“I have no evidence that this [BUILDING 7] really occurred” JOE LIEBERMAN

“From all that I know about this, ah, the investigation was really done how it happened. I, I, I every now and then I meet someone along the trail asking me …

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33 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Well I think you're all a bunch of patsies for swallowing the party line
    this way! The truth is, there never was any "World Trade Center" — its
    construction, its standing for thirty years, and itrs alleged demolition
    were all just an elaborate psyop!

  2. Let's make 2012 NO WORK YEAR. Quit your jobs, take that holiday, even for a
    week, month or more. Just fuck the tax system up for a whole year. Just 10%
    would make a difference.

  3. Don't diss me lieberman. Diss-info agent lieberman. I wouldn't trade my
    soul for riches, power, fame, you name it. How's that trade working out
    joel?lieberman…you should repent and tell the truth to the sheep.
    Obstinate of heart creatures are real and in your face, running the big
    show until the show-down in the ho-town (congress) with the Father in
    Heaven, the great I Am, Jesus, Yeshua, Yehovah, Yahushua. Have you fun
    creatures….He is coming soon and you will regret what you see in you.

  4. Dual citizen Americans should not be allowed to be a member of any branch
    of the US government! Deport them all to Israel and save America.

  5. He has no evidence that Building 7's collapse occurred. Has he never heard
    of the concept of television and news media? The friggin' mainstream news
    reported on it and showed it happening in real time.

  6. Neo Con= National Socialist= NAZIS= Fascist= Reichstag Part 2= Rise and
    take over of the 4th Reich………( The 4th Regin of the Rich)

  7. Lieberman is worse than a pussy……he has sold his soul. But that's
    ok,because that's what he intended to do.All we have to do is eventually
    ,as Americans,know this,so when we go after the individuals that covered
    this up,he is one of them that will serve a lengthy,if not
    life…..sentence.Of course this comes when Americans are willing to turn
    off their tv's and get off the couch and answer to the abominations that
    are being splayed on them by our elected officials

  8. Lieberman is a pussy; plain and simple! Standing there and bare-faced lying
    about not knowing anything about building 7. Nonetheless, ALL of these
    "inside-job" clowns will bow before the Lord one day, and their asses will
    burn in hell for all eternity. Seems fair to me…?

  9. I HATE THIS LITTLE BITCH OF A MAN! Obama is a truly weak President, but Joe
    Lieberman is wormy, gross, sickening, twisted , pussy. If I had the legal
    right to beat the shit out of anyone in Washington, I would stomp this
    piece of shit and burn his remains before I even thought about Bush or
    Cheney. I find Joe Lieberman a totally disgusting…….

  10. Yeah, dudes. There never _was_ a Building 7. It's a figment of your
    imagination. There was a Building 1 and a Building 2, brought down by big,
    bad A-rab terrorists. But Building 7? Didn't even exist. It's a trick by
    them A-rab terrorists and the enemies of American Freedom.

  11. Round up all of them bad boys hang them high in the street.. for all the
    people to see!! You know that juctice is the one thing you can all find you
    gotta saddle up the boys you have to draw a hard line!!!


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