Special Thanks to: http://www.YouTube.com/user/Femr2 http://femr2.ucoz.com This video shows that the NIST Report on WTC 7 is not representative of reality an…
it's over shilly. you can no longer pretend all of AIA disagrees with
ae911truth. you were proven wrong. sorry kid. it didn't work. you put up a
good fight though. well…you didn't, but i don't want you to feel TOO bad.
hey…..hey shillfirbin! ……i found the "conspiracy website" that Kamal
Obeid (Structural Engineer – Masters Degree in Civil and Structural
Engineering – Practicing Engineer for 30 years – Licensed Structure
Engineer for 25 years) belongs too. and guess what, not only does he belong
to it, but according to his Linked In page…..he is the OWNER!
landtech(dot)com what a "conspiracy" nut! ……..right?!?!?! lol. you
fucking moron.
i didn't say he was "unqualified" i said he's a crackpot. and he is. from
his bio: "Only recently have I begun to examine the structural collapse of
the buildings." excellent! sounds like he really knows the subject matter.
i can see why you have so much faith in his opinion. "evidence of thermite
in the debris" oh no, he's not a crackpot at all seems totally legit. HA
are you so stupid as to try to use that as some kind of "proof?" you ask if
anyone takes them seriously, i link you to the many, many architects and
engineers who do, and by your failed logic, you claim that those people
don't count? lmao. so according to you, the group can't be taken seriously
because no one supports them. and all their thousands and thousands of
supporters can't be taken seriously because they're in the group. you do
see how stupid you are, correct?
""DO science?" wow……that is just……wow……" yeah, you know. DO
math, DO science. it's pretty common parlance. maybe you'd know that if you
stepped away from the computer and interacted with an actual real human
being now and then.
do you think "conspiracy theory" means "always wrong?" yeah, you see here
on earth conspiracy theory is a figure of speech for "paranoid nonsense." i
know you don't do very well with figures of speech, since your big "do
science" quandary. "have disproven 0 things" ah, wouldn't that mean they
would have had to prove something first, which they haven't? other that the
fact that there are a lot of suckers like you out there, but we already
knew that, didn't we.
"because their public relations department doesn't want to be associated
with conspiracy theories" so you acknowledge that a&e 911 truth are
promoting conspiracy theories. good job. "members from AIA who have signed
on saying that they're against ae911truth." burden of proof backwards
again. the AIA have disowned a&e for 9/11 "truth" go ahead and pretend it's
just their "PR department."
lmfao. you must have passed statistics with flying colors!!!!! so,
according to your logic…..ONLY actual members of the KKK follow their
belief structure. good thing too. i thought there were a lot more racists
out there!
HOLD a RULER to the screen on the edge of the building at the right from
:10 to :14 I know its not much time since the building fell oh so slowly.
Not as if it was violating the law of conservation of momentum or like the
only thing missing was Godzilla's foot.
wow…..ok….. yes. here are the exact people, among others, who take them
seriously. ae911truth(dot)org/signpetition(dot)php
ae911truth(dot)org/signpetition(dot)php?o=1 including Kamal Obeid, licensed
structural engineer for over 30 years with a masters degree and his own
business. she how your shitty logic fails you? nah…you probably can't
figure it out
you're meaningless comments are just that…meaningless. you've made one
pathetic, nonsensical attempt at denouncing ae911truth which didn't work.
you've made 0 towards the rest of the groups mentioned. this is because
you're weak. until you come up with something substantial, i'll continue to
consider you a joke. stillllll waiting….
@NowKillYourself do the research shilltard!!! you know it as well as us,
you are simply paid to 'sway our opinion' on the net eh?? jeeez you
cointelpro trolls dont make it obvious do you??? awww poor stupid paid
disinfo troll, at least keep the BS more realistic!! we all know full well
9/11 was an inside job, no shills/trolls/disinfo (STDs) make any
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect Harry G. Robinson, III, FAIA, AICP, NOMA
Daniel B. Barnum, B.Arch, FAIA David Paul Helpern, M.Arch, FAIA Kevin A.
