china and japan have been using msg for a century and they haven’t had the
same reactions to msg as americans have had…there’s gotta be more to it
than that, but maybe that “fertilizer for cancer” statement is the best way
to put it.
that’s why maybe msg eaten by fat(sick) people causes problems, but msg
eaten by normal weight individuals does not cause cancer…hmmm.
Well asian food aka Chinese food has a little amounts of msg but shit like
McDonald’s and all that have shit loads of msg’s they are killing us slowly
kids are getting fat this msg drug makes you feel bloated and lazy thats
how you become fat because it wighs you down and its very hard to exercise
and it makes u feel less full and you want to eat more which is unhealthy I
feel sorry for those obese ppl cuz its like the big companies kill them
slowly while they make money which they all care about they could give a
shit less about you health and well-being
imo it doesn’t matter where its from, the problem is that the government
does not want to address the public of the dangers of MSG. If we didn’t
know anything of this then how would we solve it?
LMAO. Because you made up something you think its fact! Do you know what
fact means? Did you know that takeaway Chinese food is completely different
from authentic Chinese food?
Well, if you claim to be knowledgeable don’t use general terms like “in
mass quantities.” If you really know what you’re talking about how bout
differentiating between glutamate and monosodium glutamate, the sodium salt
version of glutamate. Also, the length people will go to make money (lying
about the health of MSG) are much longer than those people will go to
intentionally stop people from making money (if people knocked MSG just to
stop food companies from competing for sales). Its unhealthy
Yes it is everywhere. Tomatoes, human breast milk, mushrooms… Sodium
Chloride (salt) is far more lethal than MSG. Show me ONE study that shows
MSG to be dangerous. Every study so far shows people ‘reacting’ to the
placebo as often as the MSG.. Most of the people who pretend to be worried
about MSG are the sort of people who’d sign the petition to ban dihydrogen
LOL . Wow the blatant ignorance. Ever heard of umami, the 5th taste? Sugar
is sweet, salt is salty, quinine is bitter, lemons are sour and MSG is
umami. It’s naturally occuring in meat, tomatoes, mushrooms, soy, potatoes,
carrots, parmesan cheese in mass quanitities. Better avoid all those if you
want to stop msg intake. All this anecdotal “evidence” is akin to saying my
foot itches, I must be having a heart attack!
I just checked my Knorr soups (the same brand they showed) from Germany and
they don’t have glutamate in them. What the hell do they put into the foods
in America??
Best to try and avoid as much processed food and soda as possible. MSG is
just one of many potentially harmful additives they pour into this stuff.
The food industry on the whole couldn’t care less if we get sick … profit
is all that matters to them.
It’s About Time The Olive Oil Myth Was Laid To Rest It is also a myth that
olive oil lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Study design is key. Studies
linking olive oil consumption to lower cholesterol levels are flawed. Olive
oil appears to lower bad cholesterol in most studies because the
participants replace animal fats like butter, cheese, and fatty meats with
olive oil.
He has no point. His comment was hardly coherent. Adding a chemical to food
that is naturally present in low quantities doesn’t mean your body can
handle it.
I’ve been eating MSG in the form of Accent Seasoning every day with
whatever meat I cook for years and I don’t have any weird symptoms. Then
again, maybe that’s why I feel like smacking the fuck outta humanity half
the time when I notice how stupid people can be sometimes. On second
thought, nah, humans are just greedy, self centered dumb fucks. And yet,
then again, I’m human too. FUCK! SOMEBODY SHOOT ME, I THINK I ATE TOO MUCH
MSG!!!! lol.
MSG doesnt cause obesity… if this was true u’d expect chinese to be
fatter than american which is clearly not the case. FACT: MSG has nothing
to do with weight
It’s funny how people always say they don’t believe certain foods and
ingredients are harmful. They just don’t want to admit it cause they want
to keep on eating the same crappy foods and don’t want to change to a
healthier lifestyle. Oh and then everyone is wondering why did I get this
I’m not responding to MSG (frankly, I don’t know much about it), but I want
to respond to your cultural understanding: a typical Chinese eats more
fruits and vegetables (and probably have to bike/take the bus to work, i.e.
physically more active) than a typical American. Your “fact” has no
substance, but mine does: FACT: since the arrival of KFC’s in China,
childhood obesity observably increased.
This generation is so screwed. 100 years ago they didn’t have food this bad
available and very few Americans actually understand what they are putting
in their body.
Part of the length people will go to make money involves not wanting to
kill the people who give them money. People are mostly good. They want to
do what’s right. They just disagree about what the best way to do it is.
The irony is, the uneducated, ignorant masses (forgivably so) are by FAR
the most significant source of misinformation on health and nutrition.
Journalists are prone to over-hyping the perception of a threat, because
fear sells.
china and japan have been using msg for a century and they haven’t had the
same reactions to msg as americans have had…there’s gotta be more to it
than that, but maybe that “fertilizer for cancer” statement is the best way
to put it.
that’s why maybe msg eaten by fat(sick) people causes problems, but msg
eaten by normal weight individuals does not cause cancer…hmmm.
