the "fucking cowards" who blew up the buildings will never tell the truth unless a Grand Jury indictment is convened and some R given immunity.
I was given a SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY by the real unindicted mastermind of 911. He is now orchestrating Obamacare from American Community Mutual Ins fraud of wife as deceased. 1st Interstate Wells Fargo Bank fraud.
I am a victim of 911 in 1998 with the State of Arizona and Janet Napolitano in jt ventures to fund the crimes against humanity. HSiegal
Both Bush and Obama guilty of war crimes against humanity AND complicit with fraud of the real unindicted mastermind of 911 who stole my money AND created the fraudulent records of me deceased.
People Against Corruption, San Antonio, Texas real estate listings just part of the paper trail of the insurance frauds. OBAMACARE.
Honey Siegal Stober(trustor of Bank of America, victim of Bank One fraud of Obamas Sidley Austin and Janet Napolitano’s Lewis and Roca.
Building 7 was a controlled demolition just like world trade centers were on sept 11 and no I’m not trying to disrespect those whom lost their life on that day what is the real problem and disrespect to those whom paid with their life that day is the fucking cover up have some fucking decency and tell the American public the truth you fucking cowards
9/11/13 Day 1169 in my We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obamas, Janet Napolitano et al hired by the NWO real unindicted mastermind of 911. He continues to terrorize me and the people with his media manipulations from the lie that I died.
Who blew up the buildings?????
I know the answer. Five stare guaranteed banks without boundaries crooks who complied with rum911 to defraud and harass me.
Live Video dot com April 6/2010 from my webspawner from my Channel.
Click on my HoneySiegalSurvivor name. Then my webspawner link to access the SEC Info-Insilco global fraudulent bankrupcy using Zenadev my co. pg 123.
By Obamas Sidley Austin Chicago global lawfirm.
The US was dissolved as stated in CV98-11374 in the State of Arizona Maricopa County on December 7, 1999.
Attorneys Franks and Cook referring to Zenadev.
See Mr Cook in the 1st video on my it's personal playlist.
S Alan Cook *uses Brad Cook in vid bad actor made FSB estate of me "deceased"
I am Honey Siegal.7/9/13 Day 1098 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al. We R being manipulated into a NazigermanyUSA from HONEY SIEGAL DECEASED. crooks who think they R above the law. Old post from a censored vid."Honey Siegal explaining the major fraud of the Obama Whitehouse using the numerous versions of the estate of her deceased with a company Zenadev to cause the demise of the United States of America and the free world.
The SEC link"Honey
2/22/13 Day 968 in We The People Against Corruption To Remove and Indict Obama, Janet Napolitano et al.
OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Hired by the rum911 to bankrupt the USA.
Deal using Zenadev my co. on my webspawner site from my Channel. Obama is also an actor playing a role linked to the media manipulator linked to the main man I married. Oscar's R on Sunday. Who benefits?
BUSH, RUMSFELD and CHENEY should be in JAIL! Wake up America and demand a new 9/11 investigation…that doesn’t include any Republicans or Democrats…they cannot be trusted!
1/18/13 Day 933 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al.
Still the best video which explains “the project for the new american century”
– a new Pearl Harbor needed.
Bank One Obamas Insilco Holding Co. deal using Zenadev my co. used to fund the current ILLEGAL regime.
Sad times in the United States when it appears I stand alone when it is so obvious.
Honey Robin Siegal (imatruthsayer/NOTDEADHONEY/Honey R Stober)
12/28/12 Day 912 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet AND the real unindicted mastermind of 911 (likely 7/7 in the UK too.), et al. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Hired by the rum911 to manipulate the $ for the NWO. I did not die. My estate being used by banks & media to fund the demise of humanity. Honey Siegal Stober. TGIF
Day 890 Thursday December 6, 2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama11, DHS Janet Napolitano et al. The US was dissolved by crooked attorneys. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. See my webspawner site from my channel for the sec docs. obama lawfirm fraud using my co. of Zenadev.
I know who did this. He cannot stop. He hired Obamas and Janet Napolitano to bankrupt the USA. I have endured more violations of human rights than believable because of his manipulations with family and friends.
Are you going to let Bank One (CHASE) thieves destroy everything because of one sick man?
Day 798 Wednesday September 5th, 2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Clinton is a crooked attorney. It appears that in 1995 he set the stage deregulating the banks. The diversion with Monica. Now he continues at the DNC convention from my blood money to continue the fraud. Federal lien in New York Registrars documents 1995. Oil Vey. Happy Hump Day. NOT. I need Rule of Law in order to be made whole and happy. H
Today is August 7th/2012 day 769 in my We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict the criminals behind the controlled demolitions on 911 and the nwo WH perps.(same). Janet Napolitano with Gold Creek Inc. of Scottsdale AZ DJP main man R fundamental to the money behind the crime. Mine.
