dept. don't carry out controlled demolitions. Even if he did want
it demolishing it wouldn't be the fire dept he's talk to. "pull it" meant
pull the firefighters out. It's the most blatant example of clutching at
straws to use this quote. Secondly why demolish the buildings at all. Sure
there's reasons to fake a terrorist attack, but why do the buildings esp.
WTC7 need to be brought down? over-complicates an already massively
dangerous "operation".
Why do they continue with this demolition stuff? It was a fire! Just look
at the video as the WTC collapsed- A FIRE. Everyone says fires had never in
history caused a collapse yet 2 fell earlier from fire that very day!
2 Insurance Policies on Each bldg, one Insurance was for TERRORIST Attacks
Excuse to Pass """PATRIOT ACT"""take away FREEDOM Excuse to go back to WAR
see video ""FIAT EMPIRE""" and 9/11 Revisited by 1,500 Structural /
Building Designers
@deadadelta Continued 36. using DEPLETED URANIUM 238 in each bomb, large
shell in Afganistan & Iraq Changing DNA in Soldiers, babies born with 4
heads 8 arms etc 37. It will wipe the Afgan & Iraq people off the Surface
of the EARTH, Soil, Water etc Contaminated with Uranium 238 for Millions of
Years TV Stations Major News Papers owned by Jews they hire Knights of
Columbus or Jesuits to Run them. Google little homw town papers see who
owns & who they hang out with, boards they sit on
@2012stargirl Thanks, The way I see it 1.30ad Jesus told them you Father is
the Devil 200ad they wrote the TALMUD BIBLE it sys Jesus mother was a
Whore, Ok to have sex with 3 year old 2. 400ad Catholics Chopped up Bible
from 49 books to 66 hide truth 3. 575ad Catholics Created ISLAM to Kill
Jews, Christians Control M-East 4. 1526 Alamabrados Society, Illuminated
Ones, "To GET EVEN" Jews started JESUITS 5. 1540 JESUITS OATH , see
CONGRESSION RECORD 62nd Congress 3rd Continut
@deadadelta Continu 39. Guntersville yacht Club my Opinion is owned by two
REAL ESTATE brokers & an Apraiser 2 are Knights of Columbus one is a JEW
Apraiser can Evaluate land at High Price I think all all three are involved
in Bringing in Drugs Use Drug Money Cash to fix up property again CASH for
LABOR then CASH for MATERIAL detective job $60,000.00 Year in Florida comes
to little Country Town make $25,000.00 year, He is Here to Help set up
Banker Jews & Jesusit DRUG Operation
@deadadelta Continuted 15. UNDERGROUND Cities, London goes down 20 stories,
America From WhiteHouse all the way to West Coast interconnecting Cities,
Machines that can Melt Rock Soil turned to Glass, Super Fast Trains
underground, can grow food etc 16. Dr Bill Deagle says they moved Part of
Underground city in the world in Denver They will Release Viruses Take Pure
Baking Soda Keep PH at 7.3, if You have Cancer, Contin
Insurance policies? The military and FBI/CIA/NSA and god knows what other
agencies all conspired together to bring down the buildings in order to
claim on the insurance??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I know about the
wars and the patriot act – they would have got that without the collapse. 4
planes worth of passengers + the people in the pentagon and a few hundred
in the towers would still be dead. The "demoltion" achieved nothing that
wouldn't have happened if they'd stayed standing.
