World Trade Center Reaches Inflection Point

Sept 11 (Bloomberg) — Twelve years after 9/11 one Port Authority official says the World Trade Center site is finally at a ‘point of inflection.’ Bloomberg …

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19 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Must be why they got Hani Hanjour to pilot Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon.

    Read the NY Times article 'A Trainee Noted for Incompetence' By JIM YARDLEY, Published: May 04, 2002

    The vice president at the Pan Am International Flight Academy where Hanjour trained was quoted as saying ''I'm still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon,'', ''He could not fly at all.''

  2. your comment is not spam ,
    its a sign that you are mentally ill
    you need to decide that being mentally healthy
    is the most important thing of all or you will be lost
    good luck

  3. in my low grade analysis the attackers appeared to hit
    a point that would block most emergency exits .
    many design firms & colleges had
    the plans / blueprints & at one time you could buy them

  4. How did 9/11 happen??? You think there wasn't the ability to stop that if they wanted. They knew about it and let it happen, just like Pearl Harbor.

  5. Was Assad here in 1979? My grad year from HIGH SCHOOL? Did they hire fbi agents to enter into the high sch & pose as students? ARE they unlawful with 3 identities (or about) and different incomes, mortgage $ to themselves & then they wave in ways…like wow here I am and there is crime around, I was granted a drug, Bush and other presidents and their wives, you cKane at HUD & some of yours at HUD; yet we the WASH DC don't proclaim WAR began at HUD buffalo ny in 1990s w/druggings of the staff !

  6. I can say goodbye to the issue of WTC 911 Day. Or at least have one comment that is
    legally verifiable or was in court.
    This did not happen & due to President/theirs don't say goodbye
    but just hi.
    Laura Bush, First Lady
    was granted a drug & attacked in 2001
    by a secret service guard and she said it would take 15 yrs to investigate situation.
    Drugs cause memory loss &recent memory now includes myself drugged w/another HUD employee in 1990s w/PUTIN nearby
    &his 50 followers (also fbi agents)

  7. I visited the memorial many months ago and i must say it is a beautiful piece of architecture that is worthy of following the iconic standing of the Twin Towers.

  8. No it would not !!! And how are they even going to do it ?! Now we have highly increased airport security and made Homeland security so those dudes wont put it down.


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