Congressman Alan Grayson responds to a question about Building 7

Congressman Alan Grayson responds to a question about Building 7’s destruction on 9/11. (This video was uploaded to accompany an upcoming article for Archite…

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  1. Plus from what I read and watch in demolition TV shows. It takes week or longer to rig a building. So this was all planned and the Larry Silverstein owned all three building, world trade center 1,2,7. its in the loose change movie.

  2. The owner of the building said so, live on PBS. "it was then that we decided to pull the building".

    Now, why where there explosives in there in the first place?

  3. Rice, Cheney, Bush are patsies, the 911 attacks were carried out by Jews, who have infiltrated the US social and political order at every level, along with traitors in the CIA, in the world wide news dissemination apparatus, and in the Government

    The Holocaust was an inside job, the retribution demanded by Jew guilt for 911, no less than for the illegal War on Terror they are waging in the name of the United States, portends the first mass gassing of Jews since 1945 .. yeah the politicals too.

  4. 1) That link doesn't even work. You didn't provide a source for your video, so your comment is purely conjecture. Insurance companies don't like losing money.

    2) You don't like research do you? /watch?v=10YTDOdyju0

    3) Free fall isn't even a "speed" Mr. Science. Absolutely no building collapsed a free fall on 911.

    Please explain HOW the "laws of physics were violated on 911".

    Make sure you include ALL your EQUATIONS and SAMPLE CALCULATIONS.

    Put up, or shut up.


  5. it has been PROVEN that building 7 was brought down with explosives, we have officials on record stating that fact. the fact that they are still focusing on building 7 seems (to me) to indicate that even if they do release the information, it will be geared to make it look like that was the only building brought down in that manner, which is absurd considering we have physical evidence that thermite was used in buildings 1 and 2.

  6. Question 1: presstv(dot)com/detail/2013/07/15/313839/911-incident-insurance-fraud/

    Question 2: You didn't provide a source for your video, so your comment is purely conjecture.

    Question 3: prisonplanet(dot)com/analysis_lavello_050503_bombs.html – Marvin Bush wasn't in charge of Securacom during 9/11 but what does that have to do with WTC7 collapsing at free fall speed for 10 stories through the path of greatest resistance? Do the laws of physics not apply to you?

  7. Why don't more people talk about WTC 3? WTC 3 was a hotel, and it was damaged in a very strange two-stage manner. It's hard to imagine how they might have packed in explosives in a working hotel, don't you think? WTC 3 is not compatible with an explosives theory, which is why the architects don't talk about it.


    Since Larry Silverstein said pull it, demolished WTC 7 and collected billions in insurance, why would the insurance company pay the claim if there's evidence of fraud?

    If WTC 1 & 2 were destroyed by demolition & not fire, how do you explain video of the exterior columns buckling under heat and stress loads 18 minutes after impact?

    How can Marvin Bush be in charge of WTC security when he stopped working for Securecom in June of 2000?


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