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  1. Ok I see.
    I'm going to play devils advocate.
    Are you not open to the fact that this could have been done by your own people in the slightest.
    Is there really 100% evidence either way.

    If it was the government, which I happen to believe it was -( my opinion)
    I mean if it was without doubt and proven 100%. How would you feel.

  2. actually the video is more then proof…. and since troofers have yet to provide any proof explosives were used the burden of proof is on you troofers….. there is no proof of demolition used … only lies and delusions put out by the troofer movement

    Please could you supply evidence that it was not a controlled demolition.
    No of course you can't.
    I think you need to calm down and have a quiet word with yourself. It's a real shame your not open to the possibility that you were screwed by your own country.

  4. and rich can you provide evidence that shows demolition?…. the fact is the manner that it fell… feint side collapsing first helped in the so called "foot print" … it actually fell towards the west once the front side collapsed … … sorry but nobody has provided and traces of demolition use on any of the 3 buildings… just a bunch of theories

  5. Hahaha. Demolition. Demolition. Demolished by your friends in the gubermint. I love how it too collapsed upon its own footprint just like a planned demolition. Only an idiot would think it fell because of debris and fires as small as these. It's not a cabin here we are talking about. Did the big bad wolf build this too so he can blow it down nicely onto itself? Lolololol haha haha

  6. hahaha nice try… it wouldn’t STILL fall FREE FALL!!!…. if your theory would hold… the building wouldn’t fall on its OWN FOOT PRINTS!!!!
    Try and find other theories to answer those evidences!! LOL 😉 good luck!!
    you cant argue physics my friend… you just cant!

  7. just so you know mental floss.. you are the most ignorant vile scum of the TROOFER movement… you piss on the memory of those that died on 9/11 and then falsly claim to be a diabled vet while attacking other real vets… you are the lowest form of scum on the planet… you have no credibility now (not that you had any before you came to this post).. bad things happen to bad people and you and karma have a date

  8. gt your answer from google like all of your army knowledge you fraud… you are a disgrace to those of us that actually wore the uniform and served proudly… and then piss on the memory of all of those that died on 9/11… you loose scumbag


  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! do what you need to do… you will look just sas stupid as you do now… you come to a video making false claims about the FACTS provided in the video and when called out on providing proof of your claims you attack the person who posted the video by making up more lies… i am sure the people at stolen valor will really take your serious… you failed fat boy just admit it and move on before you embarrass yourself more

  11. well since i cant believe your claims about being disabled vet when you cant even get your facts straight… you cant even prove your claims of controlled demo.. you just keep babbling trying to discredit myself because your are a weak feeble minded troll that needs to feel important

  12. you are the one lying you fraud.,.,.. bring on your petty threats,, i did my 20 year have the proud distinction of proudly serving my country… you clearly never served at least as a stinger crewman like you claim… you couldnt get the right live fire right and you dont know ft bliss … hell you cant even prove your claims of controlled demo… so your threats fail as well fat boy… step away from the computer and go on a diet… and grow some self esteem instead of stitting on youtube.

  13. wow not only do you lie about service to a disabled vet,.. you tell a disabled vet he isn't a disabled vet but you gave me a good idea,.. that stolen valor thing,.. i do know many at the VA and even though you think your anon on here your not,.. your isp is on record with youtube ad your local service provider who has your address,. are you sure you want to continue to harass and degrade a disabled vet while lying about service in the military?

  14. you wre never a soldier.. you if you were you were a piss poor soldier… over weight and not getting your facts straight… making up lies to make yourself look important… you couldnt even get the location of live fire right… you are the failure… oh and it is spelled dryer street idiot… so yes you failed and i have half a mind to report you for stolen valor

  15. easily spotted fake I.D. you fail again that is why you wont allow comments … you failed… i spent 20 years in the army … you are the fake soldier… falling into what i consider stolen valor… why would a stinger grunt be diabled… did you stub your toe buffing floors?? when you are ready to prove me wrong i will still be here waiting you fraud

  16. i was there in 1984,.. so my info is correct or my time of service,..

    ,.. odd i don't see the video of my disabled veterans card showing up on your age ,. afraid to let people know you were busted lying about service to a disabled vet,.. a coward and a liar is no way to go through life,. btw a BCU is the battery cooling unit a pyro device that cools the seeker head,.. it has a indicator that shows 2 colors .what are they ? of course you don't know do you because you were never EOD

  17. there ya go i just posted my disabled veterans ID in video response to you on this video.. of course if you refuse to allow post of it ..any who read this can see it on my page,.. your a disgrace for claiming service and being EOD,.. never lie to a soldier about being a soldier

  18. first of all not only was i soldier im a disabled vet ,.. and while most disabled vets would be angry at your lie of service,. i laugh ,.. your a joke and dyer street is no the same as dire street,.. you won't find dire street on a google map ,

  19. the left side of your ass weighs 240 pounds… now stay on topic… you havens been able to prove anything accept you dont know shit about the army..eod… ft bliss or facts concerning building 7… you are an epuc failure./… you maybe you should go and do some more internet surfing since everything you have tried to come at me you have failed… you couldnt even spell dryer street correctly,…. go back and eat your cup cakes hippy

  20. the left side of your ass weighs  240 pounds… now stay on topic… you havens been able to prove anything accept you dont know shit about the army..eod… ft bliss or facts concerning building 7… you are an epuc failure./… you maybe you should go and do some more internet surfing since everything you have tried to come at me you have failed… you couldnt even spell dryer street correctly,…. go back and eat your cup cakes hippy

  21. ill make you a bet ,.. i bet you i can without question prove i was a soldier ,.. if i can't you have to delete this trash lie video and never again claim to be EOD ,..whatcha say ?

