World Trade Center Documentary

This video is dedicated to all the victims that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Due to some graphic footage, Viewer Discretion is Advised. Flight 11 …

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  1. 100% controlled explosive demolitions, all 3 high rises on 9/11. Nothing else can account for the physical evidence of lava, free fall, pulverized bodies/concrete, and pyroclastic clouds rushing down block and blocks, filling Manhattan with poisons pulverized building materials. Nothing but explosives. Case closed. Not a theory or a belief, but a fact. The government mainstream media and NIST are lying to your faces so be brave and speak about it.

  2. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth

  3. People make mistakes like that all the time. He goes to a Christian church. If you like maybe the Secret Service will let you sit next to Pres.Obama in church. Either way, not all Muslims alike, not all believe the exact same things.

  4. I've seen, there is one NYPD helicopter and maybe 3 news helicopter not one military helicopter for saving their own people o.O I think more and more about this like the government plan. Some things more important than thousands lifes. Yeah it's a filthy world

  5. Seriously… think about what is in this video clip;
    ' watch?v=bMUgNg7aD8M '
    …and if you were a Christian, could you make this 'slip-up or mistake about "your-own-Faith??" on a "nation-wide" broadcast?

  6. Look at the ring everybody assumes is his wedding ring. What does the inscription say? When did he start wearing it? Answer those questions, and you won't be saying he's not a Muzzie.

  7. And again nope. USSR paid them first of all and they fought against USA, then USA paid them… All muslim terrorists – bull shit. All bomb explosions in USA, Britain even in Russia had done by their goverments. I know only 2 terrorist groups: an Irish – IRA and a Spanish one from Barcelona.

  8. obama isn't christian, and anyways just because of 9/11 you can't just assume that all Muslims are terrorists. Think before you speak.

  9. Given the fact that we have a muslim president…doesnt that bother anyone? I guess someone of the lesson of 9/11 haven't been fully learned.

  10. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!

  11. tusmorninginsept911 · Edit

    There is an upload of: 'Tuesday Morning in September', on my YT channel. It is the feature, when you enter the channel.. Not released for nearly a decade after 9/11, it is a would be 'Pulitzer Prize'.. However; a Pulitzer, is merely political bullshit. 'Tuesday Morning in September', is more than any tawdry Pulitzer. With no comparison to ANYTHING; in a fair, objective manner. Watch it; in its entirety, you'll know for yourself. *You can own it on HQ DVD, it is distributed from its source.

  12. burrito64burrito64 · Edit

    Coward! You posted a reply to my last comment, and then deleted!
    You said something about me misspelling the word "confirmed"

  13. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!

  14. this tragedy never ceases to make me cry, can we all ban together, not against one another for political reason, or religious reasons or whatever reasons you may have, and just mourn this loss.  no matter how you feel about God or world leaders, this will always be a tragic loss that does not deserve to be fought over, but mourned.

  15. I saw and reviewed several times the images of tragedy and even after almost 12 years is hard to believe that this has actually happened! Why do this great wickedness?

  16. Didn't Laura Bush pass out &

    then wake up in Dept of Labor, Buffalo NY Office in year 2000?
    Why no press releases on that?
    I know that I was granted same type of drug and passed out. It caused memory loss to me.It seems that the White House personnel know that theirguards carry it on them.
    Local mortgage scandals & with guards potentially involved in swindling may also be a
    reason for the mis-use of the drug coupled with feigned/real jealousy over my religion
    as younger woman & then treason.?

  17. Commandment Number One: Thou shalt have no other gods before Lucy (12/13/1927 – 7/7/1990) & Pat DiMauro (1/1/1924 – 5/23/1974). Today is Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (Common Era), 8:51 A.M. (Earth – Eastern Standard Time).

  18. To learn what happened on 911, visit:
    AE911Truth Youtube channel
    Also watch the YouTube video: 911 Missing Links
    Please help spread the Truth
    And the Truth will set the World free!


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