2 Close up shots of the collapse of wtc building 7 on 9/11. The first shows the rooftop penthouse collapsing a split second before the rest of the building a…
And let me say this to you insanedrummer, even though I don't believe 9/11
was an inside job, Bush would've killed his own people if it meant
continuing the established order that he brought forth. Now, I do believe
that Bush & his administration allowed 9/11 to happen, which is quite
obvious, & took advantage of that day, due to the suddence of the patriot
acts 1 & 2 brought forth & the sudden issue of us taking part in now 2 wars.
lololoolloolololloloollolololololololololoolo to you fuckers 😀
hey retard, a 1000 ft bldg fell in on it and gashed out 25% of the bldg
from the center and many of the supporting trusses – no 100s of demolition
charges -NO CONSPIRACY – it only fell hours after firefighters heard it
creaking and abandoned it – AMAZING – but I do have a soul trapped in a
bottle that I'd like to sell you on ebay
WOW a bldg actually fell in towards a gaping massive hole that firefighters
say ripped out 25% of the bldg and all the supporting trusses – and then
fell hours after firefighters heard creaking sounds in the bldg and
abandoned the effort to save it – damn IT MUST BE AN INSIDE JOB!!! WAKE UP
There was substantial damage to one corner of the bldg effectively making
that corner almost worthless as support. BUT, BUT the collapse started when
the penthouse collapsed first because of a loss of collum support ON THE
OTHER SIDE OF THE BLDG. That's what makes this suspicious as hell not to
mention bombs going off in the bldg. Youtube: "Seven is Exploding" and
watch it to the very end and you'll be asking q's too!
it is amazing how reluctant people are to engage with the physical evidence
about this event. Rgardless of 'conspiracy theory' this or that, when you
take a cold, hard, scientific look at this building and its demise, the
physical evidence does not support the explanation that wtc7 fell down
through some combination of damage from the twin towers and subsequent
fires. This explanation is not at all consistent with the physical evidence.
Actually, with the precollapse of the penthouse, the real collapse becomes
around 14 seconds which is double than a free-fall collapse. So it wasn't
free-fall. And the "squibs" aren't squibs. Notice on the left side of the
building, during the 2nd part, & you'll see the same blackened areas before
the collapse. These are open window blinds. So during the collapse, we have
a good amount of window blinds on the right opening as well, which is
completely logical. So it wasn't an inside job.
I do believe it's very possible that building was brought down by
prepositioned explosives, but I am wondering why the penthouse falling in
makes it more likely that it was a controlled demolition. Why does it
exactly. I thought the free fall argument was their strongest point? This
video dispels that bull shit and yet they still try and use it to their
advantage. Look at the misrepresentation in the description.>>> "The first
shows the rooftop penthouse collapsing a split second before the rest of
the building" Really? a split second? learn how to count it's more like 5
or 6 seconds then the rest of the building making the total time of
collapse way longer than free fall.
when I say minimal I mean in comparison to the damage sustained by the
first two buildings. It seems FDNY knew that this building was going to
come down despite the fact that a building coming down from fire damage was
unprecedented (excepting wtc's 1 and 2.) Also, I'd like your take on
physicist Steven Jones' contention that the buildings were brought down by
explosives and more importantly WHY DID THE 9/11 COMMISSION LEAVE OUT ANY
Windows breaking eh. So the towers apparently fell down and damaged wtc7
enough to eventually bring it down later on but not enough to break the
windows untill it fell. Which then exploded out. Not just break. Wake up
for fuck sake. Why is it so hard for some people to see that a government
that has been proven to have lied about the WMD in Iraq and plenty of other
times cant be behind this.
Hide you heads in the sand all you like, kiddies. Those buildings were
brought down by controlled demolition. I dare you to try proving otherwise.
I dare you to show me another building that has symmetrically collapsed as
a result of a fire. Remember, NO plane hit building 7, and there was fire
damage on only ONE side of the structure. Why did it fall so perfectly?
Explosives were planted, plain and simple.
Well, the FDNY were WTC 7 witnesses, which counts for a lot. It's true that
they aren't structural engineers, but we know from them that there weren't
just "a couple of fires" or just some minor damage to a few support
columns. We also know they anticipated the collapse and didn't report
seeing or hearing any demo charges going off at the time of collapse.
