[Article]: http://wp.me/p4HX8b-f4 C-Span airs an hour long interview with Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, where, by public …
I’ve approved all comments marked as spam. They somehow get marked by
Youtube automatically and I apologize for anyone who was censored—I would
never do such a thing. Whether or not we agree on this topic the whole
point is to have an open debate. In my own opinion, obviously, I feel this
was an inside job to the point that it worries me that people can’t see it.
To put this argument to rest I think we can all agree that another
investigation involving thousands of professionals from many sides of
academia, trades workers, emergency services, explosives experts, etc.
would give us all we need to indeed put this event to sleep and behind us
where it belongs. ( ORIGINAL POST FROM http://cut2thetruth.com )
For what it’s worth, and I can’t prove any of what I am about to state:
I was informed about the WTC event in 1996, five full years before the
fateful day, by a very high-level European banker with the IMF, World Bank
and the ultra-secret Legacy Trust after a business meeting in a private
conversation. What he told myself and a business partner shocked us to the
point we thought he was insane. But, we knew he wasn’t but, we did know he
represented the Rothschild banking empire.
He told that “they” were going to stage a terrorist attack on the WTC, then
blame it on some middle-east terrorist group that was under their control,
as a pretext to get the ignorant American public to support an invasion of
Iraq, as he put it around 2000-2001. At that time was he not sure of the
exact date it would occur.
He also went on to say that the entire goal was to foment war in the
middle-east so “they” could ultimately control all the natural resources
meaning primarily oil and natural gas.
I worked for many years with CBS TV News, and I can tell you that others
within the media knew of this as well. I know for certain that Dan Rather
knew in advance as well as several others within CBS.
I tried to warn people within CBS but got fired for it. No one would
listen. They thought I was completely insane and I had no proof. It was
just a private conversation.
And now here we are, on our way to WWIII just as the banker said “they”
This nut and his cronies will NOT, i repeat…NOT stop their “independent
investigation” if it turns out that NIST and the natural collapse theory is
Yawn……Gage had thousands of donations even with what little support he
could muster……..and he it seems as if he didn’t spend a cent on his
“2000 A/E for 9/11 Truth” to do real research….yu know, the kind PEs do.
Put up or shutup already, Twoofers. It’s a tired enterprise.
Yes! As one critic of the official explanation of the events of 9/11 put
it, in wryly roundabout fashion, “No building exhibiting all the
characteristics of a controlled demolition, has ever not been a controlled
In other words, if it looks like a controlled demolition, it is a
controlled demolition. http://thechinadesk.blogspot.tw/2011/09/911-controlled-demolitions.html
I agree, this is a great step towards the truth. Let’s hope nothing happens
to this guy or other brave truth seekers. Those that come forward with
information to expose the truth usually end up disappearing or worse.
911 is a shit hole distraction. They have killed millions of Americans with
food and medicine and A&E4911truth is only trying to what? Insist that the
buildings could not have fallen from office fire. Yes it is a shit hole. Oh
by the way the federal reserve did 911.
That looks like a controlled demolition. It fell STRAIGHT down!like how can
a FIRE make 80 steel column fall down simultaneously. A office fire an
never bring down a building about a half a hundred story down like that. Go
look at controlled demolitions, they look just like this. Also remember
that Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA.
Any idiot can see controlled demolition… Just to give you an Idea of how
rediculously impossible it is for 3 buildings to “just happen” to fall in
their own footprint… watch this.. some of these ARE controlled
demolitions. Failures.. this means the explosives weren’t set up correctly.
these buildings SURVIVE.. EVEN ROLL OVER. now for 3 buildings just to
happen to fall perfectly down, with NO explosions?… well you get the
idea… Demolition Fail Compilation, best demolition failures
I’m looking forward to NISTS blocked out by Bush, 28 pages of the report to
be released. Every Governor representative needs to request reading them
like one of them has done already! And then an open investigation, unbiased
and non-political. The world is awake already! Time for the US military and
the people to question and awaken! Your Freedom is a stake as is our
worlds! Agenda 21 will NOT come to pass!
This is corpofascist Merca calling. Go to your homes…repeat go to your
homes or you will be dealt with.
The truth has absolutely NO RELEVANCE……. NO RELEVANCE:
Those who have unlearnt the sacred doctrines of the Holy Hubris are damaged
and will be removed.