Well asian food aka Chinese food has a little amounts of msg but shit like
McDonald’s and all that have shit loads of msg’s they are killing us slowly
kids are getting fat this msg drug makes you feel bloated and lazy thats
how you become fat because it wighs you down and its very hard to exercise
and it makes u feel less full and you want to eat more which is unhealthy I
feel sorry for those obese ppl cuz its like the big companies kill them
slowly while they make money which they all care about they could give a
shit less about you health and well-being
Space making pane on people you’re eyes see doctor Nhs give you tablets
that kill you life games
american wont change for the better. they could have banned msg
imo it doesn’t matter where its from, the problem is that the government
does not want to address the public of the dangers of MSG. If we didn’t
know anything of this then how would we solve it?
LMAO. Because you made up something you think its fact! Do you know what
fact means? Did you know that takeaway Chinese food is completely different
from authentic Chinese food?
Well, if you claim to be knowledgeable don’t use general terms like “in
mass quantities.” If you really know what you’re talking about how bout
differentiating between glutamate and monosodium glutamate, the sodium salt
version of glutamate. Also, the length people will go to make money (lying
about the health of MSG) are much longer than those people will go to
intentionally stop people from making money (if people knocked MSG just to
stop food companies from competing for sales). Its unhealthy
Yes it is everywhere. Tomatoes, human breast milk, mushrooms… Sodium
Chloride (salt) is far more lethal than MSG. Show me ONE study that shows
MSG to be dangerous. Every study so far shows people ‘reacting’ to the
placebo as often as the MSG.. Most of the people who pretend to be worried
about MSG are the sort of people who’d sign the petition to ban dihydrogen
LOL . Wow the blatant ignorance. Ever heard of umami, the 5th taste? Sugar
is sweet, salt is salty, quinine is bitter, lemons are sour and MSG is
umami. It’s naturally occuring in meat, tomatoes, mushrooms, soy, potatoes,
carrots, parmesan cheese in mass quanitities. Better avoid all those if you
want to stop msg intake. All this anecdotal “evidence” is akin to saying my
foot itches, I must be having a heart attack!
I just checked my Knorr soups (the same brand they showed) from Germany and
they don’t have glutamate in them. What the hell do they put into the foods
in America??
Love my daily dose of Ajinomoto MSG. Umami.
Extra Virgin? Doesn’t that sound good? LMAO I couldn’t stop laughing.
If your great, great grandma doesn’t recognize it, don’t eat it.
23:15 lol he asks her what the ingredience is for everything lol
what if restaurants are lying to you? how do we really know!? Makes me so
hmm you seem to have a point!
Best to try and avoid as much processed food and soda as possible. MSG is
just one of many potentially harmful additives they pour into this stuff.
The food industry on the whole couldn’t care less if we get sick … profit
is all that matters to them.
It’s About Time The Olive Oil Myth Was Laid To Rest It is also a myth that
olive oil lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Study design is key. Studies
linking olive oil consumption to lower cholesterol levels are flawed. Olive
oil appears to lower bad cholesterol in most studies because the
participants replace animal fats like butter, cheese, and fatty meats with
olive oil.
OMG!!!!!!! Newscasters who tell the truth?
You americans should blow of in a big common fart… it´s ridicolous
He has no point. His comment was hardly coherent. Adding a chemical to food
that is naturally present in low quantities doesn’t mean your body can
handle it.
I never use MSG to cook my food fresh.ingredients makes your food taste
700 club finally becomes informative
Mmm and why are all the asians best of tgeir class?
I’ve been eating MSG in the form of Accent Seasoning every day with
And yet,
whatever meat I cook for years and I don’t have any weird symptoms. Then
again, maybe that’s why I feel like smacking the fuck outta humanity half
the time when I notice how stupid people can be sometimes. On second
thought, nah, humans are just greedy, self centered dumb fucks.
then again, I’m human too. FUCK! SOMEBODY SHOOT ME, I THINK I ATE TOO MUCH
MSG is a psychedelic drug that affects your tastes buds!! It makes you
taste something that is not there.
Drink almond milk not baby cow’s milk
MSG doesnt cause obesity… if this was true u’d expect chinese to be
fatter than american which is clearly not the case. FACT: MSG has nothing
to do with weight
It’s funny how people always say they don’t believe certain foods and
ingredients are harmful. They just don’t want to admit it cause they want
to keep on eating the same crappy foods and don’t want to change to a
healthier lifestyle. Oh and then everyone is wondering why did I get this
I’m not responding to MSG (frankly, I don’t know much about it), but I want
to respond to your cultural understanding: a typical Chinese eats more
fruits and vegetables (and probably have to bike/take the bus to work, i.e.
physically more active) than a typical American. Your “fact” has no
substance, but mine does: FACT: since the arrival of KFC’s in China,
childhood obesity observably increased.
MSG GMO HFCS Sodium Nitrate Aspartame etc. = POISON
obsolete video. there are no long term side effects from eating MSG. It has
been used in food for over 100years.
If something is labeled as Natural Flavors, that is a huge red flag for
people who know their labeling tricks..
This generation is so screwed. 100 years ago they didn’t have food this bad
available and very few Americans actually understand what they are putting
in their body.
Part of the length people will go to make money involves not wanting to
kill the people who give them money. People are mostly good. They want to
do what’s right. They just disagree about what the best way to do it is.
The irony is, the uneducated, ignorant masses (forgivably so) are by FAR
the most significant source of misinformation on health and nutrition.
Journalists are prone to over-hyping the perception of a threat, because
fear sells.