Although we can rule out explosives, point well taken that we don't know
the exact sequence of structural failures.
I was responding to your assertion that the eyewitnesses are credible. I've
responded to that but you didnt acknowledge my respons and instead changed
the subject to bin Laden. I don't feel like playing the endless
What-about-this-What-about-that game. So let's stick with 1 thing at a
time. Do you think these witnesses I cited are lying?
"We were concerned about additional collapse, not only of the Marriott,
because there was a good portion of the Marriott still standing, but also
we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Ctr would collapse…Early on, we
saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had
put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse.
You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three
floors." –FDNY Dep. Chief Peter Hayden
Well if you discount the testimony of dozens of firefighters who heard
explosives going off and ignore the fact that never in the history of time
had a building been brought down by fire (except for wtc 1 and 2 earlier
that day) and try to explain silverstein's self-incriminating comments by
saying he meant something else than what he actually said i guess i would
believe you.
It would'nt matter, where I come from we don't put money, oil and political
gain before human lives, especially our own people. The average American
has to stop buying into gov't bullshit and not be going into the military.
oh come on man… don't you want to believe your own eyes? Take a step
back, open your mind to the possibility that we are all being lied to.
Osama is left handed but in the confession tape he writes with his right
hand. That tape was found in Afganistan by US troops. btw the invastion of
Afganistan was already planned… the order to invade had been signed on
sept 10th… the same day FEMA arrived in NY in prep for the attack.
PoetryHound how can one explain Larry Silverstein's comment that "we pulled
building 7" along with the fact that he made hundreds of millions of
dollars in insurance claims after the attacks. That goes along with the
fact that somehow a 47 storey building that had minimal fire damage to it
somehow collapsed into its own footprint at freefall speed 8 hours after
the first two buildings fell. How could explosives not be involved?
And let me say this to you insanedrummer, even though I don't believe 9/11
was an inside job, Bush would've killed his own people if it meant
continuing the established order that he brought forth. Now, I do believe
that Bush & his administration allowed 9/11 to happen, which is quite
obvious, & took advantage of that day, due to the suddence of the patriot
acts 1 & 2 brought forth & the sudden issue of us taking part in now 2 wars.
lololoolloolololloloollolololololololololoolo to you fuckers 😀
hey retard, a 1000 ft bldg fell in on it and gashed out 25% of the bldg
from the center and many of the supporting trusses – no 100s of demolition
charges -NO CONSPIRACY – it only fell hours after firefighters heard it
creaking and abandoned it – AMAZING – but I do have a soul trapped in a
bottle that I'd like to sell you on ebay
a missel did not hit the pentagon. ive seen a video with the hitting the
a missel did not hit the pentagon. ive seen a video with the hitting the
@bradleas All they have is insults and personal attacks to anyone who dares
to even look at the evidence.
Well you need a stern math lesson then.
WOW a bldg actually fell in towards a gaping massive hole that firefighters
say ripped out 25% of the bldg and all the supporting trusses – and then
fell hours after firefighters heard creaking sounds in the bldg and
abandoned the effort to save it – damn IT MUST BE AN INSIDE JOB!!! WAKE UP
There was substantial damage to one corner of the bldg effectively making
that corner almost worthless as support. BUT, BUT the collapse started when
the penthouse collapsed first because of a loss of collum support ON THE
OTHER SIDE OF THE BLDG. That's what makes this suspicious as hell not to
mention bombs going off in the bldg. Youtube: "Seven is Exploding" and
watch it to the very end and you'll be asking q's too!
Look at the right side of the building at 13 or 14 seconds… WOW. the
Textbook demolition job! 19 Muslims with boxcutters had nothing to do with
the attrocities on 9/11.
why would bush kill his own people??? oh wait…thats something bush would
The math doesn't lie. I-N-S-I-D-E J-O-B!
the government is always covering stuff up, maybe that penthouse had secret
information in it.
it is amazing how reluctant people are to engage with the physical evidence
about this event. Rgardless of 'conspiracy theory' this or that, when you
take a cold, hard, scientific look at this building and its demise, the
physical evidence does not support the explanation that wtc7 fell down
through some combination of damage from the twin towers and subsequent
fires. This explanation is not at all consistent with the physical evidence.
Freefall demolition style.