Remember Article of the Holy Hubris NUMBER ONE: Harvey Lee did smite the
knight of Camelot all by himself because said knight wanted to give away
our stuff to the lesser tribes and Harvey was an uncool Ruskie groupie
working for the CIA and other stuff…. TWO Merca did with great skill
USing only fred flintstone technology “land” a can on the moon, where our
guys got out, shot a round of golf, cruised the moon dunes in their dune
cruiser. Had lunch, blasted 60 miles into lunar orbit, docked with mother
ship at 4,000 MPH and then skidaddled back to earth for a round trip of
almost 700,000 kilometers just in time to catch Archie Bunker. THREE a shit
load of flaky camel herders from our Bushian House of Saud did with great
cunning blow up Merca on 911 coz they hate our freedoms, love coke and pink
wigged bimbos and caught Pentacon KIll Industries off guard and the rest of
our multi billion fiat IOU petroscrip backed totalitarian police state
If you no longer understand and accept these obvioUS truths then you are in
need of reprogramming.
*I say put all of them into prison right now.* This equals: Bush’s
Clinton’s,Obama’s,Bilderberg Group,CFR,DHS,NSA,CIA/FBI employee’s involved.
Of course the Catholic Vatican(Created Islam)Jesuit Order,Illuminati/
Freemasons within our Government offices etc. Corporations that have bought
their way into telling our Government what to do via Rothschild/Rockefeller
Banker’s etc. Court Marshall all of them for High Treason,Mass Murder etc.
Scotty B -PoeticFireStorm
My Blog:
New World Order Antichrist Global Rule http://mysecretpoeticabyss.blogspot.com
In hindsight, it is so easy to snow people its no wonder the wool has been
pulled for the gain of those willing to commit fraud. Its so damn easy to
schmooze the masses. Thats the bad news. Good news is the new religion is
“truthism” the two cannot co-exist.
Just what started all those separate fires? Falling debris? That went
sideways through the windows? Who authorized the destruction of the crime
scene evidence? Why hasn’t that person been prosecuted? Why wasn’t “crime
scene tape” put around the scene?
some real powerful people pulled this stunt off. those same real powerful
people suppressed info as well. who has this power to control media and the
government reports and investigations?
Let us get to the truth! A new and independent investigation is warranted
in light of the fact that we all know that Bush and Cheney are demonstrable
liars and can’t be trusted.
The most successful CIA operation in history. 15 billion dollars made on
put options on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, around the
world. One billion dollars saved not having to conduct asbestos
decontamination of the Twin Towers. 4,55 billion dollars ‘ insurance ‘
kitty to rebuild the whole World Trade Center complex. All evidence and
trails pertaining to the Worldcom and Enron frauds obliterated. All trails
leading to the misappropriation of 2.3 trillion dollars of Pentagon Black
Ops money obliterated. 240 billion dollars of fake and fraudulently ‘
purchased ‘ 10 years US Treasury bonds, due on September 12, 2001 paid out
on.without due authenticity and ID checks.
Why can’t al quieda (excuse the spelling) say they had nothing to do with
it, why don’t people try n get truth out of the supposed culprits, ask
those people how they planned it
This just will not go away because there are too many unanswered questions.
Did you notice anything at the time? Since?
Richard Gage, who founded Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the
2200 architects and engineers signed up to the organisation have big
questions based on evidence found at the site, evidence not disclosed by
the NIST report.
Absolute criminals running the show. New world order, illuminati, zionists.
Who ever they are, we must raise the gallows and hang the murderers. We
know who they are! Neo libs/cons must be held accountable.
Le me see, le me see here…so you say de media won report on it, eh? We
shud see who owns dat media, ah? So, der might be some insurance money
involved, hmn…maybe we shud see who got dat money! Wars too, huh? Where
wuz deez wars? Hmn, le me see, le me see here…who coulda benefit from
sucha wars? …well derz country number 1 and country number 2, …but not
country number 3. So it shoulden be to hard to a figure it out, ah?
Don’t forget the airline pilots who claim that even an extremely trained
pilot would have had difficulties making a maneuver that hit building two
which just happens to be the offices of an agency investigating bonds that
were to be verified on 9/11. They destroyed Enron records, 15
investigators plus the leader was on one of those planes heading to a
convention. The office at the pentagon was also an agency who were
investigating AIG and the likes who were involved in issuing fraudulent
bonds that were used to buy out industries in the Soviet Union after the
collapse. Remember Cheney saying two trillion dollars from the pentagon
budget was missing…….the a day before 9/11 then not a word…….Total
inside job……..and a very messy one at that ………follow the money
and the characters involved in the twin towers and you will find who was
World is waking up to worldwide terrorist attacks either directly or
indirectly caused by the US government and ZIONISTS
do you think police need bullet proof trucks, good luck America- your going
to need it because you have a hard road ahead
Remember the incident where some woman smudged a painting with a text
AE911? The mainstream media stopped talking about it as they found out that
it ment Architects & Engineers 9/11 Truth. But sadly I guess AE911 is part
disinformation, because there were no planes. The planes were digitally
added to the footage.