  22. the only thing you have proven is your a liar,..and a bad one at that,.. nevre ie to a soldier about being a soldier especially if you claim a base he lived at,..

  23. wrong again lol, i was 17 when was int he army ,.. i weighed 130 lbs, the year was 1984 and even if i was in the army today i only weigh 240 the t-10 parachute can handle over 300 lbs,..and many soldiers weigh over my current weight, ROFLMAO ,.. you just keep making a fool of yourself, why not just admit you were never EOD ,.. and have done with it .. i can bust you all day long on info because i actually was a soldier there and i actually know the base ,and stinger missiles disarming procedure

  24. MORON why do you through the IFF in their ?? seriously .. you meat head ADA tyoes always throw that in…. until you provide facts that this was a controlled demo i wont answer your questions you have already have failed so many times already… you dont even know where live fire for stinger is located

  25. wrong the do live fire at mcgregor range … between ft bliss and white sands… both patriot and stingers …… white sands little or no missiles tests since the early 80s…. you fail badly son… better go back and play in your 5th dimension HAHAHAHAHA FAT ASS

  26. stinger  missile disarming trivia ,.. you have a misfire dud which the soldier has done procedure and placed upon his helmet at a 10 degree angle to allow for a hang fire,.. do you remove the BCU first or or do you remove the IFF first? roflmao you prolly don't even know what the BCU is lol YOU ARE SOOOO BUSTED

  27. ROFLMAO they don't do live fire stinger missile launches AT ft. bliss ,.. they go to white sands missile range ,..
    the reason being is the missile has a multi kilometer range and a malfunction could land a missile on the base itself if fired there at ft. bliss,.. you truely are a joke. they load the ADA personnel onto cattle cars and haul us to white sands for that. still laughing at you

  28. one last question about ft bliss.,.,. which range did stinger do live fire?… and which range did patriot do live fire?…. hmmmm come on mr refusing to answer questions

  29. hahahaha there is one problem with your comment… i have proven myself you havent proved anything you have made claims… besides … airborne has a weight limit there blob… so prove that the facts stated in this video are lies… prove your claims… or shut up coward…. prove them or walk away in shame and troll a different video hippy

  30. ya should stop by i just caught him lying ,.. he claims he was EOD and was at ft. bliss a post i know very well yet he doesn't even know where anything is at on that post much less the EOD dept. .and he can't google the info to fake it ,.this is priceless

  31. show yuour proof this video clearly debunks it mister 5th dimension HAHAHAHAHA YOU HAVENT PROVIDED ANYTHING YET AND I HAVE DESTROYED YOU AT EVERY TURN

  32. hey mental… i just went to your page… you are a brained fried druggy who has no clue about ft bliss.. or the U.S. ARMY… you are a fraud dude… lmao.. and one that is into multi dimensional pseudo science … you more then look at Chrystal's to get your delusional warped ideas… HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE A FAILURE IN LIFE !!!…. you are nothing but some wannabe freak w that needs attention so you come to videos and spout crap feeling important when your get verbally bitch slapped

  33. where i your proof it wasn't ,
    my roof it was was when he said pull it they brought it down in a controlled demolition .

  34. roflmao he's liar ,.. he can't even answer the simplest of questions about either EOD or about a post he claimed t be at ,.. ask him where the eod dept. is located on the base at ft. bliss and the disposal field ,.. or what dire street is,.. or where the bootblack shop was ,..unless he can google it he can't answer it ,.. the guy even tried to lie and say he was at a post i know like the back of my hand,… this guy is not only a liar he's a really really bad liar ROFLMAO

  35. you cant even prove your delusional theories let alone explain anything … if you were stinger certified you had to certify at FT bliss… and if your were a trainee then you know where dyer street and logan heights are… you have no clue what you are saying…next thing you know you are going to say you were a navy seal…even 11Bs know common sense and wouldnt fall for your BS you claim

  36. anyone with a minor degree in intelligence knows for bliss is the ADA training post… besides my wife was a 16T…. do you know what that is?? and i used to drive up and down dyer street watching you trainees pick up the hookers and hanging out in the missile inn on your free weekends …. look it isnt rocket science but since you know nothing about E.O.D. and never would pass the security clearance to be E.O.D…. you were a REMF… now start providing some facts or shut up

  37. ROFLMAO ,.. in other words you typed stinger missile in a search engine , saw that they trained at ft bliss and now refuse to state even the basics of the process because that part is not re searchable online ,.and no it is not classified on how to deal with a dud stinger in the tube, more over i can prove you didn't even hang at ft bliss or you would know the answer to this question i ask now, again not searchable and again no classified,.. where was the bootblack shop located at ft bliss?


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