WikiLeaks – 9/11 Was an Inside Job !!

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  1. couldnt be that after the crash they just blew the fucking useless building i mean it would be weird and sad to let it stay there right like a half building ? maybe they blew it after the crash

  2. Capable, accredited Architects and Engineers all know it was a Demo job- Larry Silverstein was right that they "pulled it" – Add 911 to the Gulf of Tonkin, Lusitania, USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, Madrid, London bombings, Anthrax, and the endless "suicides and unsolved murders of reporters who shine the light on the stink.

  3. Keep Up the Good work, My Love goes to All the Russian people and Give my blessings to Mr. Putin! … The true keeper of the Balance between the west … As Zbinieg Brezinski already knows.

  4. How tides have changed, how minds hace shifted, today you seek the truth in Russia or on RT TV! … I love it … Originaly from Czech republic we could not trust Russia for news 27 years ago … But today … I take my hat of to you for your fantastic reporting!

  5. Great speech! But you have to take it more until your country is completely depleted as they have planned … look u the "Lisbon Treaty" This is all done by design! Thank you RT – to make a wonderful interview like this – because today Russia is the new Beacon of Freedom!

  6. Watch zeitgeist 9/11 and watch all parts man! that's all I have to say … WATCH IT and you'll see how 9/11 was an inside job ..there were bombs in the building ..they exploted when the plates hit and when the towers fell, it made it look like a "terrorist attack" …but some bombs exploted seconds before the first plane even hit …so GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE ..Do your research! …. we needed a reason to go to war, so we killed our own people. That's the same thing Hitler used to do.

  7. Do I? Miserably failed attempts to ridicule someone makes only yourself look sort of thick knowing the vast amount of information out there for anyone who really wants to find out…
    you are an idiot…

  8. No just smart enough not to believe every cockeyed theory. You probably think the CIA teamed up with Castro, the mob and the USSR to kill Kennedy too don't you?

  9. IF by "U.S. Government" you mean MOSSAD and

    IF by "Inside Job" you mean Israeli Zionist Job THEN

    YEAH. 911 was an inside job orchistrated by the U.S. government. 😛

  10. check out building number 8 i think it miraculousley got blown up when nothing actually touched it.that building held a lot of important secret US government documents

  11. The point is, the experts have weighed in, the world witnessed the demolition of three buildings, and the nazi Bush administration (google George Scherff) lied and murdered. And we are taking it lying down. It's the beginning of the end.

  12. why the fuck are people chasing this still? nothing will change until you become a person that will help another selflessly. if they say we did it then you say told you so. and then it will be over;

  13. U.S put bombs in both buildings beforehand? How long before? No one saw any suspicious construction going on? This Manny Badillo guy is a conspiracy theorist…

  14. 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
    Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11
    War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel)
    9/11 – Missing Links ( full movie )


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