Conclusive Evidence the 9/11 Planes were NOT REAL
The reason why they are trying to ridicule “no planers” is because it
reveals the role of the mainstream media in covering this up. They did not
only cover it up, they were in on it seeing planes that did not exist and
they were the ones who had cameramen on predetermined locations filming the
impact spots with still cameras so they could add the planes.
Slowly the mainstream puppets understand, that they are fucked. They try to
whitewash their years of inactivity and propaganda … it’s to late for
that. Every single “journalist” that parroted these lies without
questioning it to keep his job … – you have no future. Prostitution is
the only business that will fit for you – you have nothing new to learn for
that, just blow and stoop as usual. Mr Gage, you have my deepest respect
for all the longtime work you have done. Keep it up, your name will be
known to everyone soon.
Fellow truth seekers please be weary of why a MSM network has allowed this
to be picked up – what is the elite’s agenda from here on in. Could it be
they want a citizen revolt/backlash etc in order to implement a ‘next
phase’ scenario?? We must stay vigilant and use our god-given ability of
critical thinking to see through the smoke…
God Bless..
I’ve approved all comments marked as spam. They somehow get marked by
Youtube automatically and I apologize for anyone who was censored—I would
never do such a thing. Whether or not we agree on this topic the whole
point is to have an open debate. In my own opinion, obviously, I feel this
was an inside job to the point that it worries me that people can’t see it.
To put this argument to rest I think we can all agree that another
investigation involving thousands of professionals from many sides of
academia, trades workers, emergency services, explosives experts, etc.
would give us all we need to indeed put this event to sleep and behind us
where it belongs. ( ORIGINAL POST FROM http://cut2thetruth.com )
For what it’s worth, and I can’t prove any of what I am about to state:
I was informed about the WTC event in 1996, five full years before the
fateful day, by a very high-level European banker with the IMF, World Bank
and the ultra-secret Legacy Trust after a business meeting in a private
conversation. What he told myself and a business partner shocked us to the
point we thought he was insane. But, we knew he wasn’t but, we did know he
represented the Rothschild banking empire.
He told that “they” were going to stage a terrorist attack on the WTC, then
blame it on some middle-east terrorist group that was under their control,
as a pretext to get the ignorant American public to support an invasion of
Iraq, as he put it around 2000-2001. At that time was he not sure of the
exact date it would occur.
He also went on to say that the entire goal was to foment war in the
middle-east so “they” could ultimately control all the natural resources
meaning primarily oil and natural gas.
I worked for many years with CBS TV News, and I can tell you that others
within the media knew of this as well. I know for certain that Dan Rather
knew in advance as well as several others within CBS.
I tried to warn people within CBS but got fired for it. No one would
listen. They thought I was completely insane and I had no proof. It was
just a private conversation.
And now here we are, on our way to WWIII just as the banker said “they”
This nut and his cronies will NOT, i repeat…NOT stop their “independent
investigation” if it turns out that NIST and the natural collapse theory is
Yawn……Gage had thousands of donations even with what little support he
could muster……..and he it seems as if he didn’t spend a cent on his
“2000 A/E for 9/11 Truth” to do real research….yu know, the kind PEs do.
Put up or shutup already, Twoofers. It’s a tired enterprise.
*Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN*
August 2014
Yes! As one critic of the official explanation of the events of 9/11 put
it, in wryly roundabout fashion, “No building exhibiting all the
characteristics of a controlled demolition, has ever not been a controlled
In other words, if it looks like a controlled demolition, it is a
controlled demolition.
9/11 Building 7 Exposed on Mainstream Media (C-Sp…:
If This Does Not Get Thru To You; Nothing Will!!! Is this vid real or
not……watch to the end……
I agree, this is a great step towards the truth. Let’s hope nothing happens
to this guy or other brave truth seekers. Those that come forward with
information to expose the truth usually end up disappearing or worse.