@deadadelta Continued 42. Ray Guns they can blast a Speaker at a Political
Rally and Confuse his or Her Thinking. 1st Iraq War, we blasted Sadam
Hussenins Elite Guard with large Ray Guns with Message SURRENDER , they
just give-up, one Iraq Colonel was filmed hours later 5 miles out in the
Desert walking around with his Hands still up in the Air a Message see
military Psy-Ops fillms at marsboy683, One of my Friends seen Many large
Satelite Dishes on Trucks in Iraq also see HAARP
Avoid adding """"TOXINS"""to BRAIN, CANCER etc see with your FAMILY, 20
Video at wwwFLUORIDEALERTorg and dr blaylock excitotoxins Silent Sound
WEAPONS, its like Radio Waves see Video SSSS WAVES also TV-puts off A-WAVES
@deadadelta Continuted 14. Cola's High Dose=Hexfluorsilic Acid says
Sodium=will eat up meant over nite, 16 penny IRON nails in 6 weeks, this
ACID is getting into Cell Organs, Bones, BRAIN 50% of intake each day
Remainbuilds up turns to CANCER see Dr Marcus=FluorideAlert. World Bankers,
Jews Control the JESUITS=JESUITS control Catholics. OATH tells them how to
Deceive People Google JESUIT OATH & Protocols Learned Elders of Zion We
must get the People off Drugs & EDUCATE ALL MILITARY
I thought your were a """TROLL""""""so now I """"BLOCK YOU"""your # 302 You
made no Comment about Dr Judy Wood Findings or the 1,500 Engineers in 9/11
@deadadelta Continued 10. NEUROTOXIN is Indurstrial Waste, delivered thru
Cola's, Water, Food, ChemTrials, its Micro Aluminum, Lead, Barium etc its
RAT POISON, Damaging Thinking 25% up to every 72Seconds in America Someone
Looses their MIND=ALZEHEIMERS 5-8 Million Americans in Nursing Homes or at
Home with "NO MIND LEFT" 11. Take Pure Water, Avoid, Sodium, Fluoride TAke
1 of 4 Types MAGNESIUMS will Remove Aluminum from BRAIN see
SCIENTIST=georgeeby You go thru TRAINSITIONS= Continute
@deadadelta Continuted 21. Most INFILTRATED RELIGION in America is the
METHODIST Church=Reason they are in more Counties than any other 22. George
W Bush, became METHODIST in 1977, Boston Interview He says All Methodist do
not see eye to eye, You can see BUSH Celebrate "RED MASS" in Film at
SpirituallySmart google 3 generations of Bush with JESUITS , NickName=Head
of JESUITS is =BLACK POPE, google or YouTube BLACK POPE ex-JESUIT Alberto
Rivera said a SECRET GROUP controlled Jesuits
@deadadelta Continued 26. American Armed Forces have Knights of Columbus or
Jews as Head GEnerals 27. To see who is Bringing in DRUGS to Your Area
google Knights of Columbus for Your Area, see who they support for
Political Office. giving Drug Money to Judges (District Judges), Governors
Affect Whole Towns see Military PSY=OPS, see HAARP, Mind Control see,
MkUltra=Kathy O'Brian, book TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA, see Code Name
ArtiChoke, Operation Paper Clip, Films at marsboy683
@deadadelta Continuted 23. Black Ops & Black Pope Could the Head of Jesuits
also be calling all the Shots for the CIA=SECRET BLACK ops I think so,
Remamber Banker jews started & Control Jesuits They start wars then FINANCE
eachside. google or Y=T, JEWS VS ZIONIST Same Banker Familess that own the
Federal Reserve Financed HITLER Caused the GREAT DEPRESSION & Purchased
Land/Assets for 4cents on the Dollar have 825 Fema Prison sites, Grow Men
will CRY= When Martial Law, REX84,is imp
@deadadelta Continuted 38. Example, Ms Lissa Vieheldeck owns newspapers in
3 counties around me, she sits on the Board of TRUSTEES over 1.5 Billion
dollars at Phony Methodist University, TRINITY UNIVERSITY in Texas see who
past Speakers were, Many Worship with the TALMUD Bible, its says Jesus
Mother was a Whore Many of the Speakers bring in Plane Loads of Drugs to
America google "TATUM CHRONICLES. Laundry Drug Money thru REAESTATE, pay
CASH for LABOR & MATERIAL, sell for big Profit
@deadadelta Continuted 24. We must get this Information to Each Soldier in