Day 740 Mon.July 9/2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict the perp pres. DHS Janet et al. Nuremberglike trials of the real unindicted mstrmd of 911 who hired Bogus Barry.
Lewis and Roca Arizona lawfirm of Janet Napolitano AND Sidley Austin Brown and Wood Chicago global lawfirm of Michelle and Barack hired by the real unindicted mastermind of 911 to destroy the USA. I AM THE PROOF. I AM NOT DEAD.
Honey Robin Siegal
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove and Indict the man doing business as Barack Hussein Obama day 516 Monday November 28/2011.
Bank One fraud using my co. of Zenadev and records of me deceased to fund this nwo.
Who blew up the buildings?
Why am I being redirected when signing into YT?
Who will help me stop the demise of the USA?
Honey Robin Siegal (NOT DECEASED-telling the truth-why is SAC lawyer not indicted?)
firts responders where not invited to the ceremony some said that the real reason is that they are questioning what happened that day…
Is ok to ask or not?
just asking
I know who is the real unindicted mastermind of 911. He is linked to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict Obama et al day 356 Tuesday June 21/2011.
Crooked attorneys created the fraudulent estates of me deceased to fund this nwo agenda. They dissolved the USA in 1999 from my co. of Zenadev. Both Obamas & DHS Janet engaged in this bank fraud. Time for me to enforce a POA which will save us.
Honey Siegal(NOT deceased)
And yes, some people here try to clear 911 and the following terror up, too. Current a law firm here has accuse our chancellor *f**king* Merkel! We suspect an false-flag in Berlin 6/26/2011. They entitle a unit called GLADIO, raise 911 and the Bilderberge Group, too…and no daily paper refer to. The charge says beyond, that on this day a nuclear military drill is scheduled.
I hope, it'll not happen…but whether, they will declare the law of war :/
Google-Maps 37°24’05.34″ N 116°52’05.00″ W (earth-view)…creepy: 2 similarly ships, 1 earth & 1 sun?/star?/home? (a Hexagram with 2 circles, in and out…maybe a mix) like a message…I found it, when I was looking around Area51. The HAARPthing in Australia, also a Hexagramm…my boyfriend found sth. in China…they make silhouettes on the ground…you can see the pyramids drawn in the mountains etc…they seem to prepare…but it looks, that they’re even not exactly know
[…] because in this spirit the targets of Agenda21 would make sense: Step by step they profane all people (now godless in their eyes), based on the false Ten Commandments. With this wrong/own laws they legitimate all the bloodiness in the name of God, incl. the human decimation. Current I think about the validity of Genesis and the following chapter, the Egyptian culture and the linked symbolism. What is metaphor and what was real? For me the answer to our future we'll find in the (real) past.
[…] In my opinion they will affect a very old prevision. I don't know, but many signs have a lot to commend, that we are talking about an occult aim. Their Ten Commandments seems to be the Georgia Guidestones etc. …in short: VICARIUS FILII DEI are the words, written on the sacred shawl of pope (the first pope changed the Ten Commandments too!) and the Roman numerals (V+I+C+I+U=112, I+L+I+I=53; D+I=501) call him 666. I don't know enough about, but think, it's an important hint […]
[…] Re Agenda21 (respectively Principle Committee): The puppet master could be Zbigniew Brzeziński (WallSteetFraktion + Trilateral Commission)and above the Rockefeller- with cross connection to the Rothschild-Clan…however…the big old families without power sharing. Beginning: 7/4/1776 with the second world power (USA); as the direct follower of the first world power, the papacy, doomed in 1798. Long story/history […]
I only see: We're all in the same boat…USA and Germany (we call USA 2), because Germany is the instrument for the USA puppet government. Till this day USA is our occupying power. the illegal(!) EU (with own court of law) is one major NWOstep. They constrain the individual European countries to enter this EU structure. As we are no man's land, they are able to route this by Germany. Our all predator -I think- will be the proclamation "law of war". […]
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama 11,his DHS Janet & her judges who have stolen my money and property. She is linked to the real mastermind of 911. He is ocd & controls the media & the money. NO NAZIGERMANY USA. Who blew up the buildings? Why was Barack Obama in Pakistan in 1981? Follow the $ of Honey R Siegal deceased. I did not die. It is a lie. Obama lies & lies & the US dies. Day 338 Friday June 3/2011. Honey Siegal (alive)
I found out about an Agenda 21 that the United Nations implemented that Barack Hussein Obama is following. The legal order was done clandestinely by Bill Clinton in 1993. Gold Stock fraud Bre-X mastermind linked to Bushes and the creation of the estate of me DEAD to fund 911 and now the complete global media is behind all of it. He is ocd. He is 62 today. He has no conscience. Neither does Bogus Barry. We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict them all 5/6/11
When there were records of me dead discovered in 2006 an ex (who I wanted to run for pres. because I wanted to be 1st lady) counseled me that it could be a good thing. That is my feeling with Obamas & Oprah et al sheisters making jokes about Bogus Barry's longform birth certificate. Let us pray that americans are not dumb as the real mastermind of 911 used to joke (seen on my featured vid from the back) and that Obamas lawfirm frauds & Obamas are indicted by Congress next week. HRS
"enormous power of social networks that have brought down govts. overseas" touts Candy Crowley yet refuses to do the truth about the current govt. in the USA.