911 is a shit hole distraction. They have killed millions of Americans with
food and medicine and A&E4911truth is only trying to what? Insist that the
buildings could not have fallen from office fire. Yes it is a shit hole. Oh
by the way the federal reserve did 911.
That looks like a controlled demolition. It fell STRAIGHT down!like how can
a FIRE make 80 steel column fall down simultaneously. A office fire an
never bring down a building about a half a hundred story down like that. Go
look at controlled demolitions, they look just like this. Also remember
that Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA.
Any idiot can see controlled demolition… Just to give you an Idea of how
rediculously impossible it is for 3 buildings to “just happen” to fall in
their own footprint… watch this.. some of these ARE controlled
demolitions. Failures.. this means the explosives weren’t set up correctly.
these buildings SURVIVE.. EVEN ROLL OVER. now for 3 buildings just to
happen to fall perfectly down, with NO explosions?… well you get the
idea… Demolition Fail Compilation, best demolition failures
Thank you, Richard Gage. Regardless of how long it takes to get the truth
we need to demand it.
Rosa Koire
Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
I’m looking forward to NISTS blocked out by Bush, 28 pages of the report to
be released. Every Governor representative needs to request reading them
like one of them has done already! And then an open investigation, unbiased
and non-political. The world is awake already! Time for the US military and
the people to question and awaken! Your Freedom is a stake as is our
worlds! Agenda 21 will NOT come to pass!
This is corpofascist Merca calling. Go to your homes…repeat go to your
homes or you will be dealt with.
The truth has absolutely NO RELEVANCE……. NO RELEVANCE:
Those who have unlearnt the sacred doctrines of the Holy Hubris are damaged
and will be removed.
Remember Article of the Holy Hubris NUMBER ONE: Harvey Lee did smite the
knight of Camelot all by himself because said knight wanted to give away
our stuff to the lesser tribes and Harvey was an uncool Ruskie groupie
working for the CIA and other stuff…. TWO Merca did with great skill
USing only fred flintstone technology “land” a can on the moon, where our
guys got out, shot a round of golf, cruised the moon dunes in their dune
cruiser. Had lunch, blasted 60 miles into lunar orbit, docked with mother
ship at 4,000 MPH and then skidaddled back to earth for a round trip of
almost 700,000 kilometers just in time to catch Archie Bunker. THREE a shit
load of flaky camel herders from our Bushian House of Saud did with great
cunning blow up Merca on 911 coz they hate our freedoms, love coke and pink
wigged bimbos and caught Pentacon KIll Industries off guard and the rest of
our multi billion fiat IOU petroscrip backed totalitarian police state
If you no longer understand and accept these obvioUS truths then you are in
need of reprogramming.
*I say put all of them into prison right now.* This equals: Bush’s
Clinton’s,Obama’s,Bilderberg Group,CFR,DHS,NSA,CIA/FBI employee’s involved.
Of course the Catholic Vatican(Created Islam)Jesuit Order,Illuminati/
Freemasons within our Government offices etc. Corporations that have bought
their way into telling our Government what to do via Rothschild/Rockefeller
Banker’s etc. Court Marshall all of them for High Treason,Mass Murder etc.
Scotty B -PoeticFireStorm
My Blog:
New World Order Antichrist Global Rule
*View the additional videos and complete article,visit link below*
wow owsome yet im afraid will be liwk with kenedy 50 years later oh yeah
those copsiracy theorist with nano thermites;:)
In hindsight, it is so easy to snow people its no wonder the wool has been
pulled for the gain of those willing to commit fraud. Its so damn easy to
schmooze the masses. Thats the bad news. Good news is the new religion is
“truthism” the two cannot co-exist.
Insurance $ is why, billions in insurance money. Simple insurance fraud on
a huge and damning scale.
Just what started all those separate fires? Falling debris? That went
sideways through the windows? Who authorized the destruction of the crime
scene evidence? Why hasn’t that person been prosecuted? Why wasn’t “crime
scene tape” put around the scene?
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN
Major Step!!! August 2014
some real powerful people pulled this stunt off. those same real powerful
people suppressed info as well. who has this power to control media and the
government reports and investigations?
And the walls come tumbling down 911 truth
…things ‘explode’ and things ‘implode’ …people seeking to research
further need to understand the difference!
Let us get to the truth! A new and independent investigation is warranted
in light of the fact that we all know that Bush and Cheney are demonstrable
liars and can’t be trusted.
Subversive Lecture of TFHL Original Version
Let the truth come to light!
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN.
He is telling the truth…
share this video like a crazy mofo
What could the perpetrators gain?.
