wtc tower 7 high resolution collapse footage: clip 2 hi rs footage of world trade center 7 collapsing on 911, note the kink in the middle of the building which pulled it in on i…

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  1. @choclatesaltyballz Question for you. What kind of damage did WTC 7 have
    before the collapse? What caused the tower to collapse? What real experts
    have you talked to that inspired your version of events on 9-11?

  2. Of for heaven's sake, people… Watch the videos, they are REAL and there
    are MULTIPLE ANGLES… this thing fell perfectly into its on footprint! It
    is almost a joke! Are you KIDDING? You really think it is possible for a
    building to fall so perfectly and so quickly without explosives? My
    goodness! Use common sense and don't deny it because you are afraid of the

  3. @SexSteakSoda haha Have you been living under a rock you stupid! look at
    bush and what he did and you stupid fucking Americans sat back and watch
    american idol. Obama does what he wants and everything her said about
    change did the opposite. Big business and the banks rape and control your
    country with the flick of a hand. Your comment is the blindness of america
    today and why there are no money no jobs. Your last real none puppet
    government was JFK. Its people like you that is your down fall

  4. @24kGoldenRocket I don't know about you, but I can walk around the Nation's
    capitol with a sign that says "The U.S. Government SUCKS" and nothing will
    happen to me. Hundreds of thousands of TEA Party morons protested at the
    Nation's capitol, most carried signs that called the U.S. Government
    socialists, communists, compared Obama to Hitler, etc. You can buy firearms
    in this country! Exactly what freedoms of your have been taken away? You
    are a fucking idiot.

  5. @SexSteakSoda lets see ummmm you really like that the usa goverment isnt
    controlled? You really believe in the war on terror? Can you not see that
    almost 10% of people in the usa are not working? That your guys are broke
    and your country in a downward spirl in which there is no exit. This is all
    planned and your eating it up like fat ass mac donalds food. Its people
    like you is why the usa is dead. When the fuck are your fucking losers
    going to wake up and take your country back

  6. anybody who thinks this fell due to fire, needs to check the damage
    buildings 3 4 5 and 6 suffered from the collapse, they had to be baught
    down via controlled demolition afew days/weeks after the collapse because
    they were still standing. i know people want to live in denial, but grow
    the fuck up and smell the roses, the world aint fucking perfect and it aint
    gonna get any better by sinking your head in the sand!

  7. @LOLCATS3111 and as I explained to you much more than a dozen
    times…..NIST did not look for physical proof of a controlled demolition.
    if they looked for it then BACK UP your claim. you cant.. and you never
    will.. you will just ignore the question and hope I dont keep asking. NIST
    already admitted they did not even LOOK for evidence of controlled
    demolition. you are fighting a losing battle cock sucker.

  8. @LOLCATS3111 first you claim they investigated it, then you make excuses.
    there is more to evidence than just some beams.. if you are going to claim
    that NO evidence was there, then you had better fucking check for it. boy
    oh boy looks like you are fucking wrong AGAIN! cock sucker.

  9. @dasani7998 You're not even from the United States? Why the hell do you
    even care? Get the fuck out of here. What shitty little Socialist country
    are you from anyway?

  10. @LOLCATS3111 you are all over these videos trying to claim others have no
    idea what they are talking about because they are not experts… last time
    I checked YOU were not an expert. lets here what the experts DO have to
    say. watch 911 blueprint for truth. available at ae911truth . o r g have a
    nice life being a paid government provocateur.

  11. american government scientist: no no no wait i can explain this. you guys
    are fools, its not caused by controlled explosives, its when each time an
    arab scream out 'Allah hu Akbar' a skyscraper in manhattan falls.

  12. The problem with people is that they do not understand the most basic
    Physics. One equation will blow their minds. F=ma If I added this law of
    motion then their minds will also be blown. x=x(0)+ v(0)t + 0.5at^2 With
    these two equations,a pen and a decent printer I can prove that WTC#7 is in
    free fall.

  13. @24kGoldenRocket You know there are people who believe Obama is a Kenyan
    Muslim Communist Terrorist out to destroy America? They are the radicals on
    the opposite side of the fence. You guys all have a lot in common though.
    You're fucking up this country for the majority of people who are middle of
    the road, down-to-earth people. We just want to work in harmony, making our
    living in a Capitalist Nation, but we have to bump into your nutjobs every
    once in a while.

  14. @Diablo Universe ~ the ONLY difference DIP SHIT is that I am not the one
    saying that the PhD level experts at NIST are WRONG , so my expertise isn't
    an issue hey I am wondering when will the "experts" at ae911truth . o r g
    write a peer reviewed paper for a structural engineering journal !?!?!? I'm
    guessing NEVER

  15. @SexSteakSoda Yes I have the LUXURY of time. When you resort to name
    calling, calling me a fucking idiot, as you did, that is an ad hominem
    attack. It is concession to loss in a debate, quite uncivil and
    demonstrative of your lack of class. Television programming is not called
    that by accident. You do well by parroting the talking heads on the TV?
    However this maladaptive behavior has caused you to suffer from myopia and
    bitemporal hemianopia. Stop watching TV and your symptoms should resolve.

  16. @shooter686 There was a Dutch expert whose comments appear on a few youtube
    vidoes – he said straight away controlled demolition but was suprised it
    happened the same day

  17. @shooter686 mong=retard. donkey=ass. how thick were the core columns on
    tower 7 then you moron. office fires wouldnt bring a house down. never mind
    a sky scraper!! but then again anything can happen in america, the people
    are proper cabbaged and detatched from the real world. as for the report. i
    wouldnt even wipe my arse on it and you ate it ,big time. enjoy

  18. @Diablo Universe ~ EVERY steel beam was processed at the Fresh Kills
    Landfill and looked at by the FBI, FEMA, ASCE, NYPD, FDNY,and Army Corp of
    Engineers ….. if NO blown apart beams were found WHY would you check for
    explosive residue !?!?!?!?!?

  19. @LOLCATS3111 how the FUCK can you tell if a beam was blown apart AFTER they
    moved everything to a new location? again, another lie. plenty of blown
    apart beams found AT GROUND ZERO.


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