Kelly, FAIA Paul Stevenson Oles, M.Arch, FAIA Eason Cross, M.Arch, FAIA H.
Theodore Elden, Jr., B.Arch, AIA Timothy Cannell Davis, BA, M.Arch, AIA
Paul Adams, B.Arch, M.Arch, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Raphael Sperry, M.Arch, AIA
Reuben Gene Walters, B.Arch, Assoc. AIA Cynthia Howard, M.Arch, AIA running
out of room on AIA ae911truth members
of course you don't attempt to prove me wrong. this is because you can't.
instead you make weak, vague, baseless attacks against me. you do realize
how painfully obvious this is, correct? nah. you're not quite smart enough
for that. this science still stands, kid. and i didn't have to "do"
anything. 😉
you've already proven yourself wrong by refusing to provide said "fact." i
can literally sit back and watch you squirm. your legs must be getting
tired holding that tail though…. you should just tell me what this "fact"
is already…. lol
"because no one supports them" didn't say no one supports them. i said only
nutjobs and suckers like you support them and you've yet to prove
otherwise, other than the members themselves, speaking of most moronic
thing on the internet. meanwhile, i've shown you that a respected
professional organization expressly disavows them, which you of course
dismiss with your pathetic hand waving.
you're really on that hamster -wheel today, huh? round and round you go?
allow me to refresh for the learning-challeneged in our midst: me: "who
takes the flat-earth society seriously?" you: "well, the flat earth
society, naturally!" but hey, when you apply for your next menial job and
they ask for references, just tell them you'll vouch yourself. see how that
works out for you.
close enough
it's over shilly. you can no longer pretend all of AIA disagrees with
ae911truth. you were proven wrong. sorry kid. it didn't work. you put up a
good fight though. well…you didn't, but i don't want you to feel TOO bad.
hey…..hey shillfirbin! ……i found the "conspiracy website" that Kamal
Obeid (Structural Engineer – Masters Degree in Civil and Structural
Engineering – Practicing Engineer for 30 years – Licensed Structure
Engineer for 25 years) belongs too. and guess what, not only does he belong
to it, but according to his Linked In page…..he is the OWNER!
landtech(dot)com what a "conspiracy" nut! ……..right?!?!?! lol. you
fucking moron.
i didn't say he was "unqualified" i said he's a crackpot. and he is. from
his bio: "Only recently have I begun to examine the structural collapse of
the buildings." excellent! sounds like he really knows the subject matter.
i can see why you have so much faith in his opinion. "evidence of thermite
in the debris" oh no, he's not a crackpot at all seems totally legit. HA
@steveandcasey That's what I thought. No evidence.
there are over 1700 now. and growing! not to mention the over 15,000 other
individuals who have signed their petition, including myself.
are you so stupid as to try to use that as some kind of "proof?" you ask if
anyone takes them seriously, i link you to the many, many architects and
engineers who do, and by your failed logic, you claim that those people
don't count? lmao. so according to you, the group can't be taken seriously
because no one supports them. and all their thousands and thousands of
supporters can't be taken seriously because they're in the group. you do
see how stupid you are, correct?
""DO science?" wow……that is just……wow……" yeah, you know. DO
math, DO science. it's pretty common parlance. maybe you'd know that if you
stepped away from the computer and interacted with an actual real human
being now and then.
and why weren't ANY of them at gage's presentation?
do you think "conspiracy theory" means "always wrong?" yeah, you see here
on earth conspiracy theory is a figure of speech for "paranoid nonsense." i
know you don't do very well with figures of speech, since your big "do
science" quandary. "have disproven 0 things" ah, wouldn't that mean they
would have had to prove something first, which they haven't? other that the
fact that there are a lot of suckers like you out there, but we already
knew that, didn't we.
