Fact: Anything with MSG in it just tastes better. But for years we’ve been told how awful it is for us and to steer clear of any foods that use it. So what i…
Yeah and salt has iodine that you need and you say MSG is not bad? So how much dose is recommended? how much MSG do we put in our body in a day,what products have MSG? and so on..... you come to conclusion that you cant have normal MSG consumption because it is in 90% products you eat.So this is poor explanation or somebody is paying you well for clumsy info.
The problem with MSG is not so much the substance itself, but how it is being used. You're eating a canned soup and it tastes delicious, but it might be void of any healthy ingredients, thus making you believe otherwise. Also, it is being used for an addiction mechanism, making you eat more, because it's so delicious. Eating more of less nutrient value - that's the scheme. The food industry is only interested in profits, thus they tend to use this as much as they can, and this will eventually, through lobbying and all, lead to an actual overuse of it. A related example is aspartame. It's cheaper than sugar and attractive for people on a diet, so more profitable for the industry, but did you know it's poisonous? The FDA effectively allows it because they consider the poison dosage not high enough to cause immediate results that then could be directly linked to aspartame. It's the same old story everywhere: The industry tries to sell you cheap crap for big bucks.
In the comments i see some people add this in their food. I thought it was just a thing used in processed food? You buy this stuff ina supermarket or something? Oo I barely use salt allready on my food, because i like the flavours of my food, i've never thought of putting some substance in it. Sounds like some addictive thing, and the mind playing tricks on you that it's needed to make it 'better'. Idk if it's safe or not, i just don't see why you'd even take the risk. Same with people putting salt on everything, often it's done as a habit, not even tasting the food before putting it on there.
I picked up a little bag of it from a bulk food store. I try it on all sorts of shit. If I were to describe the flavour, I'd say it's like meat. Which makes it very strange to taste on its own. But with soup, meat, and cheesey dishes, it's pretty great. If the prevailing flavour is salt, MSG might work.
Word of warning, do not put it on peanut butter. Peanut butter shouldn't taste like meat. You will be left with deep scars. If you consider putting it on a peanut butter sandwich, I would suggest instead watching 3 Guys 1 Hammer. That would be a less traumatic alternative.
Lol at all the stupid Americans in the comments ranting about how bad MSG is and how it makes you stupid and kills you and makes you fat. Japan eats more MSG than the USA and Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world as well at the 2nd or 3rd highest IQ behind Hong Kong and also low obesity rates. So huge lol. Americans are so stupid they don't even understand the science of MSG. Using studies in baby mice and feeding them 50x the normal dosage of course will cause problems. Feeding baby mice many things at 50x the dosage will cause horrible things to happen. Could be 50x salt even or 50x acidic or alkaline foods or any other thing that we consume. Truth is the health food movement is the scam and are using gullible people to make money. The health food movement pretty much claim you shouldn't eat Salt, Sugar, Normal Fats, MSG, Colors, Carbs, Acidic foods, meats. They even claim you should drink distilled water. I suggest people start doing their science so they don't get fooled by this because the health movement is actually harmful to your body.
I have a whole bag of crystallized msg, and I can tell you that it does NOT make everything taste better. Eating even a small amount of it pure can irritate your tongue, and too much tastes bad. Also, it makes both a bad pancake topping and ice cream flavor.
Well.... MSG is bad if you have a condition that, when consumed in any amount, MSG will put you into hyper-fibrillation and hospitalize you for weeks... (My dad)
My mother is allergic to it. She gets very sick if she eats it. Can you please explain to me how thinned retinas and holes in the brain are not "ill effects"? Unless I'm elected Pope, I sure as hell don't want a holy brain.
a lot of food are bad when you eat too damn much of it remember to eat health food & drink good juice too & have fitness life style too to keep up your life
If you go to the spice isle in just about any grocery store you should be able to find MSG. It's usually branded as "accent". I use it from time to time in homemade soups and stews. It does make them more savory. I don't use it often and when I do, I use a small amount. You can actually taste the difference. everything in moderation!
MSG is bloody great. Life is short, and if there is no conclusive evidence that MSG is bad then dig in I say. After all, it was all started because some guy in the 60s had a weak stomach and couldn't handle the Chinese jandle
MSG mess with your memory... Your memory of the Chinese meal you had last week will be better than it actually was and you will want more! MSG will make you fatter and dumber... MSG *ISN'T* a normal "spice"... It is a chemical that transform food into addictive food (aka drugs)...
