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Happy Healing. May Peace Reign on Earth.
i am with you on vacinces
damn can some of these people make a Cantonese version of this? I’m so a
victim of this.. though it like wow.. I don’t know what to say..
kk being in high school, Florida, could i trust salads in the school?
MSG itself is misnamed. It needs to be called Glutamates or sources of
Glutamic acid in diets. So many people are eating a ton of glutamate and
doesn’t know it in the form of peas, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes,
seaweed, and gluten. Excess glutamate causes the pancreas to output insulin
without there being a glucose source. Do the math. This is the mechanism
for obesity…. excess sugars + excess glutamates.
well I wasn’t really concluding for everyone else’s soda experiences
because each body handles differently along with all the factors that could
affect it. You can say it is bad science, I really haven’t done multiple
trial n error/ experiments with it. Sad thing is I don’t remember posting
that, but I have changed views on thinking since then. At the time also I
really didn’t know much about school food. I seek more knowledge and I am
in no position to conclude like in my earlier post.
@darthchaosofrspw1: Just a note: truth in labelling or advertising is just
about the biggest oxymoron – ever!
Regardless of which poison does what to you, have you noticed that the
corporations target children; MSG, artificial sweeteners, GMOs, chemical
dyes, fluoride, etc., is in drugs and foods all targeted at children! Of
course, it’s basically in everything – even pet foods; and the corporations
that push them are criminal!
most surely not
@RandyBful1 Um… MSG (e.g., chinese food), artificial sweeteners (e.g., in
Diet Coke), genetically-modified-crops (e.g., “Golden Rice” – rice enriched
with vitamin A), and chemical dyes (i.e., found in *anything* with color;
e.g., yogurt) are all “target[ed] at children”?!? I’m sorry, but is there
anything in the list I just provided that’s exclusively for children??
Furthermore, I have NO idea what you’re feeding your dog but my dog food
doesn’t have ANY of those things in it. Wow.
@limeffdd Shipping “frozen” food means it’s “not fresh.” That’s Sherlock
Holmes type deductive reasoning there! Kudos for fixing that mystery. As
for the soda, were you drinking diet soda or regular? How much a day?
Decaffeinated? Were you drinking any other fluids during the day? Did you
change anything else about your diet at the time? I only ask because one
can’t conclude anything from changing multiple variables simultaneously –
in the industry our technical term for that is: “bad science.”
ive become a better cook bc im pregnant right now and i have no MSG in my
diet. and my baby has been growing soo big so fast and i havent gained any
weight on the rest of my body. my doctors applaude me each time i come in.
i asked about me not gaining weight like all the other preggo women in the
pregnancy center and she said real quiet: “its because their fat and/or eat
whatever they want while pregnant”.
@crazyEMMY Vaccinations have saved MILLIONS more lives than deaths caused
(4 in 10,000 children receiving the MMR vaccine experience fever-induced
seizure) (See PMID 18340332). Measles is a serious (15% mortality) and
highly contagious (90% infectivity) airborne viral infection. I invite you
to do the math. But make no mistake, if you don’t vaccinate your child
you’re taking advantage of those who were vaccinated and risking the health
of your child and those around you also unvaccinated.
Because of my wifes reaction to MSG we don’t eat processed packaged foods.
I mean absolutely zero. We buy fresh vegetables and fruits at the local
organic foods market and we do eat meat but it is whole meat that we slice
process and or grind ourselves so that we know exactly what we are getting.
Bottom line is you cannot trust the American mega corporate food industry.
They are interested in making profits for their investors and are not
really interested in the health of what goes into you
thats correct, because recently I did research and all the food they bring
thnx quantum 
to the schools are frozen and shipped via trucks. So its NOT fresh
actually stopped drinking soda and I’m less sleepy and I get less headaches
Wonderful!! You made my day!!
What really baffles me is why MSG is in baby formula and in vaccines. I
don’t understand why they put it in products that aren’t really “normal”
food products. My wife has severe allergic reaction to MSG so we have no
choice but to read labels and eat mostly fresh foods that we prepare
ourselves. But I’m not complaining – we are healthier than the average
American. I do have a copy of the book BTW, managed to buy a copy directly
from the Erbs a few years back .
@limeffdd I’m happy you’re feeling better though! Truly. I only ask that
you evaluate your reasoning. And frankly, in the end, if you get the
results you want, WHO CARES what the mechanism was? You did it.
As I once read on a bumper sticker: If you’re not outraged, you’re not
paying attention. I confess I struggle with how best to redirect these
feelings into positive contribution. It is indeed a struggle but I find
activism a positive outlet. It’s time we take back our power from those
behaving in sinister ways. Their illusion is fading fast as more and more
become outraged. Good will prevail in the end. May we find patience to see
that day.
@WeThePeopleRleaders Well… I’m convinced… your solitary anecdote is
“clear and convincing” evidence that MSG is the greatest evil this planet
has ever seen. Hmm… but then my friend Liz was eating whatever she wanted
ALL the time while pregnant (aside from the obvious stuff; e.g., booze) and
she looked like she was going to explode before she gave birth and yet…
she actually *lost* weight during the pregnancy. End result? Perfectly
health mother and newborn after 9 months. Curious.
upon meeting john tonite, he showed me these documents and was blown away,
God bless John and his research and message. Its time to really look at a
label before it hits your basket. stay away from anything you cant
pronounce or cant find reliable info on it.
Thanks for the info! I have known MSG was not good for you but I did not
realize just how bad it is for you. I have found it numerous foods I was
eating that I bought at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. So read your labels.
Be wise as serpents.
I never eat msg. I eat 100% organic food. even organic animal products, no
crap in organic. let the others poison themselves.
im devastated atm. what the fucking hell is wrong with this place. i havent
been this angry for a long fucking time. i am pretty pissed that its in so
much. when you said soya lecin i thought omg. And the chinese thing just
sorta clicked. and you can really taste msg. i looked it up on ingredients
in this bag of crisps today i swore it tasted like msg and found hydrolysed
About the vaccinations, I mean its kind of hard to avoid those where
everyone you go, they wont accept you without proof of having such
vaccinations. whether it be a job, or acceptance in a university. your take
on it ?
They is MSG in Vaccinations??? WTF for? To make them taste better? Your
entire structure is infiltrated by your enemies. Your only crime was
wanting to be free. Look how they punish you.