Each Country, Sodiers receive High Dose of ACID called SaltPeter, damages
ability to think & Feel Love 25. Any Country or Community can Print its own
money, Longest Running Money system was the TALLY STICK see Money Masters
President Kennedy signed order 11110 for TREASURY to print INTEREST fREE
MONEY they printed 4 billion read TEASURY NOTES, Jesuits & Banker Jews
Killed Kennedy see VATICAN ASSASSINS Continut
@deadadelta Continuted 43. We first used these Programs in Haiti 4 star
General Michael Aquino, Major Genral Stubblebine Col Vallery Help Design
write these Programs Aquino was the Head of the CHURCH of SATAN then he
Founded the TEMPLE of SET, again see films at marsboy683 God Bless
@deadadelta Continuted 19. 1947 National Security Act agreed to by many
Countries, spend one fifty 1/5 of the American Budget each Year for SECRET
CIA agent refused to MURDER Presidential Canidate ROSS PEROIT=Pictures of
George H Bush Bringing in Planes full of Drugs also see Oliver North IRAN
CONTRA=member of Knights of Columbus, Most CIA Heads have been K of C, 20.
1882 After being Run out of 88 Countries Co
@deadadelta Continuted 17. Keep PH Level at point 9, for a Month will KILL
most any CANCER, 18. take 1-2 Sodium Bicarbonate tablets eachday this will
give You an ALKALINE Body, Cancer cannot Grow in one, Virus will not stay
long in an Alkaline Body Sodium Bicarbonate is Pure Baking Soda, cost 1-2
pennies day, the PH Strips Cost $12.00 box will last Year God Bless
Religious Secrets Hidden 1,600 Years site of Late Dr. Ernest L
@deadadelta Continuted 34. When Magnesium is Depleted from Soil, Peoples
BRAINS quit working good, then thier Health gets bad I suggest whole
civilizations have Vanished because of lack of MAGNESIUM Old Countries
continue to Last and People stay Healthy they put Magnesium back in Soil by
returning Human & Animal Shit to Soil Any MAGNESIUM will help Brain &
Body,, SCIENTIST =YouTube =georgeeby Identifies 4 types of MAGNESIUM as
being the BEST, # 1= MAGNESIUM Citrate, 2 Mag=Sulfate
@deadadelta Continuted 40.Getting rid of Competition, When Little Drug
DEALERS start getting Business of Big Drug Dealers, they will Plant Drugs
on People to get them Busted/Arrested 41. Paying CASH for Signs, to get
FREE ADVERTISING in News Papers & FREE SPOTS on TV Stations They do not
need a Circuit Judge in office, they can get Accidentially Arrested Drug
Dealers Cases throwed out in lower courts before
@deadadelta Contintued Iam Connected to "NO RELIGION" see SECRETS HIDDEN
1,600 years at= "ASKELM" 35. NO BODY on the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT is
connected to the FOUNDING of AMERICA Everyone on the Court is the type
People our FOUNDING FATHERS come to AMERICA to ESCAPE One US Supreme Court
Justice been telling Judges do not tell anyone what Religion You belong to
see film "RED MASS" at spirituallySmart See my Uploads I Pray God to Bless
Each of You who finds my site
Oh dear. You really should start taking those pills your doctor prescribed.
Or maybe you haven't been yet and that's the problem. Gov't risking
revolution to claim a bit of insurance. Demolishing towers to achieve
something that's already achieved with the impacts themselves (wars/patriot
act) and now weather changing weapons being used. Keep talking, I'm loving
plus the risk/reward analysis doesn't compute. There's an old military
maxim called KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). This is the most overly
complicated plan possible. If they get caught….well, there'd be
revolution and the overthrow of the western political and military system
as we know it….if they succeed they get to claim on the insurance and
pass laws that are apparently useless since the real terrorists are the
gov't. Not quite computing here…How's it sound to you?
