World Trade Center – beautiful building

The original World Trade Center was a complex of seven buildings featuring landmark twin towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States. The complex…

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  1. I have never been in New York yet, but the new World Trade Center looks so
    ugly. They should have rebuilding the original Twin Towers and WTC. These
    Buildings have to exist! Even the Titanic is coming back rebulit in 2016 so
    why not the World Trade Center as it was? RIP; Old WTC

  2. More than just two buildings. Never can be replaced and all the good people
    that ended their days at that site. I think the two fountains is the second
    best to having what we can't have anymore.

  3. like setting up my old domino rally where it took forever to set it up then
    about 9.7 seconds to fall down only thing different is i set mine off to
    fall not the u.s president

  4. This is a video about the tower and a tribute to it. So you can take your
    politics, you can take your conspiracies, you can take your opinions, and
    you can shove them up your ass. Show some fucking respect. I can tell by
    how you write that you're a young man who is aware of the world around him,
    and I respect that: we need more of that. But NOT on a tribute like this.

  5. The buildings had a lot of flaws in it (like asbestos used; all wires had
    to be changed because the technology was progressing and a lot of people
    had problems working in WTC because of it) which were addressed a lot and
    that was another reason to build new WTC complex. Also it cost milions in
    year to maintain the towers. Marvin Bush (George's bro) was a principal in
    the company that provided security at the World Trade Center. I'm going to
    leave it up to you, to make your own conclusions.

  6. One World Trade center, buddy. They are very anal about the name. I would
    be to. Just because they built a fucking building so people can fucking go
    to work, dosen't mean everybody has to be all mushy for it, its just a
    regular building, nothing else

  7. Completed in 1973, 110 stories, 400+ meters each, these specs are great,
    not many other buildings can top that even today. With my uneducated
    opinion I have to say these two where the very best skyscrapers to have
    ever existed. Combined with 9/11, they are legendary. I don't think that
    they will ever be forgotten.

  8. Don't cry. There's something new and even more beautiful being built, right
    there. The new 'Freedom Tower', World Trade Center is almost finished. The
    rest of NYC is just as awesome as it always was.

  9. dude, the US governent did know in 1996 that a certain Osama bin laden was
    apparently planning to attack these buildings w the guidance of your CIA
    and the psycoapthic Mossad. Our murdering pres, bill, the clitman, cliton
    buried the findings. READ……it made the press for all of 11 seconds.
    read up about NSA Sandy Berger. oh…. of course it was buried, Madonna was
    too busy butt f;ing Itzik Shamir for world peace concert. READ

  10. glorious monuments to a totally corrupt capitalistic society.yes,
    creativity and talent can blossom….however, the class driven misery it
    creates based on money is shockingly stupid+completely flawed.Its a
    senseless, souless economic system that does not value people.I wish they
    let the gutted wreckage stay+remind us of the system we helped create
    brought all of this crashing back down us.Upside is only 3000 were killed
    and we butchered in revenge approx 2million. USA#1 it creates for so many

  11. Okay 2 questions. Are you from the states and how old are you?? I'm not
    trying sound harsh or bitchy but 5 year old's know what happened. There's
    like tons of videos you can watch.

  12. You're joking right?? You cannot not know what happened on 9/11 2001. It
    was 12 years ago. It wasn't that long ago. It's not like ancient history.
    Please tell me you're not serious.

  13. bush caught lying about 9/11 , George Bush knew what was coming , us
    government & terrorists and bush they planned for many years before 9/11
    attacks , they don't give shit those towers collapsed and many people died
    for no causeless. bastards


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