New Video: WTC Building 7 Demolition Explosions

Windows in a vertical line are simultaneously blown out by the explosions which brought down World Trade Center Building 7.

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  1. @tobias89 You'd be surprised how many conspiracy theories are closer to the
    truth than what you're spoon fed. Don't believe everything, but it is wise
    to go into well developed and researched theories with an open mind. It's a
    shame people look down on conspiracy theorists, some of them are quite spot
    on. They are just that, theories, until proven true.

  2. It not only made Larry rich, but saved the arses of some corporations who
    had cases open with the SEC. Many of those cases were lost with 7, (the SEC
    had an office there), and ones involving confidential information had no
    backup copies. The Citigroup connection to the WorldCom scandal was one of
    the ones lost (the records, that is), I think.

  3. Bldgs 1 and 2 were demoed as well but, because their perimeter frame was on
    the EXTERIOR, explosive charges could not be placed on the sides (which
    were outside) but only on the INSIDE. This is why these exterior perimeter
    columns were blown outboard. WTC 7 had conventional interior perimeter
    columns which could have explosive charges on both sides, thereby allowing
    the columns to fall straight down, like all conventional building
    demolitions. Beck is CIA and PNAC, a phoney and a Cheneyphile.

  4. It came from an anonymous source. It does look like the person filming knew
    what was going to happen. I imagine many more videos like this are going to
    appear as insiders begin to try to clear their consciences and expose the

  5. Glen Beck says "No way". And that's good enough for me! Osama did it all
    from his cave with a Gameboy. Osama was tapped into the NYFD radio
    communications. When they told Larry Silverschtein to "pull it", Osama did
    it by remote. And that's the facts.

  6. Despite this video you will have a majority of the idiot public say they
    saw a jet fly into building 7 when there was no 3rd jet at all. When I say
    they will say they saw a jet I mean in your video they will claim the jet
    was going so fast it could not be filmed but it was there.

  7. I never believed wtc7 came down by accident. There were many secrets housed
    in that building. Who knows what was destroyed. I can’t believe the media
    can view that building coming down and not see anything unusual about it.
    No plane ever hit it, and never in history has a building come straight
    down on itself because of fire. What a croc of shit

  8. ehm, please don’t compere me(and your self idiot..) to people who watch
    soap operas..In my case, I like to see every part of one case…in this
    case, it is obvious that this building falled by itself…there is NO
    reason that this building should just fall like that…and if you
    dissagree, go and read some books about bulidings, and what they actually
    can witstand…

  9. @auspol1967 Very obtuse observation. One could say every troll lives in his
    mothers basement. But you and I both know that does not apply. Continue on
    with life, you know, it’s not like it’s your nation or anything, let big
    brother take care of it all, they would never pull the shades over our
    eyes, never in a million years they are just like us! Just keep on being a
    good consumer, keep on believing that every theorist falls into one certain
    stereotype. Grow up man, and start giving a damn.

  10. @boodabill the reality is the insurance companies got caught holding the
    bad for AIG, and they didn’t do anything because of the post 9 11 terrorism
    insurance and premiums was simply too much money and business to give up
    compared to paying out a couple billion to lucky Larry. 9 11 was great for
    insurance and reinsurance companies.

  11. I doubt Larry got to keep it all. Just like when JP Morgan died, he was
    only a 19% owner of his company. Like Bill Gates turning over Billions to
    that world charity. Right!!!!! He paid up someone much bigger.

  12. @PhobosTwilight And some people are under the impression that in America it
    is taboo to question ANYTHING the government does or says. Seems I read
    something like that in The Gulag Archipelago” It was right before 20
    million Russian citizens were murdered because they disagreed with the
    governments collectivist “Communist Ideal” and were deemed enemies of the
    state. They had been rather prosperous and generous before the “Bolshevik
    Revolution” Collectivism like socialism doesn’t work.


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