9/11 WTC 7 Demolition – Westside Highway CBS Camera Angle

WTC Building 7 was one of the largest buildings in downtown Manhattan. It was 47 stories tall, about half the height of the Towers, and took up an entire cit…

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  1. "minor fires on some floors" look at all the smoke coming out of the
    building, does that look like a fucking minor fire to you retards? Ha,

  2. All you idiots are speaking from complete positions of ignorance…. shut
    the fuck up already. There are multiple videos that show a huge part of the
    No Tower cascading into this building causing significant structural
    damage: that is why it eventually failed and fell. Look how the building
    buckles and part of the top left collapses into itself before the rest of
    it fell: that is not what a controlled demolition looks like… same goes
    for the towers. Fucking kooks!

  3. really?well if you raise your child to be a stupid,question nothing t.v.
    brain washed fool thats up to you. and if at 11 years of age you child
    dosent realize a trick from reality,maybe your raising a complete gobshite.
    much like yourself.

  4. i gave my life to defend this country.MY LIFE SEE.damn me damn me damn
    me.those who are so blind to see.just damn me.protecting the devil
    himself.damn me

  5. They didn't fell on it that's bullshit it was pretty far from those
    buildings and only some parts fell on the building which couldn't cause

  6. If you knew anything about gravity you would know that a building of that
    size would NOT fall down straight like that, due to some minor fires. It
    would have leaned in on direction or the other, depending on the location
    of the said damage. You are in no way, shape or form able to call anyone a

  7. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    How many impacted exterior columns from WTC 2 did NIST recover and examine?
    How many WTC 2 core columns did they say were damaged by impact? Which?
    Using the exterior panels as reference what was the approx. dimensions of
    the WTC 2 impact hole? Which specific WTC 2 exterior panels were damaged
    (specification numbers)? How come there is no inward deflection around the
    impact hole? What does the second law of motion say happens when you ram
    your face into a denser heavier object, at any speed?

  8. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    "placing blame on an outside force" … Its Arab. Its Muslim. Its never
    seen in your real life. Its on TV with a tale. Its from the Himalayas. Its
    Radical. Its scary. All psychology used against you to reinforce what you
    would never concede to otherwise. All that psych crap is theory. If you
    were as smart as you act with the cut and paste, you would apply the laws
    of motion and conservation of energy to the 595 foot fail in under 6.5
    seconds and know the caveman fire collapse tale is BS.

  9. "Psychological Projection Projection is the psychological phenomenon where
    someone thinks everyone else is doing and thinking what they are. It is
    usually seen as the externalisation of a person's negative traits, placing
    blame on an outside force such as the environment, a government, a society
    or other people."

  10. you can see it fall in on itself starting from the east side. It's almost
    as if a hole appears under the east side and sucks out the innards,,
    leaving a shell to collapse. I wonder what could make a hole that big in
    the ground.

  11. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    "It was a secret Cavemen Conspiracy from the Himalayas" …. a paranoid and
    conspiracy theory as it could ever get. YOUR conspiracy is too dumb to
    believe, that is why you are having this conversation. Your paranoia has
    been exploited and used as a pretext to steal your taxdollars and rape your
    Constitution. The sad pathetic part is you conceded to it all, bent over
    and took it because oif your paranoia. Your kids will suffer the loss of
    freedom and wealth because of your fear of unseen cavemen

  12. Yeah, I must be a troll since you have zero critical thinking skills and
    brag about sharing your paranoid conspiracies with your child. You are

  13. Well if that isn't evidence…I mean what is! Good to see you are passing
    on your stupidity to your child. It's not like putting her in physics
    classes (or yourself for that matter) would be a good idea. She's going to
    think "gravity" is just a theory growing up. Good job dummy!

