(NEW) Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 | Architects & Engineers 9/11 Truth HD

AE911Truth’s new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architec…

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  1. I hate to say it, but the truth will never come out. They know if it comes
    out that the government was involved then they will all be put to death.
    What got my mind changed is early on when I heard all the high up people in
    government called their loved ones the day before, and told them not to
    fly. They got to save their loved ones. People can't or won't see that ever
    since 9/11 the government has had a strangle hold on us, and a bottomless
    pit of money going to them.

  2. Just over 9,000 views ONLY!!! This is what is wrong!! YOU the people! There
    are over 10,000,000 views on a video that is propagating the lies. That's
    how easily people are sold. It's a joke! THIS video speaks volumes to the
    rational, sound, investigative, caring, truth seeker. The other ones just
    drum up hype about how "crazy" the "conspiracy theorists" must be to
    believe that the US terrorist government could be considered terrorists or
    commit such acts. It's like WAKE UP!!! It's happened before, it's happening
    now, and it is going to continue to happen so long as you treat yourself
    like an idiot. Just be happy that I didn't lose someone in 9/11.

  3. you don't have to be an expert to figure the collapse of the building
    couldn't be because of an office fire, it was way too perfect for that.

  4. Here's the bottom line. The Government has produced tens of thousands of
    pages derived from the best independent structural engineering companies in
    the US. They are done explaining.

    If twoofers want a better report, go produce it.

  5. mother of god…I guess planning a skyscraper design with standards like
    being hit with large aircraft and jet fuel fires, tornado strength winds
    and variables of all kinds just are all wrong when considering to go, no go
    on the build. What we need is to just make steel strong enough to withstand
    office fire furniture and I guess were good. But Ill just be safe and stay
    out of any skyscraper expecially a tube frame design like the twins. Seeing
    how incredibly easy it is for them to just collapse so, bet the insurance
    is a real bitch knowing how unstable a skyscraper is and how they can just
    fall in on them selves. Better not sneak a smoke in the bathroom If it
    catches somthing on fire, that shit could bring that whole mother

  6. Funny how there is not one sign of CD in the debris of Building 7. The
    truther excuse that it was all hauled off is BS. I can find plenty of
    structural evidence to this day, and every bit of it shows breaking at
    connectors. I wonder why all these "experts" never talk about the
    structural remains?

  7. I can assure you, the US government had nothing to do with it, neither did
    Al Qaida.

    I think this man had something to do with WTC 7 .

    Take a leap of faith and search at google and youtube -> " Peter von Zahn "


    The terrorists, who flew the planes, were not the ones, who hijacked them,
    and they were NOT arabs.

    They trained the attacks here:

  8. Elements of the shadow government are still afraid of critical thinking by
    the public on these comment boards by the number of cointelpro and sock
    puppets busy insulting people here. There are now peer reviewed scientific
    papers showing energetic thermitic material in the dust of the demolition
    of WTC towers 1,2 and building 7 which is clear evidence of controlled
    demolition. This is NOT paint as the material releases calorimetrically
    measured energy that follows known thermitic measured reactions. The
    information is available in the alternate media because the main stream
    media is ALL disinformation, protecting the criminal elements of the
    financial elites.
    The main stream media is owned by CIA criminal elements feeding the public
    obvious lies to cover the laundering of 240 billion dollars of government
    bonds used to finance illegal black operations in looting the Soviet Union
    during Boris Yeltsin presidency and George Bush Senior’s time as CIA
    director. During September 11/2001 the SEC halted its normal procedures for
    the clearance of government securities, as did the Federal Reserve. This
    made is easier to swap the bogus securities for new real ones, all at the
    expense of robbing the general public in the USA. They created the chaos by
    flying the planes directly into the floors of the Marshall McClelland and
    Cantor Fitzgerald, the very companies that handle most of the government
    securities in the USA, to kill as many of the employees as they could to
    create the chaos, then allowing their automated computer programs to go to
    work. There is testimonial evidence from employees directly involved at The
    Bank of New York, and within the World Trade Centre that an unknown program
    took over financial transactions after the plane hit the towers. This is
    why we have a lot of testimony from survivors of WTC 1 and 2 and Building
    seven that they heard secondary explosions before the planes hit. These
    explosions were on the floors, below the offices that were investigating
    fraudulent SEC investigations prior to Sept 11/2001 and were needed to
    destroy evidence of these financial investigations. You can read the full
    investigative report here. http://www.wanttoknow.info/911/Collateral-Damage-
    Why else would the supposed plane that hit the pentagon, not fly the much
    easier route into the Whitehouse, or directly into the pentagon from above,
    make an almost impossible maneuver of 270 degree descending turn, and crash
    into the very spot of Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) that were the
    accountants looking into the missing 2 trillion dollars of money stolen
    from the American Public.
    There is enough evidence presented by the over 2000 Architects and
    Engineers, at A&E for 911 Truth, Pilots for 911 Truth, military personnel
    and scientists to open a new investigation and begin to prosecute the house
    of cards. It will eventually happen when good people take control of key
    committees in congress. I believe the USA is a tinderbox of attitudes, and
    the peoples new CIA will prevail.

