World Trade Center Construction 1968-1972

The World Trade Center is a complex of various buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States, replacing an earlier complex with the same name on…

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  1. The old towers weren't modern anymore. The new one has a more modern design, and it's more appealing. The old ones were dull, gray, and boring, maybe even depressing. Also, there will be a total of 4 Skyscrapers around Ground Zero, not just 1.

    If you have to say something back like "oh you little prick wishing on people to die", then GET OUT.

  2. Yea I get that. Wow people are not capable of critical thinking anymore… Did I say it wasn’t an inside job? It’s cool – people don’t listen anymore but rather jump to mistaken conclusions… You obviously didn’t read what I was responding to, or you yourself have bought into the Islamic lies as well. People: understand that BOTH sides are being played by the same global elitists. Peace

  3. one thing's wrong with what you said 1 WTC isn't a Twin Tower it's only ONE tower and it is SUPER UGLIER than these TWIN TOWERS and it's an Insult to the WTC for the Freedom Tower/1 WTC to be on it……

  4. It's funny. We can talk and talk and talk and we'll get nowhere at all.
    "Debunkers"… it reamins me of a joke.
    Just imagine. You show "debunker" footage of a "real" CD (this for example /watch?v=GVQaVgJne6c) and You must prove it's a demolition. He must prove it is not a demolition. I bet debunkers will find millions reasons to show You that it's no CD and You are just a nut conspiracy theorist 🙂 No flashes, no squibs, no free fall, no sounds of explosions, vitnesses were drunk etc. 🙂

  5. squibs are possible, and this is an old theory that was debunked a long time ago. the puffs of air, are expelled from the windows as the tower collapse because of the floors compressing on top of each other. the air has to go somewhere. What you mistake for pulverised concrete, is more likely to simply be crushed plaster board from the collapse of the floors.

  6. BIG difference?
    How about SQUIBS? Identical squibs You may find in a standard demolition. On 9/11 it can't be puff of air, it can't be elements of the buildings being ejected. Why it can't be? Because We see pulverized concrete being ejected there. The only thing that could pulverize concrete is EXPLOSIVES.

    sorry 4 my english 😀

  7. but… Islamic terrorist don't have FIREPROFF passwords.
    Islamic terrorists can't have NORAD stand down.
    Islamic terrorists CAN'T destroy THREE buildings with TWO PLANES.
    Islamic terrorists can't vaporize a plane.
    Islamic terrorists can't…. and the list goes and goes…

  8. Nice movie but I’d like to hear about BUILDING SEVEN- the third tower destroyed on 9/11. Did anyone of You hear about this one? Probably NOT.
    If You look CLOSELY at the videos from 9/11 (WTC 1, 2, 7) and then compare them to other videos from around the world showing controlled demolition You will see no difference.
    TWO planes, THREE TOWERS, got it?

  9. So you say hes racist, but call all muslims liars? The muslim is the new jew. And guess what?, shock horror, i am jewish, and not zionist. Zionism is facism, pure and simple. Jews arent Zionists, but many people in the senate who are non jews are Zionists. Its basically a club for meglomaniacs.

  10. This video actually put me to tears thinking of how people worked hard to build the towers and to make this video with such confidence in the towers while being oblivious of what would happen on September 11th 2001 :(

  11. It was known in 1986 that the WTC towers could not stand for over 30 years because there was a big design flaw (aluminium fcia panels on steel), an amazing embarrasment. In 1987 the plans to come up with a decomission plan were discontinued. It was said that they would wait 10/12 years and then blow it up…and they did…rethink 9/11

  12. just do not understand the americans. They have built yet another sitting duck for terrorists and more frightingly another building where firefighters will NOT be able to tackle….words fail me

  13. It is uncover on American that they are ruling by criminal Zionist Jews who are not trustable.
    Their main stream media is totally under the control of criminals Zionist and lier.
    World people loose faith on American democracy and belief of GOD and humanity.
    All the arbas who were number one friends of USA and love American more now loose their trust on USA and dollar stability.
    Because of unfair war and eating of world people money by unfair means all the world people hate american.

  14. 1:25 “Large open areas free of columns”

    This would contribute to the twin towers demise on 9/11. Never could they have imagined and prepared for such an attack.

  15. You’re right, the ground breaking did begin in 1966. However, actual construction started in 1968-1972 or 1973. I suppose, technically, if you add tower 7, then yes, but originally WTC 7 wasn’t even part of the plan, but more of a new edition to the site.

  16. Groundbreaking was in 1966, and the main buildings were completed in 1973
    but the site was not completed until 1985 when Tower 7 was completed.

  17. Im just here to prove a point, i wont be mean, if i offended you im sorry, but your original comment was wrong. 1968-1972. Construction was well over by 1975. But this is a cool video! Thats what you said….. WTC 1: construction from 68-1970 WTC 2: Construction from 1969- 1971. thats it end of conversation. That right there is the right, looked up, researched awnser. so PLEASE dont come back with another comment. Have nice day

  18. Dude, what’s your problem? The towers never began construction in 1966. They began in 1968. The foundation began in 1966, not the towers. Both towers where open by 1973, look it up. Don’t insult me, please. I’m not a retard. Have a nice day.


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