World Trade Center (Twin Towers) before 9/11 (outside and inside)

This is short mix of a lot of films which shows how big were the Twin Towers.

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  1. I have to say right now… the UN building is hideous… it's a skinny cyan box. :l The Twin Towers were two grey boxes, but they had charm, a very beautiful one, but the UN building looks like an eyesore.

  2. The gubberment as you would pronounce it retard,didn't murder anybody on that day in fact they tried to save lives,i was over in NYC on that day visiting relatives when i saw the plane struck..Are you fucking calling me a liar?You braindead fucking schmuk..

  3. at 18:00 that video must have been a week before 9/11 cause on September 3rd we put signs along the lobby windows for investment companys and that stage was put up on August 23rd.

  4. On my way across the plaza i saw three jumpers hit the pavement just 60 FT from me. It was not pretty, you could see them explode as they fell and a redish-pink mist shot up 10 FT above them which would support the idea of their blood being atomized. By that time about 14 people had jumped on that side of Tower 1. But they were beautiful buildings i loved working on the upper floors of tower 2, it was a nice job. I'd love to get back to the job at the new WTC.

  5. That it began to make the ground appear redish around the base of the towers. I was a security chief of Building 7 and Tower 2, i was there on 9/11 and on my way to Tower 2 around 8:59 to assist in the Evacuation in tower 2 in which regretfully we had cleared and said it was safe. WE HAD NO IDEA ANOTHER PLANE WAS A FEW MINUTES AWAY.

  6. At 2:51 there was bodies and body parts laying all over where those people were standing. It is estimated that a total of 80 People fell on that side of the building from and above the impact zone from floors 94 to 108 1500 FT drop downwards at near terminal velocity of 157 MPH atomized their blood on impact and a 40 FT 360 degree spread of body parts as they exploded on impact the only reason in some videos of a couple from a hotel across was that so many people had already hit….

  7. Richard Noel Hedditc · Edit

    There it goes again. No vision to speak of of the interior. The dickheads concentrate 100 % on the view. Anyway, I'm not doubting that the WTC is a tribute to Japanese construction and Capitalist enterprise.

  8. great video, great choice of music, very nice for those of us who are too young to have a real memories of what the towers looked like in real life. must have been impressing, i really love the architecture

  9. diego alexander ospi · Edit

    The song that starts at 7:58 was played while the towers were crashed, this is the name of the video:"9 11 INSIDE WTC WARNING GRAPHIC NEW FOOTAGE" The person who was recording was in the plaza, very close to the towers, Billy Joel's song named "She's always a woman to me" was played too. Watch the video what I talk about.

  10. Great video, amazing views of these classic buildings. 9/11 really bothers me, all those that died. Why would the US govt go to such lengths?? for their new world order? oil? to control their own citizens? Disgraceful…..

  11. This video is amazing, Im surprised it does not have way more views. But anyways, I could just sit and admire these buildings forever, they are like nothing else, and no other building is gonna compare to the 2 of them together. RIP W.T.C.


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