  9. 9:13 that's not molten metal as they are claiming. You can't pick up
    molten metal as a solid. I mean, really? That's your photographic

  10. LOL, all the same old lies. Point out any part of this video and I'll
    explain it.

    By the way, why do they talk about melted steel, which has a high
    temperature melting point, and the refer to the report which says melted
    iron and lead, which have low melting points?

  11. 7:53 Niels Harrit says he found unreacted thermite. What he doesn't tell
    you is that actual scientific investigation of samples with a chain of
    evidence showed the same thing. Well, until they did further testing which
    showed it was paint.

    Even if you want to throw out the evidence it was paint because you think
    everyone who isn't a twoofer is in on it, you can't deny that the UNREACTED
    thermite is in far too large a quantity. If he found that much UNREACTED
    (didn't burn) thermite, then there must have been TONS of thermite! The
    ratios don't work.

    Oh, by the way, the video after that of the "tests" on the beams, that's
    not thermite, that's thermAte. He would have found completely different
    results from thermAte.

  12. Danny Jowenko was the only expert that thought it was explosive demolition
    and he came up with that opinion based on the twoofer video of the tower
    after the penthouse collapsed. He never actually studied the building. He
    also said the twin towers were no explosive demolition.

  13. 9:24 dumbass talks about THERMITE then they pan over the ingredients of
    THERMATE. Since when does THERMITE contain Barium Nitrate? And if it was
    THERMATE, where is the Barium in the samples? It's NOT.

  14. You mean to say anyone who thinks the 911 attacks were deliberately
    planned-in-advance by people for political purposes instead of an Act of
    God, which just HAPPENED because of chance natural events like an
    earthquake or hurricane, are 'ignorant'? The definition of 'Clueless' would
    be perfectly illustrated w/ your photo. Seriously.

  15. The tritium found in the highly diluted waters in the basements was not the
    tritium used in explosive devices, rather it was produced in the
    explosion(s) itself. 55x normal background levels. Its having been found is
    an irrefutable fact. 55x despite days/weeks of water being poured on the
    rubble. It's one more thing pointing to the use of micro-nukes.

  16. How can anybody be so ignorant to believe that 911 wasn't a planned
    operation? It is well established that 911 was carried out by a rogue
    element within the US government and elite bankers who profit from war. The
    US government cannot explain WTC 7 demolition. This is just one of many
    absurdities that occurred that day.

  17. most truthers do not give a shit about a ranting Muslim Patsy 2 there was
    not 95 percent of the plane recovered 3 by my count it is less then twenty
    and almost none who saw the final approach into the pentagon Also what hit
    the pentagon has no value compared to how the twin towers fell in other
    words yes there could have been a computer controlled plane flying at 400
    plus but there was no way some dipshit who recently failed the checkout in
    a 172 was flying it. That is not even debatable.

  18. Google, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani opens a $13 million emergency
    command center on the 23rd floor of World Trade Center Building 7.
    Responsible to coordinate emergencies, like acts of terror. The area was
    reinforced, bullet & bomb proof, with video monitors so the mayor can
    oversee police and fire department responses. It was staffed around the
    clock, intended as a meeting place for city leaders in an emergency or
    during an act of terrorism. EPIC FAIL!

  19. Insurance? check out who OWNS the insurance companies, the same Banksters
    who rule the world and plan all this deception and destruction. If u think
    the are going top foil their own plot u r quite mad Most of the columns in
    fact all of the interior columns that carried most of the buildings
    compressive load were destroyed by thermite the few that were left
    obviously could not take the whole load 1st it is not known that Bush
    stopped working 4 them that early second Marvin Bush was but 1 player

    committed 9/11, why arent truthers demanding the release of Khalid Sheikh
    Mohammed who is on trial for his life for a crime truthers claim he did not
    commit? If there was no flight 93, please explain how 95% of the plane
    debris was recovered? If there was no flight 77, please explain how 130+
    witnesses reported seeing a plane?

  21. There's nothing we can do to push all those evil giants to dig their own
    graves.. they're too strong.., too powerful.., and heartless…

  22. The "truth movement" was dead 8 years ago. You guys won't give it up
    because the truth isn't what you want it to be. So you keep asking the same
    questions over and over again that have all been answered and realistically
    explained. It is impossible to argue with anyone who starts off with
    pre-determined conclusions that they WANT to be the truth, then works
    backwards to twist words and facts around so that their so called "facts"
    are met.

