911 Truth Rising Collapse of Building 7 Reported BY BBC News Before It Happened…Ooops

BBC News Reported the Collapse of Building 7 Before it Happened..Ooops.

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  1. "If building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition, then why is it so preposterous to assume that perhaps the world trade center towers were brought down by controlled demolition?"

    Um, maybe because we all saw a fucking plane hit it?

  2. Im no conspiracy thinker, I reject watching bad edited crap by amateurs drawing their own unresearched conclusions on fantasy. But this is on its own with scientific and serious media support. The 2-party system gives a lot of power to a president. Bush JR had the reason for creating a mass event to point fingers to the east finishing his fathers job and taking oil as reward. Modern republicans are nostalgic about the colonial age. Giving them the power is like giving a gun to a child.

  3. Of course she knew – some zionist media owner handed her the script a little too early

    So did "PULL IT" Larry, who decided to have a facial at the dermatologist that morning

    So did the 5 Israeli – Mossad agents who were "documenting the event"

    The wall street traders who had placed put options on AA & UA and never showed up to collect their earnings

    So did all of the Jews who did not go to work that day

    Norad were having an organised picnic, therefore could not attend

    GWB reading books

  4. !!!! a shocking documentary – PBS video

    9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out (1-hour version - PBS)


    patriotsquestion911 com
    ae911truth org

  5. The ideas that I generated:

    1 ) The knowledge of the imminent terrorist attacks
    were used in consolidation with the conspiracy.

    &( 2 ), which isn't really viable,

    2 ) If the buildings were detonated to prevent further damage
    to surrounding buildings – then A ) responders would have been
    consciousness of survivors in the building, and B ) the fact
    would have been reported upon by the news outlets.

    I don't think there's any denying that explosives were used, though.

  6. probably because every shred of evidence the government presented proved to be the contrary to common sense, eyewitnesses and what actually happened.
    some valid points to do research on>
    marvin bush (Securacom)
    2.3 trillion dollars missing from the pentagon on 9/10/01
    bush/bin laden family connection
    insider trading on 9/11
    larry silverstein (wtc leaseholder) insurance scam
    9 out of the accused 19 hijackers are alive and well
    wtc 1 & 2 falling exactly in 10 seconds……

  7. Buildings are not blown up with Thermite. This is silly shit you're talking about

    You people don't seem to realize that you haven't FOUND anything.

  8. Sheep??. How do you freaks continuing arguing this stuff? Like honestly.

    There were trained Control Demolition technicians at all 3 building collapses. Nobody found a single item connected to such an event. NOTHING.

    Where is your evidence? There is none!!. So how do form these "Inside job" theories?

    Based on what??? 

    You have to be either an idiot or really stupid.

  9. I don't need to watch any 911 Q and A. Its all a bunch of ridiculous nonsense pushed by a lot of really stupid people. The "TM" is for idiots.

  10. Hey all of you truther freaks? Ashley Banfield of CNN did exactly the same thing that BBC NEWS did. Reported that B7 was the next building that was going to come down. Before it happened.

    Why don't all of you nuts foam at the mouth over this fact??

    Ashley is now a Psychic is she?

    Or could it be more to the fact that the entire FDNY were simply waiting for this structure to come down?

    As was the FACT!!

  11. Just makes me sick how the powers that be will do anything for money and power and the sad thing is they get away with lying about it and poorly I might add.

  12. its impossible to know exactly what happened, however the one thing that we can be certain of is that whatever the official government story is is a lie. the government is not capable of telling the truth. its not designed for that.

  13. nononsenseinrational · Edit

    pull it don't mean anything but the meaning that the maker of the movie creates for it! It is not a controled demolition work. Also to all the nut jobs, controled demolition makes noise.

  14. Do you know how long it would take to get all the necessary explosives man power and the planning needed to properly demolish a building while chaos ensues?

  15. Many of you are going to go "Building 7 ? What was that?" Top of the list of 'what truthers want to hear' – so they can give people their distorted onesided mis-information about the 'unexpected' collapse of building 7 'in it's own footprint' etc..

  16. I do not believe that demolition caused the north and south towers to collapse. the metal was superheated and the structures collapsed. Likely caused by several factors including: conspiracy, demonic/ supernatural activity in collaboration with people under their control: Islamic terrorists, &secret societies-people in high places, infiltrate government, media etc. . Signaling America is about to lose it's liberties. 9-11 is a major sign that the new world order is quickly arriving.

  17. I do not believe that demolition caused the north and south towers to collapse. the metal was superheated and the structures collapsed. Likely caused by several factors including: conspiracy, demonic/ supernatural activity in collaboration with people under their control/ influence ie secret societies, whose members infiltrate various levels of government, media, etc to carry out their own agendas. Signaling America is about to lose it's liberties. The new world order is quickly arriving.

  18. Shit.. I dun even know there's a building 7 that went down until i watched "The 9/11 Chronicles: Part One, Truth Rising full length"… dun believe everything you were told because your source is the "authority".. even if its the US government… they are no better than others..

    i have learned since high school that there's censorship which keep us from knowing certain news or info, but this is just too crazy ….

  19. whata probably happend was they had to destroy more evidence and if they actually did a controlled demolition why did the 9/11 commission not mention this and throw out a whole bunch of testimony of worker inside of buildings and first responders? Find out what UCC law is. go to coopermoonshinestilldotcom research discharge debt for free bills of exchange.

  20. ozzytonygeezerbill · Edit

    whata probably happened was that that building was on fire and going to collapse anyway so they realized it would be safer to do it in a controlled way


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