9/11 Truth About What Happened To The WTC Building 7

September 11 2001 NYC World Trade Center Multiple Explosions… An Inside Job… Please Watch all of this Video Before you make any Conclusions. Links to Evi…

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  1. wellifthemediasaysit · Edit

    Of course no boeing hit the pentagon, even the 'official eyewitnesses' are hilarious. 'It banked left, no it was right, the plane stayed dead straight, the nose fell off, the delicate nose ploughed through all those walls, the engines entered, no the engines bounced off, impact was at 9.15, no it was 9.40, 'i saw the terrified faces on board', the wings sheared off, hit the ground, folded back, sliced through, the wheels werent down, but they still hit a trailer, ridiculous! 9/11= inside job

  2. Hey Sammy! This one of those videos that makes you go Hmmm…… I remember thinking that the building went down in a way that looked like it had been set up to be demolished. Thanks for posting this.  Peace, Alex

  3. The number 11 represents twin spiraling DNA and our Reality as a Consciousness Hologram with 11 being a Master or Masonic Number. People see 11 more and more as consciousness evolves.

  4. We are living in a holographic reality, heavily influenced by the Saturn moon matrix secretly manipulated by interdimentional reptillian entities who exist just outside the boundaries of our bonded perceptions and purposely conditioned state of mind.

  5. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

    -Thomas Jefferson

  6. It is so obvious that a controlled demolition brought down the World Trade Centre. It infuriates me that most people do not want to look at the evidence. Great video. Cheers mate, VB Ed.


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