Giuliani Claims WTC Building 7 Fell “In Stages”

Giuliani Claims WTC Building 7 Fell “In Stages” SEE ALSO: Rudolph Giuliani Got Warning WTC Towers Were Going to Collapse…

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  1. i thought this man was a man of the people,he is a man who lives in his own
    world,why did ye think they would fall,the fire men didnt think they would
    fall until it was to late

  2. whether they were tube in tube or not doesnt matter, they were designed to
    withstand multiple impacts, a b52 hit the empire state in the 40's so the
    designers factored this in to the design parametres, and the highest
    temperature you can expect from aircraft fuel is still way too low to
    undermine that structure.

  3. U watched the movie with Matt Damon and the skull n bones thing? Cant
    remember the title. But basically when u join u have to tell a secret that
    nobody else knows and that you wouldnt want the public to know. And that is
    how they form that brotherhood of trust ie Skull N Bones

  4. Common people don't want war. It is the leaders who determine the policy,
    and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a
    democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist
    dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
    bidding of the leaders. Simply tell them they are being attacked, and
    denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to
    danger. Hermann Goering

  5. Once again we do agree, people (for the most part) do have morals, but I
    would argue people have morals INSPITE of religion not because of them. I
    do not think you would agree that stoning a disobedient child or someone
    who works on the Sabbath a very moral thing to do. The moral code set forth
    in the bible says that is perfectly acceptable thing to do (much less
    demands it). How do you reconcile that?

  6. Tanker Truck Fire Collapses Bay Area Overpass 4/29/07 At a noontime press
    conference held at a toll plaza near the collapse, Mr. Kempton said the
    heat from the fireball had most likely melted the steel girders and bolts
    that supported the concrete roadway. "If you have that kind of heat," he
    said, "you're going to have this kind of reaction. We're not surprised by
    this result."

  7. He actually said implosion and collaspe in the same paragraph! Amazing! If
    he gave NY calm that was because he really wasn't worried of
    another attack..he was doing his part! In another video..he's ordering
    evacuation..then denies prior knowledge..then BBC reports the collaspe of
    WTC7 23 minutes before it happens!There is never a perfect crime..there's
    hundreds of clues,maybe thousands..people refuse to look! When you accept
    attority as truth rather than truth as authority..well….

  8. No windows in stairwell. FDNY anticipated that the damage to WTC 7 would
    result in its collapse. They were certainly not part of any bomb plot and
    weren't informed of any bombs. No bombs went off at time of collapse.

  9. jelleepit: Why do you need a report when you can see it with your own eyes?
    A part of the tower comes down at that time because it was ejected into the
    air but most of the tower took alot longer and parts of the wtc1 took up to
    30 seconds. I never said you were my enemy and what country do you think I
    am from?

  10. ok once again, pull it is a demolition term meaning bring it down in a
    controlled explosion. quote "so they made that descision and we watched it
    come down" how else can yu interpret this!!!! do me a favor find me one
    more building steel framed that has collapsed due to fire and i will total
    be convinced go on please 3 in history fell all same day how weird

  11. this asshole keeps using the term implode, no guiliani the towers exploded
    outwards throwing tons of steel and debris hundreds of feet outwards, guess
    wot? just like they would if you detonated hundreds of charges inside them,
    this guy must be psychic as well coz only three high rise steel framed
    buildings have ever collasps in history, and they were all on that day. wot
    a joke

  12. I am not desperate. I simply look at the facts. I brought up columbia
    because a piece of foam going 500 mph cracked columbia. Can you image what
    a plane going that fast would do? Well you dont have to imagine because it
    happened. Do you see why I brought it up?

  13. you say they knew for hours b4, which hopurs are you talking about it was
    102 minutes from impact to 1st collapse that isnt hours it one hour 32
    minutes, and not once in any broadcast did any "expert" inform anyone of
    collapse, the very opposite in fact, saying these buildings are in no
    danger of falling they are designed to withstand this

  14. Dont this guys realize they are on tape when they lie. What a bunch of

  15. actually, Giuliani, Bush, Silverstein are part of a criminal gang and so to
    prove they are trustworthy to each other, they say these words in public
    where they are near admissions of guilt…they do that on purpose…

  16. "so-called" "barbaric" "imaginary friend" "delusions"… and you called
    (who ever your calling) "hateful"… my gawd you spit out more insults in
    one post than I've ever seen in my life. But thats what atheist are good at
    I guess. Try reading William Golding's "Thinking as a Hobby"

  17. no there were isolated fires, there were fire crews inside tackling them,
    and then silverstein says pull it, and minutes later it falls perfectly
    into its own footprint, pull it means demolish it btw, 3 buildings in 1 100
    years have collapse like that all 3 on 9 11

  18. Christopher E. Scott · Edit

    Who's gonna step up and start pressing charges? I'm sick of all this
    talking with no action. If you indict Guiliani, I guarantee you he will
    buckle and rat out the guys above him. Just one good indictment is all you
    need to get the truth.


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