"because their public relations department doesn't want to be associated
with conspiracy theories" so you acknowledge that a&e 911 truth are
promoting conspiracy theories. good job. "members from AIA who have signed
on saying that they're against ae911truth." burden of proof backwards
again. the AIA have disowned a&e for 9/11 "truth" go ahead and pretend it's
just their "PR department."
lmfao. you must have passed statistics with flying colors!!!!! so,
according to your logic…..ONLY actual members of the KKK follow their
belief structure. good thing too. i thought there were a lot more racists
out there!
HOLD a RULER to the screen on the edge of the building at the right from
:10 to :14 I know its not much time since the building fell oh so slowly.
Not as if it was violating the law of conservation of momentum or like the
only thing missing was Godzilla's foot.
wow…..ok….. yes. here are the exact people, among others, who take them
seriously. ae911truth(dot)org/signpetition(dot)php
ae911truth(dot)org/signpetition(dot)php?o=1 including Kamal Obeid, licensed
structural engineer for over 30 years with a masters degree and his own
business. she how your shitty logic fails you? nah…you probably can't
figure it out
looks like you can't explain it either, huh shill?
be a man. you said you wanted to "do science." well so do i. so answer the
question. are you not smart enough? what's the problem?
me: "who takes the flat-earth society seriously?" you: "well, the flat
earth society, naturally!" HA HA!!
you're meaningless comments are just that…meaningless. you've made one
pathetic, nonsensical attempt at denouncing ae911truth which didn't work.
you've made 0 towards the rest of the groups mentioned. this is because
you're weak. until you come up with something substantial, i'll continue to
consider you a joke. stillllll waiting….
1500 engineers have said demolitions brought the buildings down…what more
do they want? Have they cahnged any building codes? NO, not one.
his comparison is valid.
@NowKillYourself do the research shilltard!!! you know it as well as us,
you are simply paid to 'sway our opinion' on the net eh?? jeeez you
cointelpro trolls dont make it obvious do you??? awww poor stupid paid
disinfo troll, at least keep the BS more realistic!! we all know full well
9/11 was an inside job, no shills/trolls/disinfo (STDs) make any
Richard Gage, AIA, Architect Harry G. Robinson, III, FAIA, AICP, NOMA
Daniel B. Barnum, B.Arch, FAIA David Paul Helpern, M.Arch, FAIA Kevin A.
Kelly, FAIA Paul Stevenson Oles, M.Arch, FAIA Eason Cross, M.Arch, FAIA H.
Theodore Elden, Jr., B.Arch, AIA Timothy Cannell Davis, BA, M.Arch, AIA
Paul Adams, B.Arch, M.Arch, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Raphael Sperry, M.Arch, AIA
Reuben Gene Walters, B.Arch, Assoc. AIA Cynthia Howard, M.Arch, AIA running
out of room on AIA ae911truth members
of course you don't attempt to prove me wrong. this is because you can't.
instead you make weak, vague, baseless attacks against me. you do realize
how painfully obvious this is, correct? nah. you're not quite smart enough
for that. this science still stands, kid. and i didn't have to "do"
anything. 😉
"Aside from Gage, though, there was not a single other architect in the
room, much less an official from AIA, or even another member." d'oh!
which you haven't proven. your circular attempt at logic doesn't work. nice
you've already proven yourself wrong by refusing to provide said "fact." i
can literally sit back and watch you squirm. your legs must be getting
tired holding that tail though…. you should just tell me what this "fact"
is already…. lol
"because no one supports them" didn't say no one supports them. i said only
nutjobs and suckers like you support them and you've yet to prove
otherwise, other than the members themselves, speaking of most moronic
thing on the internet. meanwhile, i've shown you that a respected
professional organization expressly disavows them, which you of course
dismiss with your pathetic hand waving.
do you know when he signed the petition? or do you think he just wrote that
statement today? LOL
you're really on that hamster -wheel today, huh? round and round you go?
allow me to refresh for the learning-challeneged in our midst: me: "who
takes the flat-earth society seriously?" you: "well, the flat earth
society, naturally!" but hey, when you apply for your next menial job and
they ask for references, just tell them you'll vouch yourself. see how that
works out for you.