Building a Web site start to finish | Part 7 – Creating the initial documents

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25 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. the design is simply a way of viewing what the final product will look
    like, and tweaking fonts and colors so that you dont have to in the code.
    you cant just upload the image file because none of the objects would be
    dynamic, they must all be coded in html and css

  2. Thank you very much for this tutorials, very clear. We can notice your
    effort in explaining everything without confusing the viewer. You are a
    really good teacher. Greetings from Colombia

  3. no it doesnt.. but try to keep things clearly written and in an order u
    will find comfortable when u go back to edit it.. what i do is this
    #exampletag { background-color: 11111; etc etc }

  4. San Diego Fresh Design · Edit

    Don’t know if you already figured this out, but you put them into your
    images folder FIRST and then link the image in the bucket code in the index
    file (or drag the file where you want it to link into the html code and
    dreamweaver automatically enters image linking code for you based on your
    local parent directory)

  5. Hey i have a question can i change my domain name later because i got a
    free one but will want to update to a paid one later can i do that? Thanks

  6. I used to design websites when layout meant tables and CSS didn't exist!
    These tutorials have really helped me get into the new technology and new
    way of working – I can't thank you enough. These are so good, you could put
    them on DVD and easily sell it as a course! Many thanks indeed!

  7. Thank’s very much! Very thorough. Also, i have a question. Because i have
    added images to my Buttons in the buckets, will i have to copy them to
    images? Thanks x

  8. I’m having an issue with this part, I have my server and everything hooked
    up, but when I put my files into the server (index.html, default.css, and
    my images folder) i refresh my webpage, but everything remains the same. I
    see no blank white screen and the title of the page. What can I be doing

  9. i have a t-shirt printing business,, and am designing a website for it..
    and am having trouble making a design your own page on it,, where the user
    can design there own colour text etc,,, but dont know what to do.. can u do
    a tutorial on this please please please!!!!

  10. i made it to the end but when i rite click on the 3 files i did not see
    (put) in the there something that would stop it from showing

  11. at the end where ur putting the file to the server if your using a hosting
    company would thouse just be saved to the computer? Sorry if thats a silly
    question just new to this stuff. thx

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