Who blew up the buildings on 911?
Ans: same guy who built the facebook facility?
Who is Zuckerberg really?
Who is Barack Hussein Obama really?
R americans really so dumb as to allow NaziGermany style USA in 2011?
I think NOT.
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict Bogus Barry, DHS Janet et al.
I will never forget 9/11and I will never stop talking about its cover up by NIST, the media and the American government, because what angers me most is how people -including experts- who are trying to call for a reinvestigation are ridiculed. And this I cannot forgive. 9/11 is a symbol and seminal event that started this war on terrorism hoax, preemptive wars, financial terrorism by central banks and corporations, and the destruction of civil liberties. We are being ruled by oligarchies.
the "fucking cowards" who blew up the buildings will never tell the truth unless a Grand Jury indictment is convened and some R given immunity.
I was given a SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY by the real unindicted mastermind of 911. He is now orchestrating Obamacare from American Community Mutual Ins fraud of wife as deceased. 1st Interstate Wells Fargo Bank fraud.
I am a victim of 911 in 1998 with the State of Arizona and Janet Napolitano in jt ventures to fund the crimes against humanity. HSiegal
Both Bush and Obama guilty of war crimes against humanity AND complicit with fraud of the real unindicted mastermind of 911 who stole my money AND created the fraudulent records of me deceased.
People Against Corruption, San Antonio, Texas real estate listings just part of the paper trail of the insurance frauds. OBAMACARE.
Honey Siegal Stober(trustor of Bank of America, victim of Bank One fraud of Obamas Sidley Austin and Janet Napolitano’s Lewis and Roca.
Building 7 was a controlled demolition just like world trade centers were on sept 11 and no I’m not trying to disrespect those whom lost their life on that day what is the real problem and disrespect to those whom paid with their life that day is the fucking cover up have some fucking decency and tell the American public the truth you fucking cowards
I wonder why they don't go after bush for war crimes against humanity
Masters of Diversion and Deception by the PresidentsRUS RSS main man who hired Obamas to bankrupt US. HRS
Masters of deception
Chaney and the Carlisle group
The mistake was building 7
9/11/13 Day 1169 in my We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obamas, Janet Napolitano et al hired by the NWO real unindicted mastermind of 911. He continues to terrorize me and the people with his media manipulations from the lie that I died.
Who blew up the buildings?????
I know the answer. Five stare guaranteed banks without boundaries crooks who complied with rum911 to defraud and harass me.
Live Video dot com April 6/2010 from my webspawner from my Channel.
Click on my HoneySiegalSurvivor name. Then my webspawner link to access the SEC Info-Insilco global fraudulent bankrupcy using Zenadev my co. pg 123.
By Obamas Sidley Austin Chicago global lawfirm.
The US was dissolved as stated in CV98-11374 in the State of Arizona Maricopa County on December 7, 1999.
Attorneys Franks and Cook referring to Zenadev.
See Mr Cook in the 1st video on my it's personal playlist.
S Alan Cook *uses Brad Cook in vid bad actor made FSB estate of me "deceased"
OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Period. Remove & Indict.
He was hired by the real unindicted mastermind of 911(rum911)
I am Honey Siegal.7/9/13 Day 1098 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al. We R being manipulated into a NazigermanyUSA from HONEY SIEGAL DECEASED. crooks who think they R above the law. Old post from a censored vid."Honey Siegal explaining the major fraud of the Obama Whitehouse using the numerous versions of the estate of her deceased with a company Zenadev to cause the demise of the United States of America and the free world.
The SEC link"Honey
“The biggest attorney involved in the fraud against me is doing business as Barack Hussein Obama”. See my Live Video dot com April 6/2010.