I often cook with MSG in combination with salt. That is, I use much less salt and just a bit of MSG. Instead of a teaspoon of salt, maybe 1/4th teaspoon salt and 1/6th MSG. The food tastes about the same and is healthier on the heart. Lots of heart problems in the family and I believe this can lessen the strain on it. Never had a problem with it.
I was always told that MSG is bad for you but never why or how. It's baffled me though a bit why but I never pursued it and I assume I eat it a lot with normal foods containing natural MSG shrugs.
"On the negative side, research concluded that it could thin your retinas, cause asthma and obesity, and even put holes in your brain. Where as on the positive sid they said, "it has no ill effects". What are you saying here? It seems like these two sentences directly contradict each other.
Yeah and salt has iodine that you need and you say MSG is not bad? So how
much dose is recommended? how much MSG do we put in our body in a day,what
products have MSG? and so on….. you come to conclusion that you cant have
normal MSG consumption because it is in 90% products you eat.So this is
poor explanation or somebody is paying you well for clumsy info.
The problem with MSG is not so much the substance itself, but how it is
being used. You're eating a canned soup and it tastes delicious, but it
might be void of any healthy ingredients, thus making you believe
otherwise. Also, it is being used for an addiction mechanism, making you
eat more, because it's so delicious. Eating more of less nutrient value –
that's the scheme. The food industry is only interested in profits, thus
they tend to use this as much as they can, and this will eventually,
through lobbying and all, lead to an actual overuse of it.
A related example is aspartame. It's cheaper than sugar and attractive for
people on a diet, so more profitable for the industry, but did you know
it's poisonous? The FDA effectively allows it because they consider the
poison dosage not high enough to cause immediate results that then could be
directly linked to aspartame.
It's the same old story everywhere: The industry tries to sell you cheap
crap for big bucks.
In the comments i see some people add this in their food. I thought it was
just a thing used in processed food? You buy this stuff ina supermarket or
something? Oo I barely use salt allready on my food, because i like the
flavours of my food, i've never thought of putting some substance in it.
Sounds like some addictive thing, and the mind playing tricks on you that
it's needed to make it 'better'. Idk if it's safe or not, i just don't see
why you'd even take the risk. Same with people putting salt on everything,
often it's done as a habit, not even tasting the food before putting it on
I picked up a little bag of it from a bulk food store. I try it on all
sorts of shit. If I were to describe the flavour, I'd say it's like meat.
Which makes it very strange to taste on its own. But with soup, meat, and
cheesey dishes, it's pretty great. If the prevailing flavour is salt, MSG
might work.
Word of warning, do not put it on peanut butter. Peanut butter shouldn't
taste like meat. You will be left with deep scars. If you consider putting
it on a peanut butter sandwich, I would suggest instead watching 3 Guys 1
Hammer. That would be a less traumatic alternative.
Lol at all the stupid Americans in the comments ranting about how bad MSG
is and how it makes you stupid and kills you and makes you fat.
Japan eats more MSG than the USA and Japan has the highest life expectancy
in the world as well at the 2nd or 3rd highest IQ behind Hong Kong and also
low obesity rates. So huge lol.
Americans are so stupid they don't even understand the science of MSG.
Using studies in baby mice and feeding them 50x the normal dosage of course
will cause problems. Feeding baby mice many things at 50x the dosage will
cause horrible things to happen. Could be 50x salt even or 50x acidic or
alkaline foods or any other thing that we consume.
Truth is the health food movement is the scam and are using gullible people
to make money. The health food movement pretty much claim you shouldn't eat
Salt, Sugar, Normal Fats, MSG, Colors, Carbs, Acidic foods, meats. They
even claim you should drink distilled water. I suggest people start doing
their science so they don't get fooled by this because the health movement
is actually harmful to your body.
I have a whole bag of crystallized msg, and I can tell you that it does NOT
make everything taste better. Eating even a small amount of it pure can
irritate your tongue, and too much tastes bad. Also, it makes both a bad
pancake topping and ice cream flavor.
