FALSE-FLAG BBC Reports Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before Its Demolition At 5:20 PM

How To Go To Heaven: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/how_to_be_saved.html http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/bbc_reported_wtc_7_collapsed_20_min_before_i…

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  1. I dont get the blue screen argument, the writing is clear as day at the bottom saying 7 had fallen but at that exact time it hadnt. Weird?

  2. Of course completely agree – how could anyone NOT agree given the endless catalogue of lying by default – i.e. not giving ALL the information but an edited version – carried on by the BBC. Their remit is to be OBJECTIVE. They are in breach of their codes of practice. Stop paying this lying organization of social control to feed you lies that keep you arriving at misguided answers.

  3. WTC 7 wasn't even hit by a plane but they use the same ridiculous explanations that fires just instantly bring down steel skyscrapers.

  4. BBC, a lead liar on the lies and crimes of 9/11. No accountability so far for this disinformation. With this kind of blatent lying on such a core geopolitical issue, why should we believe a single thing this criminal organization broadcasts. What a telling symbol of the decline of Anglo-America away from the rationalist heritage of the Enlightenment into constructed mythology convenient to maintaining the illegitimate power of a thoroughly corrupt elite.

  5. Building 7 was the only other location besides the pentagon that held cia information about the $2.3 trillion dollars that went missing just the day before, that's why building 7 was demolished. GOOGLE IT.

  6. Next you have to ask yourself why tower 7 fell if it takes approximately 400,000 lbs of aircraft at 540 miles per hour to bring a building down. so tower 7 wasn't even hit by a 707.

    Now you say it was an outside job. Tell me how tower 7 was an outside job.

  7. so the lack of fuel once exploded would have reduced the weight to about what the 707 would be WITH fuel.

    Next it's impossible to fly an aircraft, and do a coordinated turn at 540 miles per hour. because it's not physically possible at that altitude.

    you see the air resistance makes it impossible, those speeds are achieved only at higher altitudes. Even you can do that math.

    And don't gloat like you've debunked anything, it makes you look like a disinformation guy or a dork.

  8. first the weight of the planes, when you look at the impact the real math you're working with is the planes WITHOUT FUEL, as you see, the big burst, if it was a result of the aircraft would have had to have been all the fuel.

    remember the woman standing looking out. she wasn't roasting at 3000 degrees. Because the fuel had been burned up at that point.

    It's impossible for a woman to live in the same spot that melts the entire building. Unless you think she was Jesus or something.


    The Boeing 707 that the WTC was designed for weighed 300,000 lbs and was assumed to be traveling at 250.

    The Boeing 767 that hit the WTC weighed 400,000 lbs and was traveling at 540 mph.

    Even a 911 twoofer can do that math!


  10. you see, each building was rated to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707. While the planes were 767's the differences are 5% more fuel on the 767, 3% longer and 7% wingtip to wingtip wider.

    So considering the towers could withstand without incident the impact and fuel of that, this small percentage difference shouldn't have done more than mere damage to its vicinity of impact.

    Don't you research this stuff?

  11. Answer to number 3 – His kids were being used as bargaining chips.

    remember the FBI Informant wanted the building 1993 incident to have been placed closer to the center columns.

    PS, was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed flying the plane that flew into tower 7? as you know it didn't have a plane hit it at all.

    that was across the street, so even buildings CLOSER to ground zero stayed up without compromise.

  12. answer to question 2, how could the thermite survive impact. well, we don't actually know if that was used. Remember the FBI informant telling Salem to use real material in 1993?

    If the whole building was wired, what makes you think it a impact of anything would knock it loose.

    remember those who believe the theory believe it was liquified and then painted on the structure. So it's not likely to all fall off on impact.

  13. Supplemental to answering your question one.

    the building fell faster than gravity would naturally have pulled it. you see each upper floor hitting the lower floor would naturally reduce speed, and in turn smack, smack, smack, while breaking rebar and other structural supports.

    but this one didn't. It fell as if it was a football running back with each defender being knocked out of the way.

    the speed is called "free fall"

  14. answer to question 1) Actually if you watch in slow motion you'll see the height of the upper section shift lower, and yes that may appear as it's breaking at the point of impact, BUT…. the FIREBALL didn't go lower, so the lower floors below didn't also shrink.

    you see, if it was the point of impact, then you'd naturally see the fire going half the speed of the top until they catch up both in a path of gravity. Yet the top section turned to rubble from the point of impact upward.

  15. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was water boarded and kept awake for 180 hours straight, im sure you would of confessed in this situation any confession that has been gotten by means of torture can never be taken as a legitimate confession 


    911 twoofers LIED about finding thermite at ground zero, FAKED a peer review paper on it, then published that paper without the chief editor's knowledge.

    Does that sound like a "truth seeking" movement?

    It doesn't really matter because Dr. James Millette DEBUNKED Steven Jones fake thermite paper!



    If explosions were heard in the basement of WTC 1, why did the building fail at the point of impact?

    If the WTC was destroyed in a controlled demolition, how did the nanothermite charges survive the plane impacts and how did the perpetrators know exactly where the planes would hit the building?

    How do you explain Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession to planning 911 in an Al Jazeera interview back in 2002?

  18. What would the blue screen be used for? Wasn't that supposed to be a "live" shot? Your question only leads to more puzzling questions. What's your point exactly. I already know what you think but I would like to hear you say it. What do you think happened on 911?

  19. I don't see how one would be able to explain the obvious away. Yet the people still don't get it. We were set up on 911. There is no terrorist organization in the world that can make NORAD stand still for 82 minutes yet they did just that on 911. All commanders in charge that day got a promotion instead of a disciplinary hearing. Puzzling to say the least.

  20. Are you suggesting that someone from the shadowy cabal that organised this attack called up the BBC and said "Hello, just letting you know that we're going to secretly attack New York today and blame it on Muslim terrorists. Can you give me an email address that I can send the schedule to? Now remember, each page has been numbered with the exact time each building collapses, don't skip ahead."

    Absolute nonsense.

  21. same with the capitol hill event – an air-plane crash was reported there as well, but us we know, the plane never arrived and crashed into a field…. Sounds like scripted

  22. From Article:
    An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.


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