@deadadelta Continuted 33. TOXIC WASTE build up in LIVER, do the SCIENTIST
Dr HULDA CLARK liveer Flush cost $5-10.00 flush, over 35 must do 15 at two
week intervals , Liver Performs over 900 functions for Body, see my Flush
under my UPLOADS Doctors tell LIeS only know what Drug Companies teach
them, 9 billion just for Advertising Feel good bad cholestrol 225 dr say
150, Salt does not raise blood pressure leaving MAGNESIUM out of Fertilizer
over 80 years, Magnesium is most important
Lot of VARIABLES, See Dr Judy Wood, she points out 80% of the Buildings
turned to """"DUST""""in one of her video she shows a STEEL beam turning
into """DUST""" Just a few Miles away Hurricane ERIN a Cat 3 , capable of
DROWNING everyone in NY City went Un-Reported, it stood still in the OCEAN,
then after tower 1 & 2 turned to DUST, ERIN turned Right and went out to
SEA Some sort of New Weapon was getting POWER from ERIN see 5 big HAARP'S
they can change the Weather, Earthquakes etc
@deadadelta Continuted 30. Copy this information give it to your Friends,
tell them to Check it out and give out Copies, again we must get this
Information to all Soldiers 31. Programs written for TV's Release ENDORFINS
in BRAIN causes ADDICTION they do not wont you to discuss Meaningful things
like Economics and how to Protect You Family & Your FREEDOM 32 Elements in
. Fluoride is the Primary ingredients in RAT POISON REPAIR BRAIN, pure
water, avoid Sodium, MAGNESIUM YT=georgeeby
@deadadelta Continuted 6.Tried over & over finally STOLE American Money
System 23rd December 1913 FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, we have given them TRILLIONS
for Nothing see HARVARD PROFESSORS Explain 59min Documenatry "FIAT EMPIRE"
7. BANKER JEWS still Control JESUITS=JESUITS CONTROL Catholic =see
Ex-Jesuits on YouTube or Google=ALBERTO RIVERA 8. MURDERED Abraham Lincolyn
6-8 American Presidents Last Kennedy see "VATICAN ASSASSINS 9. 1945 Have
the World DRUGGED with NEUROTOXIN Continut
@deadadelta Continuted 12. You start to wake up at 2 weeks, Craving for
Sweets & Cola's & many DRUgS Broke in Two Weeks, 3-4 Months Big TRANSITION
it hurts Head Sinuses, take little cola, Passes in 4 days, You are more
alert more awake 13. 3000 Professionals & Dr Hirzy Testifying before
Congress Representing 7000 EPA workers all for a Ban on FLUORIDE Watch Film
"PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES"=at FLUORIDEALERT, you see them change name from
HEX-ACID to S-Fluoride, see my Films, God Bless
The fire dept. don't carry out controlled demolitions. Even if he did want
it demolishing it wouldn't be the fire dept he's talk to. "pull it" meant
pull the firefighters out. It's the most blatant example of clutching at
straws to use this quote. Secondly why demolish the buildings at all. Sure
there's reasons to fake a terrorist attack, but why do the buildings esp.
WTC7 need to be brought down? over-complicates an already massively
dangerous "operation".
Why do they continue with this demolition stuff? It was a fire! Just look
at the video as the WTC collapsed- A FIRE. Everyone says fires had never in
history caused a collapse yet 2 fell earlier from fire that very day!