2/22/13 Day 968 in We The People Against Corruption To Remove and Indict Obama, Janet Napolitano et al.
OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Hired by the rum911 to bankrupt the USA.
Deal using Zenadev my co. on my webspawner site from my Channel. Obama is also an actor playing a role linked to the media manipulator linked to the main man I married. Oscar's R on Sunday. Who benefits?
BUSH, RUMSFELD and CHENEY should be in JAIL! Wake up America and demand a new 9/11 investigation…that doesn’t include any Republicans or Democrats…they cannot be trusted!
1/18/13 Day 933 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al.
Still the best video which explains “the project for the new american century”
– a new Pearl Harbor needed.
Bank One Obamas Insilco Holding Co. deal using Zenadev my co. used to fund the current ILLEGAL regime.
Sad times in the United States when it appears I stand alone when it is so obvious.
Honey Robin Siegal (imatruthsayer/NOTDEADHONEY/Honey R Stober)
What went down with building 7?
Why is the rum911 being allowed to manipulate the money and his honey so heinously?
12/28/12 Day 912 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet AND the real unindicted mastermind of 911 (likely 7/7 in the UK too.), et al. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Hired by the rum911 to manipulate the $ for the NWO. I did not die. My estate being used by banks & media to fund the demise of humanity. Honey Siegal Stober. TGIF
Day 890 Thursday December 6, 2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign To Remove & Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama11, DHS Janet Napolitano et al. The US was dissolved by crooked attorneys. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. See my webspawner site from my channel for the sec docs. obama lawfirm fraud using my co. of Zenadev.
I know who did this. He cannot stop. He hired Obamas and Janet Napolitano to bankrupt the USA. I have endured more violations of human rights than believable because of his manipulations with family and friends.
Are you going to let Bank One (CHASE) thieves destroy everything because of one sick man?
Day 798 Wednesday September 5th, 2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict Obama, DHS Janet et al. OBAMA IS A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Clinton is a crooked attorney. It appears that in 1995 he set the stage deregulating the banks. The diversion with Monica. Now he continues at the DNC convention from my blood money to continue the fraud. Federal lien in New York Registrars documents 1995. Oil Vey. Happy Hump Day. NOT. I need Rule of Law in order to be made whole and happy. H
Who will partner with me to save the USA? Find Honey an Honest judge campaign. I know who did this and why…………..REITS, GUNAFS GALORE.
Today is August 7th/2012 day 769 in my We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict the criminals behind the controlled demolitions on 911 and the nwo WH perps.(same). Janet Napolitano with Gold Creek Inc. of Scottsdale AZ DJP main man R fundamental to the money behind the crime. Mine.
Day 740 Mon.July 9/2012 in We The People Against Corruption Campaign to Remove & Indict the perp pres. DHS Janet et al. Nuremberglike trials of the real unindicted mstrmd of 911 who hired Bogus Barry.
Lewis and Roca Arizona lawfirm of Janet Napolitano AND Sidley Austin Brown and Wood Chicago global lawfirm of Michelle and Barack hired by the real unindicted mastermind of 911 to destroy the USA. I AM THE PROOF. I AM NOT DEAD.
Honey Robin Siegal
For 9/11 vids to songs search…..
Roy Shivers,,,,Inside Job
Cris Geo….
Payday Monsanto…
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove and Indict the man doing business as Barack Hussein Obama day 516 Monday November 28/2011.
Bank One fraud using my co. of Zenadev and records of me deceased to fund this nwo.
Who blew up the buildings?
Why am I being redirected when signing into YT?
Who will help me stop the demise of the USA?
Honey Robin Siegal (NOT DECEASED-telling the truth-why is SAC lawyer not indicted?)
firts responders where not invited to the ceremony some said that the real reason is that they are questioning what happened that day…
Is ok to ask or not?
just asking
I know who is the real unindicted mastermind of 911. He is linked to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict Obama et al day 356 Tuesday June 21/2011.
Crooked attorneys created the fraudulent estates of me deceased to fund this nwo agenda. They dissolved the USA in 1999 from my co. of Zenadev. Both Obamas & DHS Janet engaged in this bank fraud. Time for me to enforce a POA which will save us.
Honey Siegal(NOT deceased)
And yes, some people here try to clear 911 and the following terror up, too. Current a law firm here has accuse our chancellor *f**king* Merkel! We suspect an false-flag in Berlin 6/26/2011. They entitle a unit called GLADIO, raise 911 and the Bilderberge Group, too…and no daily paper refer to. The charge says beyond, that on this day a nuclear military drill is scheduled.