Actually, with the precollapse of the penthouse, the real collapse becomes
around 14 seconds which is double than a free-fall collapse. So it wasn't
free-fall. And the "squibs" aren't squibs. Notice on the left side of the
building, during the 2nd part, & you'll see the same blackened areas before
the collapse. These are open window blinds. So during the collapse, we have
a good amount of window blinds on the right opening as well, which is
completely logical. So it wasn't an inside job.
Join my YouTube Group of Politics! The United America Association
everyone knows it was inside job, just can't admit it : (
I do believe it's very possible that building was brought down by
prepositioned explosives, but I am wondering why the penthouse falling in
makes it more likely that it was a controlled demolition. Why does it
exactly. I thought the free fall argument was their strongest point? This
video dispels that bull shit and yet they still try and use it to their
advantage. Look at the misrepresentation in the description.>>> "The first
shows the rooftop penthouse collapsing a split second before the rest of
the building" Really? a split second? learn how to count it's more like 5
or 6 seconds then the rest of the building making the total time of
collapse way longer than free fall.
damn… this really likes like a controlled explosion… wtf is going on???
I want to know the truth… I mean THE TRUTH
when I say minimal I mean in comparison to the damage sustained by the
first two buildings. It seems FDNY knew that this building was going to
come down despite the fact that a building coming down from fire damage was
unprecedented (excepting wtc's 1 and 2.) Also, I'd like your take on
physicist Steven Jones' contention that the buildings were brought down by
explosives and more importantly WHY DID THE 9/11 COMMISSION LEAVE OUT ANY
Windows breaking eh. So the towers apparently fell down and damaged wtc7
enough to eventually bring it down later on but not enough to break the
windows untill it fell. Which then exploded out. Not just break. Wake up
for fuck sake. Why is it so hard for some people to see that a government
that has been proven to have lied about the WMD in Iraq and plenty of other
times cant be behind this.
Hide you heads in the sand all you like, kiddies. Those buildings were
brought down by controlled demolition. I dare you to try proving otherwise.
I dare you to show me another building that has symmetrically collapsed as
a result of a fire. Remember, NO plane hit building 7, and there was fire
damage on only ONE side of the structure. Why did it fall so perfectly?
Explosives were planted, plain and simple.
Well, the FDNY were WTC 7 witnesses, which counts for a lot. It's true that
they aren't structural engineers, but we know from them that there weren't
just "a couple of fires" or just some minor damage to a few support
columns. We also know they anticipated the collapse and didn't report
seeing or hearing any demo charges going off at the time of collapse.
Although we can rule out explosives, point well taken that we don't know
the exact sequence of structural failures.
I was responding to your assertion that the eyewitnesses are credible. I've
responded to that but you didnt acknowledge my respons and instead changed
the subject to bin Laden. I don't feel like playing the endless
What-about-this-What-about-that game. So let's stick with 1 thing at a
time. Do you think these witnesses I cited are lying?
"We were concerned about additional collapse, not only of the Marriott,
because there was a good portion of the Marriott still standing, but also
we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Ctr would collapse…Early on, we
saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had
put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse.
You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three
floors." –FDNY Dep. Chief Peter Hayden
Well if you discount the testimony of dozens of firefighters who heard
explosives going off and ignore the fact that never in the history of time
had a building been brought down by fire (except for wtc 1 and 2 earlier
that day) and try to explain silverstein's self-incriminating comments by
saying he meant something else than what he actually said i guess i would
believe you.
It would'nt matter, where I come from we don't put money, oil and political
gain before human lives, especially our own people. The average American
has to stop buying into gov't bullshit and not be going into the military.
oh come on man… don't you want to believe your own eyes? Take a step
back, open your mind to the possibility that we are all being lied to.
Osama is left handed but in the confession tape he writes with his right
hand. That tape was found in Afganistan by US troops. btw the invastion of
Afganistan was already planned… the order to invade had been signed on
sept 10th… the same day FEMA arrived in NY in prep for the attack.
PoetryHound how can one explain Larry Silverstein's comment that "we pulled
building 7" along with the fact that he made hundreds of millions of
dollars in insurance claims after the attacks. That goes along with the
fact that somehow a 47 storey building that had minimal fire damage to it
somehow collapsed into its own footprint at freefall speed 8 hours after
the first two buildings fell. How could explosives not be involved?
Ahh stupid motherfuckers with no brain.