World Trade Center attack,collapse 9/11 Theresa Esposito December 19, 2013 241120 A New York-i világkereskedelmi központ elleni terrorista támadás 2001.szeptember 11.-én. (Visited 48 times, 1 visits today)
Daniel Whyte December 19, 2013 at 8:22 am · Edit That isn't bombs, it's the air between the floors being compressed and forced out of the windows as the tower collapses! Reply
montanahiltonindia December 19, 2013 at 8:31 am · Edit iya nafrayto america. bahne chodedyoe achaou huoa marigaydro Reply
Jonescms December 19, 2013 at 8:31 am · Edit This is so sad. It makes me what to cry because this was not right to come and kill our people.:( Reply
perfectmusic2012 December 19, 2013 at 9:19 am · Edit Sajna nem találom a címét.Nem tudom hogy találtam ezt a számot. Reply
urnkiosd December 19, 2013 at 12:03 pm · Edit 4:01 u can clearly see the bombs inside the tower explode:/ Reply
JaSoN SoGHomONiAn December 19, 2013 at 12:18 pm · Edit Poor people who died on that tragic day the people who did this will pay. 🙁 Reply
I hate alquaida very much !!!
Terriable this is a shame to watch
It was the bear they planned it all along
That isn't bombs, it's the air between the floors being compressed and
forced out of the windows as the tower collapses!
iya nafrayto america. bahne chodedyoe achaou huoa marigaydro
This is so sad. It makes me what to cry because this was not right to come
and kill our people.:(
Sajna nem találom a címét.Nem tudom hogy találtam ezt a számot.
What's the song? 🙁
We Will Never Forget 9/11. ((((
OMG fucky terorists
mi a zene alatta?
4:01 u can clearly see the bombs inside the tower explode:/
Poor people who died on that tragic day the people who did this will pay. 🙁