I hope, it'll not happen…but whether, they will declare the law of war :/
I hope, it'll not happen
Google-Maps 37°24’05.34″ N 116°52’05.00″ W (earth-view)…creepy: 2 similarly ships, 1 earth & 1 sun?/star?/home? (a Hexagram with 2 circles, in and out…maybe a mix) like a message…I found it, when I was looking around Area51. The HAARPthing in Australia, also a Hexagramm…my boyfriend found sth. in China…they make silhouettes on the ground…you can see the pyramids drawn in the mountains etc…they seem to prepare…but it looks, that they’re even not exactly know
[…] because in this spirit the targets of Agenda21 would make sense: Step by step they profane all people (now godless in their eyes), based on the false Ten Commandments. With this wrong/own laws they legitimate all the bloodiness in the name of God, incl. the human decimation. Current I think about the validity of Genesis and the following chapter, the Egyptian culture and the linked symbolism. What is metaphor and what was real? For me the answer to our future we'll find in the (real) past.
[…] In my opinion they will affect a very old prevision. I don't know, but many signs have a lot to commend, that we are talking about an occult aim. Their Ten Commandments seems to be the Georgia Guidestones etc. …in short: VICARIUS FILII DEI are the words, written on the sacred shawl of pope (the first pope changed the Ten Commandments too!) and the Roman numerals (V+I+C+I+U=112, I+L+I+I=53; D+I=501) call him 666. I don't know enough about, but think, it's an important hint […]
[…] Re Agenda21 (respectively Principle Committee): The puppet master could be Zbigniew Brzeziński (WallSteetFraktion + Trilateral Commission)and above the Rockefeller- with cross connection to the Rothschild-Clan…however…the big old families without power sharing. Beginning: 7/4/1776 with the second world power (USA); as the direct follower of the first world power, the papacy, doomed in 1798. Long story/history […]
I only see: We're all in the same boat…USA and Germany (we call USA 2), because Germany is the instrument for the USA puppet government. Till this day USA is our occupying power. the illegal(!) EU (with own court of law) is one major NWOstep. They constrain the individual European countries to enter this EU structure. As we are no man's land, they are able to route this by Germany. Our all predator -I think- will be the proclamation "law of war". […]
Could you please post here again? PLEASE!
Honey Robin Siegal (NOT DEAD)
Friday June 17/2011
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama 11,his DHS Janet & her judges who have stolen my money and property. She is linked to the real mastermind of 911. He is ocd & controls the media & the money. NO NAZIGERMANY USA. Who blew up the buildings? Why was Barack Obama in Pakistan in 1981? Follow the $ of Honey R Siegal deceased. I did not die. It is a lie. Obama lies & lies & the US dies. Day 338 Friday June 3/2011. Honey Siegal (alive)
What to you think about the Obama lies that Osama blew up the buildings and the ensuing Pakistani raid to try and distract from the truth?
I found out about an Agenda 21 that the United Nations implemented that Barack Hussein Obama is following. The legal order was done clandestinely by Bill Clinton in 1993. Gold Stock fraud Bre-X mastermind linked to Bushes and the creation of the estate of me DEAD to fund 911 and now the complete global media is behind all of it. He is ocd. He is 62 today. He has no conscience. Neither does Bogus Barry. We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict them all 5/6/11
When there were records of me dead discovered in 2006 an ex (who I wanted to run for pres. because I wanted to be 1st lady) counseled me that it could be a good thing. That is my feeling with Obamas & Oprah et al sheisters making jokes about Bogus Barry's longform birth certificate. Let us pray that americans are not dumb as the real mastermind of 911 used to joke (seen on my featured vid from the back) and that Obamas lawfirm frauds & Obamas are indicted by Congress next week. HRS
"enormous power of social networks that have brought down govts. overseas" touts Candy Crowley yet refuses to do the truth about the current govt. in the USA.
Who blew up the buildings on 911?
Ans: same guy who built the facebook facility?
Who is Zuckerberg really?
Who is Barack Hussein Obama really?
R americans really so dumb as to allow NaziGermany style USA in 2011?
I think NOT.
We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove & Indict Bogus Barry, DHS Janet et al.
I will never forget 9/11and I will never stop talking about its cover up by NIST, the media and the American government, because what angers me most is how people -including experts- who are trying to call for a reinvestigation are ridiculed. And this I cannot forgive. 9/11 is a symbol and seminal event that started this war on terrorism hoax, preemptive wars, financial terrorism by central banks and corporations, and the destruction of civil liberties. We are being ruled by oligarchies.