911: Official Explanation Of Building 7 Released Today

Airing Date Aug.21, 2008 911: Official Explanation Of Building 7 Released Today What a crock of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Silverstein said the building was pulled.If it had devastating fires within
    and floors and columns were collapsing how were demolition experts able to
    place explosives to allow the classic controlled demolition to take place.
    Think about it the only way it was possible is of the explosives were
    placed prior to the fires and collapse of internal structures.

  2. then why didnt jet fuel burn the pentagon?fuck the nwo fuck hr1956 and fuck
    the puppet media,its only a matter of time before the world realise who the
    real terrorists are

  3. Has anyone seen a HOUSE, Barn, or any other NON steel building collapse
    from fire????? IT NEVER collapses to the ground all at once!!! NOT EVEN A
    WOODEN BUILDING you idiots! The part where the most intense fire is caves
    in first! Building 7 went down all at once! Scientists and Engineers KNOW
    this building didn't fall because of FIRE. Most are just afraid for their
    lives to disagree! The NWO has them pissing their pants! This is a sad,
    sad, day.

  4. I'm sorry son, even someone who doens't believe in the "conspiracy
    theories" is looking at this going, "WTF? "A few fires on the middle floor
    made the entire building collapse neatly into it's own footprint?" They got
    three "experts" to do what an entire 9/11 commision could not? And this
    once-in-a-lifetime event just happened to occur on 9/11? This wonder of
    nature happened because this bomb shelter/office building caught fire in
    it's middle floors? Don't insult my intelligence.

  5. Fucking lies, AGAIN!….Jesus-christ there were never a building made of
    steel felled down because of a fucking fire. It is impossible!. fuck, do a
    rechearch on youtube,google, don't let the lies and propaganda deceive you.

  6. OMG…OMG! Sheesh! WTF?! Oh well, what was I expecting? The official
    findings to be the truth? I guess I'll go cash in my US dollars for Ameros
    now… maybe go get in line for my Real ID… wtf???????? (is there a Bush
    Youth Camp I should be promoting to the local kids?)

  7. Alastair Carnegie · Edit

    "CARGO CULT SCIENCE" a term used by Richard Feynman in his 1974 Caltech
    commencement address to describe work that has the semblance of being
    scientific, but is missing "a kind of scientific integrity,Just as cargo
    cultists create mock airports that fail to produce airplanes, cargo cult
    scientists conduct FLAWED research that fails to produce useful results. To
    avoid becoming cargo cult scientist, researchers must first of all avoid
    fooling themselves, be willing to question and doubt! Wikipedia

  8. My God, the New World Order is here without a doubt. People please educate
    yourselves, there is simply no way a modern highrise can fall because of
    fire, FKEN IMPOSSIBLE!! We need our nations best and brightest to prove
    them wrong NOW! They are feeding us this BS, completely insulting our
    intelligence. This US Government has GOT to GO, we need a new one because
    the one we have is broken and cannot be salvaged. ROT IN HELL US GOVERNMENT

  9. @exxx247 Meaning they are still leaving a window of ignorance to possibly
    allay legal heat in the threat of a future trial over the coverup and

  10. i am so glad that my fears and Q have been anserwed? thank god that the
    powers that be were clever inuff 2 get every 1 out ov the way before it was
    pulled? and beare in mind this was in the middle of a crissis? we need t
    give thease people the exposeire and credit that thay truly deserve? FUCKIN
    HANG THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. @tnoble711 That's because it didn't. Material from the WTC carved a nearly
    20 story gash in the back side of B7. It burned all day, with no sprinklers
    running. What's more. Multiple fire companies knew all about this building
    extensively. It was evacuated because of fear of collapse. They knew about
    its condition by 11am. It fell at 5pm. The FDNY fire chief stood in front
    of it when it fell and not a sound was heard. No explosions or anything..
    The conspiracy stuff is nonsense.

  12. Mystery solved! What a joke. Unreal. Why did the media fall in line like
    this when on the day of the attacks they questioned it? Sad state of

  13. empoweredventures · Edit

    yeah OK DUDE, fire collapsed the building!!! OK DUDE, it came down at FREE
    FALL SPEED…. Think about this guys… FREE FALL SPEED. Dont insult my

  14. I'll try again…my last post either was not put up in error or sensored by
    "free speach America". This is a complete insult to any reasonable American
    man/woman. How can the US Govt say this with a straight face? The New World
    Order is no longer fiction people! They are spoon feeding us this BS. We
    need Americas best and brightest on this to protest this big brother
    misinformation. My God what is America coming to when it's own government
    are TRAITORS of its people. Remove US Govt NOW!!!!!!!!

  15. Alastair Carnegie · Edit

    "Move along now folks, nothing to see here…You have heard the experts,
    Building 7 was brought down by fires, the sophisticated computer model is
    conclusive!…wacky, insane, dumb conspiracy theorists are wrong!…now
    hurry up, nothing to see here folks!"

  16. falconjblack2008 · Edit

    HAHAHA!! They said "This is the FIRST time fire has brought down a steel
    building." Yet firemen were warned before it fell. So if it was the FIRST
    time then someone knew that the building was coming down.

  17. What a crock of shit. Hitler's big lie strategy. Anyone with 2 eyes and a
    braincell or two can see that it wasn't fire that brought it down

  18. ok. so they show in 1 video the building melting. and in their official
    explanation (simulation) they show the building crumbling on the side from
    the so called fires… wtf? THE BUILDING MELTED FREE FALL ON ITSELF
    STARTING WITH THE CENTER. that fucking troll was so scared when he tried to
    validate those lies it's not even funny.

  19. They shipped the steel to china and melted it down, countless people
    reported several explosions (including ones in the loby) there is video
    footage of this for validation. Yes, these experts are saying that a 30
    story steel building came down due to fire for the first time in history
    but more experts are saying that can't happen and that it was more likely a
    controlled demolition. Then take politics into concideration, war on
    terror? if you believe the official report, sorry but you are a fool.

  20. Look up Barry Jennings!His testimony alone demolishes the whole govts
    story!Plus where are the pics of all this debris and damage to the
    building!They don't exist and Larry Silverstein himself said it was the
    antenna from the North Tower that damage building 7!

  21. The MSM knows most people will believe anything. This is amazing. The media
    has won the info war. They OWN the minds of most Americans. Most Americans
    can't think critically, using simple induction and deduction. Society has
    been dumbed down to the point that they can be led to believe ANYTHING! It
    is a sad time in the evolution of mankind!

  22. If the g-crudes can pass off paper money as "valuable", skyscrapers that
    implode into its own foot print due to fire seems to be a logical
    explanation for the stepford people. Look at the bright side, you don't
    have to rent comedy vids no more.

  23. "The collapse of Tower 7 was primarily due to fire. This is the first
    instance we are aware of that a building more than fifteen stories tall
    collapsed primarily due to fire." Even they are forced to admit it's never
    happened before, and are stretched to explain how it could even have been
    possible. Personally if it was an accidental collapse I would be more
    interested in investigating the columns themselves. Shock and vibration
    from debris could have shifted the building enough to snap them.

  24. Bullshit. Science this, science that. Look at us, we let the computer think
    for us instead of using common fucking sense! Let's see, so a key column
    caved, and all of a sudden the building falls in on itself at freefall
    speed. The funny thing is, it's done the exact same way in a controlled
    demolition. Besides, they can never do a scientific investigation because
    all of the remains of WTC 1, 2 and 7 were removed.


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