Well…. MSG is bad if you have a condition that, when consumed in any
amount, MSG will put you into hyper-fibrillation and hospitalize you for
weeks… (My dad)
My mother is allergic to it. She gets very sick if she eats it. Can you
please explain to me how thinned retinas and holes in the brain are not
"ill effects"? Unless I'm elected Pope, I sure as hell don't want a holy
a lot of food are bad when you eat too damn much of it remember to eat
health food & drink good juice too & have fitness life style too to keep up
your life
If you go to the spice isle in just about any grocery store you should be
able to find MSG. It's usually branded as "accent". I use it from time to
time in homemade soups and stews. It does make them more savory. I don't
use it often and when I do, I use a small amount. You can actually taste
the difference. everything in moderation!
MSG is bloody great. Life is short, and if there is no conclusive evidence
that MSG is bad then dig in I say. After all, it was all started because
some guy in the 60s had a weak stomach and couldn't handle the Chinese
MSG mess with your memory… Your memory of the Chinese meal you had last
week will be better than it actually was and you will want more! MSG will
make you fatter and dumber… MSG *ISN'T* a normal "spice"… It is a
chemical that transform food into addictive food (aka drugs)…
I often cook with MSG in combination with salt. That is, I use much less
salt and just a bit of MSG. Instead of a teaspoon of salt, maybe 1/4th
teaspoon salt and 1/6th MSG. The food tastes about the same and is
healthier on the heart. Lots of heart problems in the family and I believe
this can lessen the strain on it. Never had a problem with it.
I was always told that MSG is bad for you but never why or how. It's
baffled me though a bit why but I never pursued it and I assume I eat it a
lot with normal foods containing natural MSG shrugs.
"On the negative side, research concluded that it could thin your retinas,
cause asthma and obesity, and even put holes in your brain. Where as on the
positive sid they said, "it has no ill effects".
What are you saying here? It seems like these two sentences directly
contradict each other.
It scares me to think that MSG is in literally everything. While some
people say it does nothing and others saying it causing cancer and other
horrible shit. I think there needs to be more research done!!!
I have a migraine condition that causes one of my eyes to blur and hazy
over randomly. About once a month. usual 10 15 minutes, with varying amount
of vision loss. I ate what I knew was a pile of msg when i went out to a
Thai restaurant. About 30 minutes later the vision in one of my eyes
blanked out instantly and was gone for about 30 minutes. I tried to stay
away from msg since and have not hand another bad crash.
it's proven that it's natural. now i want to know how much a person should
take in a day. so that those butthurt people saying it's like a addictive
drug or something like that can shut the F up.
here are some comparisons:
-people get diabetes with excessive use of sugar
-kidney stones with salt
-hyper acidity with sour tastes
others that i might not be aware of or i've failed to include, feel free to
add in the comments.
in that sense, all of these things should always be in moderation. as if
Western cuisine doesn't have msg… pfft.
I use MSG in a lot of my foods, in moderation of course. It's not that I'm
a bad cook or my food is bad. However I do believe that all food can or
could be more delicious. There's always things you can add to food to make
it taste better. My shortcut is just using MSG….. Also 'cause I'm
Asian….. That could be it too,,,, ._.
When I eat MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) I start to itch all over…until I
later found out, by my GI-doctor, that my body doesn't brake down or digest
MSG very well, if at all and so when I eat it not only do I start to itch
but I get constipated and my stomach wall will get inflamed, this was all
discovered after having a colonoscopy and an uperoscopy. So it is harmful,
but only to some people, why…idk….
It's bullshit saying its harmless my stomach says otherwise been having
diarrhea and vomiting, and feels like my stomach wants to explode … I
don't want to eat anymore cause of the pain I'm in . Guy who made this shit
is an asshole.. I also lost a child during pregnancy cause of this shit
many are sensitive to this crap … Things that taste better is not always
best for your health
I used to use MSG, but then I got a tinnitus (not from MSG) that gets for
real tripled after eating flavor enhanced food. I've heard varying
explanations as to how/why it happens – but regardless I can tell you that
it really happens – no bullshit.