2 Insurance Policies on Each bldg, one Insurance was for TERRORIST Attacks
Excuse to Pass """PATRIOT ACT"""take away FREEDOM Excuse to go back to WAR
see video ""FIAT EMPIRE""" and 9/11 Revisited by 1,500 Structural /
Building Designers
@deadadelta Continued 36. using DEPLETED URANIUM 238 in each bomb, large
shell in Afganistan & Iraq Changing DNA in Soldiers, babies born with 4
heads 8 arms etc 37. It will wipe the Afgan & Iraq people off the Surface
of the EARTH, Soil, Water etc Contaminated with Uranium 238 for Millions of
Years TV Stations Major News Papers owned by Jews they hire Knights of
Columbus or Jesuits to Run them. Google little homw town papers see who
owns & who they hang out with, boards they sit on
Oh dear, these guys don't give up! They had to pull building 7 because 25%
off the bottom floor had been blown out, & it was unstable.
@2012stargirl Thanks, The way I see it 1.30ad Jesus told them you Father is
the Devil 200ad they wrote the TALMUD BIBLE it sys Jesus mother was a
Whore, Ok to have sex with 3 year old 2. 400ad Catholics Chopped up Bible
from 49 books to 66 hide truth 3. 575ad Catholics Created ISLAM to Kill
Jews, Christians Control M-East 4. 1526 Alamabrados Society, Illuminated
Ones, "To GET EVEN" Jews started JESUITS 5. 1540 JESUITS OATH , see
CONGRESSION RECORD 62nd Congress 3rd Continut
@deadadelta Continu 39. Guntersville yacht Club my Opinion is owned by two
REAL ESTATE brokers & an Apraiser 2 are Knights of Columbus one is a JEW
Apraiser can Evaluate land at High Price I think all all three are involved
in Bringing in Drugs Use Drug Money Cash to fix up property again CASH for
LABOR then CASH for MATERIAL detective job $60,000.00 Year in Florida comes
to little Country Town make $25,000.00 year, He is Here to Help set up
Banker Jews & Jesusit DRUG Operation
@deadadelta Continuted 15. UNDERGROUND Cities, London goes down 20 stories,
America From WhiteHouse all the way to West Coast interconnecting Cities,
Machines that can Melt Rock Soil turned to Glass, Super Fast Trains
underground, can grow food etc 16. Dr Bill Deagle says they moved Part of
Underground city in the world in Denver They will Release Viruses Take Pure
Baking Soda Keep PH at 7.3, if You have Cancer, Contin
Insurance policies? The military and FBI/CIA/NSA and god knows what other
agencies all conspired together to bring down the buildings in order to
claim on the insurance??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I know about the
wars and the patriot act – they would have got that without the collapse. 4
planes worth of passengers + the people in the pentagon and a few hundred
in the towers would still be dead. The "demoltion" achieved nothing that
wouldn't have happened if they'd stayed standing.
@deadadelta Continued 42. Ray Guns they can blast a Speaker at a Political
Rally and Confuse his or Her Thinking. 1st Iraq War, we blasted Sadam
Hussenins Elite Guard with large Ray Guns with Message SURRENDER , they
just give-up, one Iraq Colonel was filmed hours later 5 miles out in the
Desert walking around with his Hands still up in the Air a Message see
military Psy-Ops fillms at marsboy683, One of my Friends seen Many large
Satelite Dishes on Trucks in Iraq also see HAARP
Avoid adding """"TOXINS"""to BRAIN, CANCER etc see with your FAMILY, 20
Video at wwwFLUORIDEALERTorg and dr blaylock excitotoxins Silent Sound
WEAPONS, its like Radio Waves see Video SSSS WAVES also TV-puts off A-WAVES
@deadadelta Continuted 14. Cola's High Dose=Hexfluorsilic Acid says
Sodium=will eat up meant over nite, 16 penny IRON nails in 6 weeks, this
ACID is getting into Cell Organs, Bones, BRAIN 50% of intake each day
Remainbuilds up turns to CANCER see Dr Marcus=FluorideAlert. World Bankers,
