“Hey, World Trade 7 fell down like because, because, because, um, the mayor stored thousands of gallons of diesel fuel in an office building. Yeah, that’s it…

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  1. Barry Jennings who was in WTC7.. told us that it was being blown up from the inside.. BEFORE 1 & 2 even fell..
    What was the source for these explosions..?

  2. I just did some research on this today… Apparently, building 7 did not have automatic sprinkler systems, they were manual. The system also needed power to get the fire pump to dispense water. Also, the firefighters stopped trying to put the fires out around 3:30 PM, and were evacuated for safety reasons. What puzzles me though, is the lack of any casualties or even injuries being reported from the destruction of this building. With fires in various places, someone had to have been injured.

  3. Thats right the Govt. and the Devil JEWS did it. I think we need to take over the white house tomorrow. Comon America lets sack the white house tomorrow. I'll be right behind you……ready … set…. GOOOOOOO!

  4. After all this years, majority of americans believes their government on this. Term asleep is misused, brain- dead due to fluoridation of water supply is more appropriate.

  5. It's also very likely that the sprinkler systems didn't have much of an affect. The jet fuel ignited offices quickly and intensely and probably caused the water to evaporate before it could do anything. Also, the fact that there was so much damage probably divided the water pressure in the sprinkler lines since so many sprinklers would have been triggered at once. Sprinkler mains could have also been severd by the impact, killing all the pressure. Those fires were big, and the steel was exposed.

  6. I realize this is an old comment, but, you're ignoring one important thing. The Empire State Building fire was only on 1 floor and was quickly put out by fire fighters. The fire fighters drug hoses up the stairs. The plane also was going much slower. The WTC fires were out of control. The steel in the WTC had fire proofing foam that was easily blow off by the plane impact. The steel was exposed to fires that were up to 1800 F. This was more than enough to weaken and warp steel.

  7. ..but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. And the servants of the householder came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?' He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Then do you want us to go and gather them?' But he said, 'No….Let both grow together until the harvest; Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.

  8. Obviously the law of the land in the US is a joke. how they don't do anything about the numerous holes in the govt story is beyond me. The US's main enemy in the world is some filth in its govt and Israel

  9. .. not only that but the bomber was less than half the size of the commercial airliner, meaning shit load more of damage from the size, amount of gas etc. when hitting the towers

  10. Do you know the Empire State Building was smashed into by a B25 bomber in the 1960s on a cold raining foggy night and ppl died there was massive damage yet the building stayed standing. It was repaired and still stands to this day. The towers were built with plane strike in mind and in the words of 1 of the architect/engineer who designed the towers "striking the towers with a plane is like pushing a pencil through a fly screen" i.e. it wouldn't collapse the whole structure

  11. There is something seriously wrong with the law/courts in the US for not pursuing this massive atrocity. I had a dream, some would call it a nightmare but to me it was a dream, that Silverstein was arressted by family members of the ppl who leapt to their deaths from those towers and they waterboarded him and a few others who are very suspect in all of this and they finally got the truth. It was what we all suspect, 911 was an inside job with help from Israel

  12. Man. I was aware for while. Talked to people that have no clue. They never will have a clue.The program continues for them. For the rest of us … we gotta do something.

  13. when mr larry said "pull it", some claims that he was only talking about the firemens etc that needed to pull away from the building, because it is going to collapse. Well, do we speak "it" or "them" if we're talking about people…

  14. 777thefreedomfighter · Edit

    10 years ago this 47 story building was demolished and collapsed at free fall speed and the funny thing is most people are unaware that it even happened.G.W. Bush was in no rush to react to the false flag attack because he was synchronizing witchcraft on that day.Larry Silversteen insured the buildings like 6 months before 9.11.01 with terrorism and G.W Bush younger brother was head security of the wtc buildings.ARE YOU BEGINNING TO SEE THE PICTURE HMMM PROBABLY NOT.

  15. @ 0:37 the video claims that Building 7 was not struck by the collapsing Twin Towers. This is absolutely counter-factual. Every other claim is based on this faulty premise.

    How come there is not one video of the collapse from the leeward side. The fires look small because we're seeing the windward side where the oxygen rich air is entering the building to feed the fires.

    Same with the Towers the winds entering the gaping holes act as a blast furnace but the flames are obscured.