Everything we eat now causes some issues, the nitrates/nitrites in
processed meat, processed sugar that causes cancer, You can't eat anything
now without some type of additive, enrichment, etc etc. The only way to be
sure is to grow your own food like Sweden or is it Switzerland?
green screen fail.
did u record this while on vacation? :)
Yeah and salt has iodine that you need and you say MSG is not bad? So how
much dose is recommended? how much MSG do we put in our body in a day,what
products have MSG? and so on….. you come to conclusion that you cant have
normal MSG consumption because it is in 90% products you eat.So this is
poor explanation or somebody is paying you well for clumsy info.
The problem with MSG is not so much the substance itself, but how it is
being used. You're eating a canned soup and it tastes delicious, but it
might be void of any healthy ingredients, thus making you believe
otherwise. Also, it is being used for an addiction mechanism, making you
eat more, because it's so delicious. Eating more of less nutrient value –
that's the scheme. The food industry is only interested in profits, thus
they tend to use this as much as they can, and this will eventually,
through lobbying and all, lead to an actual overuse of it.
A related example is aspartame. It's cheaper than sugar and attractive for
people on a diet, so more profitable for the industry, but did you know
it's poisonous? The FDA effectively allows it because they consider the
poison dosage not high enough to cause immediate results that then could be
directly linked to aspartame.
It's the same old story everywhere: The industry tries to sell you cheap
crap for big bucks.
In the comments i see some people add this in their food. I thought it was
just a thing used in processed food? You buy this stuff ina supermarket or
something? Oo I barely use salt allready on my food, because i like the
flavours of my food, i've never thought of putting some substance in it.
Sounds like some addictive thing, and the mind playing tricks on you that
it's needed to make it 'better'. Idk if it's safe or not, i just don't see
why you'd even take the risk. Same with people putting salt on everything,
often it's done as a habit, not even tasting the food before putting it on
I picked up a little bag of it from a bulk food store. I try it on all
sorts of shit. If I were to describe the flavour, I'd say it's like meat.
Which makes it very strange to taste on its own. But with soup, meat, and
cheesey dishes, it's pretty great. If the prevailing flavour is salt, MSG
might work.
Word of warning, do not put it on peanut butter. Peanut butter shouldn't
taste like meat. You will be left with deep scars. If you consider putting
it on a peanut butter sandwich, I would suggest instead watching 3 Guys 1
Hammer. That would be a less traumatic alternative.
Lol at all the stupid Americans in the comments ranting about how bad MSG
is and how it makes you stupid and kills you and makes you fat.
Japan eats more MSG than the USA and Japan has the highest life expectancy
in the world as well at the 2nd or 3rd highest IQ behind Hong Kong and also
low obesity rates. So huge lol.
Americans are so stupid they don't even understand the science of MSG.
Using studies in baby mice and feeding them 50x the normal dosage of course
will cause problems. Feeding baby mice many things at 50x the dosage will
cause horrible things to happen. Could be 50x salt even or 50x acidic or
alkaline foods or any other thing that we consume.
Truth is the health food movement is the scam and are using gullible people
to make money. The health food movement pretty much claim you shouldn't eat
Salt, Sugar, Normal Fats, MSG, Colors, Carbs, Acidic foods, meats. They
even claim you should drink distilled water. I suggest people start doing
their science so they don't get fooled by this because the health movement
is actually harmful to your body.
I have a whole bag of crystallized msg, and I can tell you that it does NOT
make everything taste better. Eating even a small amount of it pure can
irritate your tongue, and too much tastes bad. Also, it makes both a bad
pancake topping and ice cream flavor.
Any study suggesting it is harmless, was done by the food industry that
sells it.
Keep buying this bullshit, sheep. Trust the corporations. They care about
you. They really do.
And the fact that our "healthcare" system is for-profit? It's not related
at all. Go bac to sleep.
Well…. MSG is bad if you have a condition that, when consumed in any
amount, MSG will put you into hyper-fibrillation and hospitalize you for
weeks… (My dad)
My mother is allergic to it. She gets very sick if she eats it. Can you
please explain to me how thinned retinas and holes in the brain are not
"ill effects"? Unless I'm elected Pope, I sure as hell don't want a holy
Well this is comforting news….until I heard holes in my brain.