  14. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    No they did not. The North Tower possibly had ejected material brush down
    the south face as it was falling. There is not one piece of evidence to
    prove the building sustained even close to enough INTERNAL damage to cause
    global collapse. The North Tower did not hit WTC 7 above the roofline, I
    have hundreds of videos to verify this. If you were 5 years old when this
    happened … STFU, punk.

  15. @Lane arndt and 911InvestigationVids…. I am currently getting ready to
    launch a new 9/11 website called 911CoverUp (dot) com. I have been
    researching since this happened.. it's a team effort to launch. Please
    email me at info@911coverup (dot) com.

  16. fire? wt fire? this shit is so fucked up…it doesnt take an engineer to
    know that its a demolition… us government will be brought to justice

  17. and what about the tens of thousands of witnesses, standing on the streets
    of NYC who watched the planes fly into the Towers? 'No planes' claims are
    not even part of real 9/11 truth, they are some disinfo offshoot nonsense.
    The central claims of 9-11 Truth (i.e those that are skeptical of the
    'official conspiracy theory.') are based on well-documented facts, not
    baseless claims meant to mislead and misdirect.

  18. good stuff cant let this one slide.showed this to my 11yr old and asked if
    you can tell me how this building fell ill give you a tenner…she said
    after a couple of looks,some body just blew it up.. cant fool a child.

  19. @911InvestigationVids I'm with ya on the planes entering the towers without
    being ripped apart and the doubts! I'd be inclined to follow the military
    plane riff cause there's not a chance they were AAs!

  20. Remember there was a hijacked plane missing.. they would have a mysterious
    unaccounted for plane if they hit it. they apparently had to proceed as
    planned. this building was part of the plot. —remember you heard it 1st
    through me. it's my theory that i came up early on.

  21. Right as the building is collapsing, zoom in very very closely at the right
    side of the building. Clear explosion. That is an RDX bomb, used by the US
    Navy. Also there were napalm bombs used in the planes. After the second
    plane hit the South Tower, one of the napalm bombs exited out through the
    other side and exploded in the air.

  22. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    I firmly believe the plane videos are fake and that the plane script was
    fully engineered. The explosion was real, the planes were added in before
    being fed to the media pool. The engines and landing gear planted, actors
    bussed in. The description was a cut and paste, when I try to edit the
    sentence Youtube wont save it. The sentence should say the building was
    evecuated for a FDNY fire drill at 7:00 am, when the alarms were disabled
    and sprinklers were shut off. The glitches are "aftermarket"

  23. If you zoom in, you can clearly see RDX explosives going off. Look closely
    at the left and right corners of the building, just a couple of stories
    below the penthouse, and a few stories below the generator. You can clearly
    see explosions.

  24. Pity we can't hear what they're saying with all that engine noise. Other
    angles from this scene show guys standing around looking up at 7 like they
    knew it was going down that way very soon.

  25. How long would it have taken to set the charges and explosives that you
    clearly see working here ? A couple of hours ? Half a day ? A full day ?
    This building had been prept before the eleventh. And sadly, so had the the
    towers. The explosives may have been different but the result wheir the

  26. The fire wasn't hot enough to break the glass on this side of the building
    but it's hot enough to bring it down symmetrically in 6 seconds with the
    help of a damaged corner? Wouldn't the damaged corner cause it to fall in
    it's direction first if it was any help at all? Lots of smoke, little fire.
    Why doesn't this look like other "raging infernos"?

  27. 911InvestigationVids · Edit

    Because there is far too many problems with the plane scripts, I have to be
    skeptical and call it bogus unless I can verify it with real life. I don't
    believe a single thing I am told about this event unless I can prove it. I
    cant prove there were planes, military, drone, or otherwise. There are some
    serious physics problems with the collisions, thus I remain in doubt. The
    event is so filled with lies, that every single facet of the story should
    be considered a lie until proven otherwise.

  28. I was under the impression that you were a no plane advocate but in the
    description you mention the plane,can you clarify this please,the digital
    "glitches"almost seem as if they are there on purpose the evil neocon


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