Building 7 The Invisable Plane?

Mr Hess 8th Floor 7 World Trade BUZZZZZ Don’t let History Repeat Itself…

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  1. Building 7 must have been rigged with explosives days or weeks before 9.11
    Silverstein must have known that ! ! ! !
    So . . . I wonder why nobody asked old Larry how he knew the buildin would fall at his command ! ?

  2. yea they other shit went down and our guys took 5 min to set these charges and take it down for why?
    all a bunch crap. obama will save us all.
    man i am imagrating to cannada
    would have taken weeks to plan this building drop

  3. HoundoftheBaskervols · Edit

    Clinton had two separate teams of bodyguards killed, the 4 ATF agents at Waco were all Clinton bodyguards during his first campaign, then he took out those Marines in a "helicopter" crash. Clinton was the most vicious murderer of US citizens, not to mention his own people in the country's history.

  4. the way this shit went down it prob was the kill team..doesn't it seem odd to anybody else how many of the seal teams that "took out" bin laudin have come up dead??

  5. I have never heard a demolision expert explain how long it would take to rig a building that size with explosives !
    It was obviously rïgged. & ready to be pulled well before 9.11.

  6. HoundoftheBaskervols · Edit

    Yeah, whats shocking is that anybody believes the ridiculous story that fires on 3 floors knocked down a 49 story steel frame building.

    Go here, this is a better look at the charges going off, at 1:40 watch?v=k2Trj_5J02k&list=FL4DyZB44Li2ZVmMVJzu2yvw&index=6

    What I want to know about Building 7 is this….the "bodies" that Jennings said he saw and "stepped over" in the lobby….how the fuck did they get there? Was it from blasts at the lobby level, or were they victims of a kill team?


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