Hmmm so I could put MSG on veggies that I absolutely hate and gag trying to
eat because the taste is so horrible? Hmmm
and good old msg
I once dunked pieces of chicken in MSG…okay twice…thrice…a couple
times here and there…but seriously not that often.
a lot of food are bad when you eat too damn much of it remember to eat
health food & drink good juice too & have fitness life style too to keep up
your life
If you go to the spice isle in just about any grocery store you should be
able to find MSG. It's usually branded as "accent". I use it from time to
time in homemade soups and stews. It does make them more savory. I don't
use it often and when I do, I use a small amount. You can actually taste
the difference. everything in moderation!
Well I eat Chinese food about twice a month at most.. so I'm in the clear!
the definition of dumb
MSG is bloody great. Life is short, and if there is no conclusive evidence
that MSG is bad then dig in I say. After all, it was all started because
some guy in the 60s had a weak stomach and couldn't handle the Chinese
MSG mess with your memory… Your memory of the Chinese meal you had last
week will be better than it actually was and you will want more! MSG will
make you fatter and dumber… MSG *ISN'T* a normal "spice"… It is a
chemical that transform food into addictive food (aka drugs)…
I often cook with MSG in combination with salt. That is, I use much less
salt and just a bit of MSG. Instead of a teaspoon of salt, maybe 1/4th
teaspoon salt and 1/6th MSG. The food tastes about the same and is
healthier on the heart. Lots of heart problems in the family and I believe
this can lessen the strain on it. Never had a problem with it.
I was always told that MSG is bad for you but never why or how. It's
baffled me though a bit why but I never pursued it and I assume I eat it a
lot with normal foods containing natural MSG shrugs.
They named all food s I really liked!
"On the negative side, research concluded that it could thin your retinas,
cause asthma and obesity, and even put holes in your brain. Where as on the
positive sid they said, "it has no ill effects".
What are you saying here? It seems like these two sentences directly
contradict each other.
It scares me to think that MSG is in literally everything. While some
people say it does nothing and others saying it causing cancer and other
horrible shit. I think there needs to be more research done!!!
I have a migraine condition that causes one of my eyes to blur and hazy
over randomly. About once a month. usual 10 15 minutes, with varying amount
of vision loss. I ate what I knew was a pile of msg when i went out to a
Thai restaurant. About 30 minutes later the vision in one of my eyes
blanked out instantly and was gone for about 30 minutes. I tried to stay
away from msg since and have not hand another bad crash.
it's proven that it's natural. now i want to know how much a person should
take in a day. so that those butthurt people saying it's like a addictive
drug or something like that can shut the F up.
here are some comparisons:
-people get diabetes with excessive use of sugar
-kidney stones with salt
-hyper acidity with sour tastes
others that i might not be aware of or i've failed to include, feel free to
add in the comments.
in that sense, all of these things should always be in moderation. as if
Western cuisine doesn't have msg… pfft.
I use MSG in a lot of my foods, in moderation of course. It's not that I'm
a bad cook or my food is bad. However I do believe that all food can or
could be more delicious. There's always things you can add to food to make
it taste better. My shortcut is just using MSG….. Also 'cause I'm
Asian….. That could be it too,,,, ._.
Hate Google plus and its auto corret
When I eat MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) I start to itch all over…until I
later found out, by my GI-doctor, that my body doesn't brake down or digest
MSG very well, if at all and so when I eat it not only do I start to itch
but I get constipated and my stomach wall will get inflamed, this was all
discovered after having a colonoscopy and an uperoscopy. So it is harmful,
but only to some people, why…idk….
Does Australians have MSGs in their foods?
MSG is in your burgers
It's bullshit saying its harmless my stomach says otherwise been having
diarrhea and vomiting, and feels like my stomach wants to explode … I
don't want to eat anymore cause of the pain I'm in . Guy who made this shit
is an asshole.. I also lost a child during pregnancy cause of this shit
many are sensitive to this crap … Things that taste better is not always
best for your health
I used to use MSG, but then I got a tinnitus (not from MSG) that gets for
real tripled after eating flavor enhanced food. I've heard varying
explanations as to how/why it happens – but regardless I can tell you that
it really happens – no bullshit.
It makes my head hurt every time I consume it…
i was told it cause cancer
have a shaker full of MSG in the cupboard time to actually use it!
Everything we eat now causes some issues, the nitrates/nitrites in
processed meat, processed sugar that causes cancer, You can't eat anything
now without some type of additive, enrichment, etc etc. The only way to be
sure is to grow your own food like Sweden or is it Switzerland?