Jews Control the JESUITS=JESUITS control Catholics. OATH tells them how to
Deceive People Google JESUIT OATH & Protocols Learned Elders of Zion We
must get the People off Drugs & EDUCATE ALL MILITARY
I thought your were a """TROLL""""""so now I """"BLOCK YOU"""your # 302 You
made no Comment about Dr Judy Wood Findings or the 1,500 Engineers in 9/11
@deadadelta Continued 10. NEUROTOXIN is Indurstrial Waste, delivered thru
Cola's, Water, Food, ChemTrials, its Micro Aluminum, Lead, Barium etc its
RAT POISON, Damaging Thinking 25% up to every 72Seconds in America Someone
Looses their MIND=ALZEHEIMERS 5-8 Million Americans in Nursing Homes or at
Home with "NO MIND LEFT" 11. Take Pure Water, Avoid, Sodium, Fluoride TAke
1 of 4 Types MAGNESIUMS will Remove Aluminum from BRAIN see
SCIENTIST=georgeeby You go thru TRAINSITIONS= Continute
@deadadelta Continuted 21. Most INFILTRATED RELIGION in America is the
METHODIST Church=Reason they are in more Counties than any other 22. George
W Bush, became METHODIST in 1977, Boston Interview He says All Methodist do
not see eye to eye, You can see BUSH Celebrate "RED MASS" in Film at
SpirituallySmart google 3 generations of Bush with JESUITS , NickName=Head
of JESUITS is =BLACK POPE, google or YouTube BLACK POPE ex-JESUIT Alberto
Rivera said a SECRET GROUP controlled Jesuits
@deadadelta Continued 26. American Armed Forces have Knights of Columbus or
Jews as Head GEnerals 27. To see who is Bringing in DRUGS to Your Area
google Knights of Columbus for Your Area, see who they support for
Political Office. giving Drug Money to Judges (District Judges), Governors
Affect Whole Towns see Military PSY=OPS, see HAARP, Mind Control see,
MkUltra=Kathy O'Brian, book TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA, see Code Name
ArtiChoke, Operation Paper Clip, Films at marsboy683
@deadadelta Continuted 23. Black Ops & Black Pope Could the Head of Jesuits
also be calling all the Shots for the CIA=SECRET BLACK ops I think so,
Remamber Banker jews started & Control Jesuits They start wars then FINANCE
eachside. google or Y=T, JEWS VS ZIONIST Same Banker Familess that own the
Federal Reserve Financed HITLER Caused the GREAT DEPRESSION & Purchased
Land/Assets for 4cents on the Dollar have 825 Fema Prison sites, Grow Men
will CRY= When Martial Law, REX84,is imp
@deadadelta Continuted 38. Example, Ms Lissa Vieheldeck owns newspapers in
3 counties around me, she sits on the Board of TRUSTEES over 1.5 Billion
dollars at Phony Methodist University, TRINITY UNIVERSITY in Texas see who
past Speakers were, Many Worship with the TALMUD Bible, its says Jesus
Mother was a Whore Many of the Speakers bring in Plane Loads of Drugs to
America google "TATUM CHRONICLES. Laundry Drug Money thru REAESTATE, pay
CASH for LABOR & MATERIAL, sell for big Profit
@deadadelta Continuted 24. We must get this Information to Each Soldier in
Each Country, Sodiers receive High Dose of ACID called SaltPeter, damages
ability to think & Feel Love 25. Any Country or Community can Print its own
money, Longest Running Money system was the TALLY STICK see Money Masters
President Kennedy signed order 11110 for TREASURY to print INTEREST fREE
MONEY they printed 4 billion read TEASURY NOTES, Jesuits & Banker Jews
Killed Kennedy see VATICAN ASSASSINS Continut
@deadadelta Continuted 43. We first used these Programs in Haiti 4 star
General Michael Aquino, Major Genral Stubblebine Col Vallery Help Design
write these Programs Aquino was the Head of the CHURCH of SATAN then he
Founded the TEMPLE of SET, again see films at marsboy683 God Bless
Study BANKING see :::FIAT EMPIRE watch it over and over Study the
CONSTITUTION watch CARL MILLER, listen to it in your SLEEP