  23. Ok, enough of you refusing to answer questions. 1) How did the structural
    framing compensate for the station and how did that influence the collapse?
    WTC 7 wasn't designed for a huge fucking collapsing building impact. 2)
    Bullshit. You suck at research lying loser! /watch?v=WnYBX6QT0R4 3) That's
    my point. It's possible. 4) Did you ever pass 5th grade science? 911 TRUTH
    = 911 LIES

  24. You government punks crack me up. You won't go away even though vids like
    this exists. I hope your daddy is proud of you, because he raised a perfect
    traitor. Enjoy working for the government, punk.

  25. your joking right? didnt you watch the way the building fell, You really
    thing a plane can do that It would be believable if the top parts of the
    building fell off but the whole building collapse

  26. how does ten dropping floors creating the same cataclysmic damage as thirty
    when the weight difference is insurmountable? really love the Satam
    al-Suqami's asbestos passport. the whole insurance industry is dishonestly
    fraudulently corrupt just like the government silverstein sleeps with.
    three trillion unaccounted dollars buys a lot of silence or 29c a bullet

  27. The idea that the Government "planned" 9/11 in terms of allowing Osama bin
    Laden to hit us with a terrorist attack is more believable than the
    ridiculous notion that explosives were used to demolish all the buildings.

  28. I thought of that a long time ago, you must be correct. People cannot be
    that stupid or blind. How then do we get those that did this to our country.

  29. have you seen the evidence for a north of the citgo station, approach, at
    the pentagon, see cit team, if true the light columns could not have been
    knocked down, an the inner hole in the c ring would not line up

  30. thew issue her iks how do we the people take back thr governemt and bring
    to trial GHW Bush, GW Bush, Marvin Bush Rudi Gielliani,Silverstein,J Paul
    Bremer, Maurice Greenburg, Jeffery Greenberg, Richard Armitage, Frank
    Carlucci, Wirt Walker,Richard Clarke, Jerome Hauer, Donald Rumsfeld, Criag
    Stapleton, Wolfowitz, Sandy Berger, Friedman,Hadley,Lee Hamilton, Jay
    Pierce, Joseph Castides,Joseph Nye, Teresa Mcallister, Bernard Kerrick, Dov
    Zachiem, and a host of others.

  31. Pro architects and engineers need to find proof WTC7 was a controlled
    demolition. They need to begin with fact that the tower had to be rigged
    weeks prior 9/11 or the controlled demolition was a built-in feature:
    Emporis tells us WTC7 was built atop the power substation building that
    supplied much of downtown Manhattan with electricity. A little research
    reveals ENRON was part of a "Natural Gas STAR" partners project in 2000
    with access to WTC7 power substation.

  32. wellifthemediasaysit · Edit

    The vile racist shills/trolls/disinfo (STDs) who desperately defend the
    official fairy tale for a few bucks an hour are convicted felons! They have
    been handed a 2nd chance in life by their COINTELPRO masters! It makes
    perfect sense, it keeps the welfare queues down, employment up, and it
    explains where that missing $2.3 trillion is going! If they turn against
    their masters, no one will believe them because of their past! The world
    knows 9/11 was an inside job, but watch the STDs attack me now!

    Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in
    insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's
    evidence of fraud? If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire,
    how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and
    stress loads 18 minutes after impact? How can Marvin Bush be in charge of
    WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?

  34. The government? Oh hey, thanks for reminding me because my monthly check
    they send me for going on YouTube and disproving 9/11 myths is supposed to
    be coming in this week…

  35. why would muslims want to destroy the evidence that was about to be exposed
    that had been collected in building 7 that would have blown open the moon
    landing and chemtrail conspiracies? there must be a more contrived, twisted
    plot behind all the smoking guns that point to the REAL smoking gun

  36. Tritium would emit light and radiation prior to ignition. Too unstable to
    be placed before the event and to wait until the airplanes hit.

  37. professional Architects & Engineers with nothing to prove but the truth
    using just their highly paid education and trained eyes. unlike the
    professional arseholes unable to problem solve with their own eyes and are
    bereft of common sense. the 6th sense is not for seeing braindead people

  38. Thermite won't make cars erupt into flames and melt their engine blocks a
    half mile away. Nobody wants to talk about mini- & micro-nukes. These
    things put out intense radiation that can indeed vaporize steel.
    MINI-NUKES. Pure fusion or nearly pure fusion devices that don't have the
    lingering fallout of the megaton variety. Tritium (radioactive heavy
    hydrogen) levels in water samples from basement of Building 6 (which had a
    large crater) were 55 times greater than background levels. Expand scope.


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