  16. we approach the ten year anniversary of the event… nobody incarcerated or punished or even charged. i have never been charged with overthrow of the government… i take all i said back b4 they charge me.

  17. Then the how many people were involved… Why hasn't anyone leaked the inside job.. There's tons of whistle blowers who were gagged, investigations blocked, whiteness' killed.. Wonder why they blocked aid to the first responders who witnessed what happened? Also everyone who fucked up on 911 was promoted! Nobody gets fired no investigation no trial where the angry person who was fired gets to name names. They also own the media. We still have all the info so it's not some great secret

  18. I'm sick of the "didn't have to melt to collapse" theory. It was well documented in newspapers & on TV that there were pools of molten steel under 1,2, & 7 for weeks So yes it melted also even if the truss's did lose strength, there's 70 floors below perfectly intact, how does it then collapse in 10 seconds through the path of least resistance? It can't. you can say twoofer all you want, reports of explosions, total collapse of 3 buildings.. 3 anomalies in NYC on 911 or CD? 5th grade science b

  19. RoughOutlineProduce · Edit

    They achieved this in the same way that Nazi Germany forced people to do absolutely unspeakable things, through fear. They would've killed the 'traitor', the 'traitor's' family and so on.

  20. They can commit murder and wipe out a lot of incriminating evidence at the same time. All the while laughing at dumb ass sheep.

  21. The other point you need to know is that the buildings were not made entirely of steel, but of structural elements made of materials (such as concrete etc. including floor trussess and columns) that had lesser melting points. These can become chewing gum and cause sections of an entire floor to fall out and down onto the next floor (regardless of what happens to the metal) the force of the fall on the subsequent floor is far more than 6x the ordinary standing weight burden of steel.

  22.  You are overlooking one important point. For the towers to collapse, the steel does not need to reach its melting point (does not need to literally liquify). It only needs to reach a temperature sufficient to lessen its structural strength to the degree that it can no longer support the weight bearing down on it. The melting point itslef is between 2500 and 2700 F depending on the iron content. It does not need to reach melting point (liquify) before causing collapse.

  23. You should acquaint yourself with the melting point of steel. Go and do a little research before making such ridiculous comments.

  24. Do you know how many people would have to be involved if 9/11 was an "inside job?" The people who organized the attacks, the people who planted tons explosives or thermite without anyone noticing, the experts who determined where to put the thermite/explosives, the people who remotely flew the planes, the people who prepared the planes for remote flying, the people who claimed to be on the planes. See next comment.

  25. The security guards who ignored everything, everyone at NIST, everyone involved in the 9/11 commission, everyone else who investigated it, everyone who made documentaries about it, the media, etc. And everyone involved knew they would be killing thousands of people. And what about the people who were asked to help kill thousands of Americans but refused? Why has no one come forward and admitted that they were involved or were asked to be involved? Please respond.

  26. The "So called Jew-ish of Isreal" are only Jew-ish. THEY ARE NOT THE JEW! It were the Jew-ish who sold the Hebrews into slavery. The DNA evidence is all there. The Jew-ish had no idea the Science of DNA Testing would be coming. The Zionist are not Jew nor Hebrew, and DNA Testing proves it so. The people in Israel are nothing more than Khazars/Scythia/Turks/Pharisees. The European Church and USA has been fooled. Hitler was right about the Zionist and the Bankers! 9/11 = 100% Inside Job.

  27. WeAreTheFuture25 · Edit

    any1 that went to school, college etc, should have enough sense? common sense? intelligence? knowledge? instinct? wisdom? thought? idea? that this was a PLANNED out event long before 9-11, in order to gain support from your average "ignorant" typical? dumb? stupid? idiot? U.S. Citizen, and to have a "Reason" to go to war, and start stealing OIL, and expanding our power, and saving the "American Dollar", The way the Buildings fell as if it was sinking into the ground is self explanatory, "THINK"

  28. 9/11 was planned by the US government. FACT the way the towers were hit by planes would have at least caused the top to fall off, but the truth is that the whole tower would have fell off to one side, did this happen? NO bush needed a reason to go to war! he said in june 2001 that war would begin in october 2001, why? oh becuase coincidentally 9/11 would happen a month prior, there's the perfect reason to go to war. the government did not do a good job covering their whole plan up now, did they?


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