The most successful CIA operation in history. 15 billion dollars made on
put options on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, around the
world. One billion dollars saved not having to conduct asbestos
decontamination of the Twin Towers. 4,55 billion dollars ‘ insurance ‘
kitty to rebuild the whole World Trade Center complex. All evidence and
trails pertaining to the Worldcom and Enron frauds obliterated. All trails
leading to the misappropriation of 2.3 trillion dollars of Pentagon Black
Ops money obliterated. 240 billion dollars of fake and fraudulently ‘
purchased ‘ 10 years US Treasury bonds, due on September 12, 2001 paid out
on.without due authenticity and ID checks.
Why can’t al quieda (excuse the spelling) say they had nothing to do with
it, why don’t people try n get truth out of the supposed culprits, ask
those people how they planned it
This just will not go away because there are too many unanswered questions.
Did you notice anything at the time? Since?
Richard Gage, who founded Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the
2200 architects and engineers signed up to the organisation have big
questions based on evidence found at the site, evidence not disclosed by
the NIST report.
Absolute criminals running the show. New world order, illuminati, zionists.
Who ever they are, we must raise the gallows and hang the murderers. We
know who they are! Neo libs/cons must be held accountable.
Le me see, le me see here…so you say de media won report on it, eh? We
shud see who owns dat media, ah? So, der might be some insurance money
involved, hmn…maybe we shud see who got dat money! Wars too, huh? Where
wuz deez wars? Hmn, le me see, le me see here…who coulda benefit from
sucha wars? …well derz country number 1 and country number 2, …but not
country number 3. So it shoulden be to hard to a figure it out, ah?
Don’t forget the airline pilots who claim that even an extremely trained
pilot would have had difficulties making a maneuver that hit building two
which just happens to be the offices of an agency investigating bonds that
were to be verified on 9/11. They destroyed Enron records, 15
investigators plus the leader was on one of those planes heading to a
convention. The office at the pentagon was also an agency who were
investigating AIG and the likes who were involved in issuing fraudulent
bonds that were used to buy out industries in the Soviet Union after the
collapse. Remember Cheney saying two trillion dollars from the pentagon
budget was missing…….the a day before 9/11 then not a word…….Total
inside job……..and a very messy one at that ………follow the money
and the characters involved in the twin towers and you will find who was
Richard Gage has got this in the bag
World is waking up to worldwide terrorist attacks either directly or
indirectly caused by the US government and ZIONISTS
do you think police need bullet proof trucks, good luck America- your going
to need it because you have a hard road ahead
A missile hit the pentagon.
So much evidence destroyed or withheld.
Zionists are the enemy.
Remember the incident where some woman smudged a painting with a text
AE911? The mainstream media stopped talking about it as they found out that
it ment Architects & Engineers 9/11 Truth. But sadly I guess AE911 is part
disinformation, because there were no planes. The planes were digitally
added to the footage.
Conclusive Evidence the 9/11 Planes were NOT REAL
The reason why they are trying to ridicule “no planers” is because it
reveals the role of the mainstream media in covering this up. They did not
only cover it up, they were in on it seeing planes that did not exist and
they were the ones who had cameramen on predetermined locations filming the
impact spots with still cameras so they could add the planes.
Ask Michael Chertoff about 911……dual Israeli usa citizen in chg of DHS
Why?? It was an American Reichstag fire. The government used this false
flag to take away the rest of American citizen’s sovereignty.
Why isn’t the US government going to investigate 9/11 when it appears the
US government, ie the Bush administration, was behind it…..
Richard Gage does not just BELIEVE, but he knows and UNDERSTANDS it is
ORGANISED CRIME from the inside out, that created FALSE FLAG.
Slowly the mainstream puppets understand, that they are fucked. They try to
whitewash their years of inactivity and propaganda … it’s to late for
that. Every single “journalist” that parroted these lies without
questioning it to keep his job … – you have no future. Prostitution is
the only business that will fit for you – you have nothing new to learn for
that, just blow and stoop as usual. Mr Gage, you have my deepest respect
for all the longtime work you have done. Keep it up, your name will be
known to everyone soon.
Fellow truth seekers please be weary of why a MSM network has allowed this
to be picked up – what is the elite’s agenda from here on in. Could it be
they want a citizen revolt/backlash etc in order to implement a ‘next
phase’ scenario?? We must stay vigilant and use our god-given ability of
critical thinking to see through the smoke…
God Bless..