NPR: Questioning 9/11 WTC Building 7 collapse is “scientific nonsense”

NPR “Talk of the Nation” host Neal Conan invited listeners to call in and answer a simple question: “What’s the talk of the nation?” When an NPR listener cal…

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  1. Barbara Hoenegger is an excellent, little-known truther. She doesn't hesitate to call 9/11 diabolical and correctly pins the blame on the Israeli fifth column running the US.

    ISRAEL DID 911

  2. I know, I know! Dr Judy Wood deserves all our ridicule. She’s a terrible driver, an appalling cook, a rubbish poker player, a mediocre pianist, a dreadful opera singer, an inexperienced horse rider, a fashion disaster and a dangerous trumpet player…

    … in fact the only thing she’s any good at is cataloguing and presenting the evidence from the WTC methodically, unbiasedly and clearly. In this area she excels!

    That’s why nobody, including you, can refute anything in her 500 page text book 🙂

  3. Terrorists terrified America with a deep-level symbol — that when our 11 ( heaven symbol) collapsed, then 7 (orbit symbol) would succumb to gravity and collapse.
    Those trying to kill freedom worldwide manipulate old superstitions to make collapse of America seem inevitable by materializing big nightmares that turn confident patriots into apathetic pessimists.

  4. Adding Neil Conan to the TRAITORS LIST. Sad Day (7/12/13), as I used to respect him.

    National PROPAGANDA Radio. Just makes me even angrier at the LIARS.

    Hey, Neil, you can squelch it, but — THE TRUTH WILL OUT. You back-stabbing Judas.

  5. yep, this is really fantastic. and i can tell u, i get sent a list of high paying surveys every few days and easy make around $60 off each list. you can get it from here: bit.ly12sqx71

  6. Anyone dismissing the EVIDENCE of WTC7's near free fall descent is hopelessly trapped in the official story of office fires destroying the building.

    Anyone dismissing the EVIDENCE of WTC7's non-seismic impact (despite it's near free fall descent) is hopelessly trapped in the official ALTERNATIVE story of conventional controlled demolition destroying the building.

    2nd layer cover up

    Dr Judy Wood has let the tiger out of the bag and it won't go back in.

  7. Were your republicans adhering to the constitution when stripped the constitutional rights of women, voters, seniors and children? The fact is you teabaggers have no knowledge of constitutional law and neither does you gynecologist leader ron paul. Republicans exploit the constitution for political purposes then ignore it when it interferes with their anti-society agenda. Democrats haven’t done anything that’s unconstitutional. You’re just too clueless to know the difference.

  8. So, an adherence to to the constitution is now "anti-American"? I would ask you to step outside your comfortable little box, I know, I know, it's scary as hell, but try it. You will find so amazing truths. Please, this country needs you to wake up.

  9. First of all scientific nonsense is an meaningless oxymoron.
    Secondly this shows how desperate they are to silence the truth.
    That truth is that a building fell down that was hit by nothing.

  10. Wow in intellectual denial. Can't even discuss it! Yea just keep your head in the sand ostriches; NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Now that; that's all cleared up lets round up all the demolition experts they obviously aren't needed any more! We'll just set a few fires in a building & BLAMO they'll fall right in their own footprint!

  11. When you anti-American extremists aren't parroting alex jones and ron paul with anti-American propaganda. You're out chasing phoney conspiracy theories, "chemtrails" and threatening to gather shotgun wielding rednecks to attack America. How did a gynecologist turned anti-government extremist pollute the minds of so many uninformed, uneducated, young white punks with so much anti-American bullshit. With any luck you morons will help to destroy the corporate republican party of incompetent liars.

  12. NPR is a fraud. They spew governmental propaganda. I am officially boycotting NPR and I will tell anyone who will listen to me that NPR is a shill machine. I AM AWAKE.

  13. If anyone is interested there is a worldwide campaign this September 2013, bringing awareness about WTC 7. There is a link to rethink911 org on my channel header. Huge billboards in Times Sq New York, Toronto, London etc.

  14. I also think ae911truth are not what they claim to be.
    Thermite doesnt make any sense, how can thermite make those towers disappear. Where did the towers go?
    Dr. Judy Wood might answer that.

  15. He should hang up if he talking about A&E…they are a fraud.

    Dr. Judy Wood has let the cat out of the bag……its a new world, and few of us really know it.

  16. CorneliusBrantleyJr · Edit

    As someone who is unconvinced by both sides, I find NC's ad homenim dismissive to be part of the problem. TOTN should do a show with experts to explain why WTC 7 fell. One would think NPR could have a calm conversation about this.

  17. "Ah! I see we have a "Truther" with us?" Let's just talk about the Sanctioned Conspiracy Narrative; which is so full of holes, even the 9/11 Commission report they were "SET-UP TO FAIL…



    Dr. Judy Wood at New Horizons – Where Did The Towers Go

  18. i don't get it, so obvious yet the masses can't open their eyes even. are we a nation of brain washed sheep, too fat & lazy ? more concerned with "the game"

  19. retard? really jan?..rude slur for a disadvantaged person??..sticks and stones!! grow up rubber your glue bounce of me sticks on u. [sarcasm jan in case it goes over your head] did u get mommy's permission to comment on the internet again?

  20. Its obvious that the host of this radio show is a disinformant agent lacking good judgement ! A 47 stories building can not fall the way it did in seconds in a perfect fall like the WTC building 7, if it was not carefully planted with explosives and that take weeks of working to do that by experienced demolishers ! For Christ sake, all of these buildings are engineered to sustain all kinds of stress like earthquakes, strong winds, plane crash and fire… Buildings don't fall because of fire…

  21. Face the facts. Building 7 shouldn’t have collapsed. But nobody will do anything. People go about their pathetic lives day in day out. No time to control the government who you give taxes to….

  22. It's so sad that the human virus is so stupid that they can't see what's right in front of their face. I hope the planet blows up and puts EVERYTHING on it, out of its misery before we find another planet with life that we can enslave torture and or kill for food. The end is near my friends, I hope you have made peace with whatever fake god you believe in, whether it be Jesus, Satan or Allah, ETC.. May there be NOTHING, on the other side!

  23. NPR is underwritten by the same government agencies, NGO's, and fascists who steer the message in every other mainstream news outlet. 9/11 was an inside job. The only beneficiaries were rich, war-mongering politicians, pundits, and Israel. What did any one Muslim or Al Qaeda get out of it? Backlash. War. Devestyation. If OBL was smart enough to out-think the world's largest military intelligence operation, don't you think he could have foresaw the backlash. INSIDE JOB. PERIOD.

  24. I'm having a few problems with 'free-fall collapse speed through undamaged steel structure' Neil. And therefor a few problems with 'moving on' etc…
    Inside Job ?

  25. Perhaps research concepts such as ùp' and 'down'. Then try 'gravity' (big words i know) and 'resistance ' Then maybe google "Urban Moving Systems" - and take a look at their van

  26. Are they afraid the people will revolt. Why the hell to they contine to cover this up. Its rediculous. Instead of saying something rational Neil becomes defensive. = Guilty deer in the headlights reaction.


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