Part 4 in this series about MSG (E621) will show how to avoid it in grocery stores and restaurants as MSG has many hidden names!
MSG is used in thousands of products, such as snacks, soups, sauces, meats, flavored potato chips, fast food and Chinese food.
MSG is also known as Ajinomoto, Accent, vetsin or umami. MSG is ‘hidden’ in many other names, such as yeast extract, hydrolised protein, natural flavoring, etc.
MSG makes food taste better but it’s NOT safe!
The harmful side effects of MSG include headaches, allergies, growth disruptions, hormonal imbalance, learning disorders, ADHD, behavioral problems, autism, muscle pain, nerve pain, heart attacks and irregularities, impaired circulation, skin rashes, retina damage, stomach, intestine and respiration problems, obesity, cancer, etc.
Many problems don’t become obvious until puberty. This is caused by poor functioning of the hormones due to exposure to MSG in the first few years of life.
Dr. John Olney discovered in 1969 that MSG caused brain damage and obesity in mice.
Enormous amounts of flavor enhancers are added to our food. Governmental agencies such as the US Food & Drug Administration insist that MSG is perfectly safe. But research that ‘proves’ that MSG is safe is financed by the food industry itself…
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)
Avoid MSG and discover how your health will improve dramatically!
For more insight on the toxicity of MSG please watch the film ‘Sweet Misery’ (start watching at 34:00).
Insightful book about MSG ‘Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills’ by Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD.
Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG:
gelatin, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), textured protein (including TVP), hydrogenated vegetable oil, autolyzed plant protein, monopotassium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein (HPP), hydrolyzed oat flour, corn oil, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, glutamate, glutamic acid, yeast extract, yeast food or nutrient, autolyzed yeast.
Additives that OFTEN contain MSG:
natural flavors, flavors, flavoring, seasonings, broth, bouillon, malted barley, modified food starch, barley malt, reaction flavors, rice syrup or brown rice syrup, stock, malt extract or flavoring, natural chicken, beef or pork flavoring, maltodextrin, dextrose, dextrates, lipolyzed butter fat, caramel flavoring (coloring), soy protein, soy sauce or extract, soy protein iIsolate or concentrate, corn syrup and corn syrup solids, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, cornstarch fructose, milk powder, dry milk solids, protein fortified milk, carrageenan, wheat, rice, corn or oat protein, flowing agents, whey protein or whey, anything enriched or vitamin enriched, protein fortified ‘anything’, annatto, whey protein isolate or concentrate, yeast nutrients, enzyme modified ‘anything’, spice, pectin, guar and vegetable gums, ultra-pasteurized ‘anything’, dough conditioners, lecithin, protease, protease enzymes, fermented ‘anything’, gluten and gluten flour, protein powders (whey, soy, oat, and rice) used in protein bars, shakes and body building drinks, amino acids, wheat/ barley grass powders, artificial flavor.
The names and E-numbers of harmful flavor enhancers:
E620 Glutamic acid
E621 Monosodium glutamate
E622 Monopotassium glutamate
E623 Calcium diglutamate
E624 Monoammonium glutamate
E625 Magnesium diglutamate
E626 Guanylic acid
E627 Disodium guanylate
E628 Dipotassium guanylate
E629 Calcium guanylate
E630 Inosinic acid
E631 Disodium inosinate
E632 Dipotassium inosinate
E633 Calcium inosinate
E634 Calcium 5′-ribonucleotides
E635 Disodium 5′-ribonucleotide
E636 Maltol
E637 Ethylmaltol
Playlist ‘The Dangers of MSG (E621)’
More information about MSG:
My video playlist ‘Dangers in our Food’:
That’s the hosts from the 700 club at the beginning and end of the video!
Great to see them informing the world about MSG which makes my mom feel as
though she’s got the flu after eating it and I get sick to my stomach and
feel nasty all over. Plus I believe my thinking skills for days after
consuming it is greatly impacted. I’m studying to be a nutritionist so this
is great information for me to know. I may not learn about it in class.
Thank you for the video!
It doesn’t make food taste better, it stimulates your taste buds to make
you “think” it does. I have known people who actually have snacked on it
and said it made their saliva taste good. When I was very young I used to
have cluster headaches that would put me down and in a dark room for 24
hours [this was the 70s and MSG was the cause]. It doesn’t just stimulate
your tongue but also other nerves and that is where the migraine and
cluster headaches come in. Fast food chicken places are notorious for
soaking chicken in it. MSG and Carageenan if you want to be healthier
avoid both.
send me more info , HealthRanger
This video shows an incredible amount of side effects that MSG has.
Look on the back of a bag of Doritos! Remember the cartoon movie about the
“Hedge” something and when the magic orange Dorito, Cheetos dust blew on
them they all looked stoned and became instantly addicted? Doritos are so
sure of your patronage they write MSG in capital letters and there are at
least 3 or 4 more ingredients that are also just different names for MSG.
If I remember correctly there are 30 to 40 names for it. Do you know how
scientists in this country study obesity? They give the rats MSG and their
appetites go bonkers and they can’t control their eating and become huge.
The food companies know about this as they want you to eat loads of their
products. Did a paper for Chemistry class.
Thank you very much for the education. I’ve been avoiding MSG for about 2
weeks now. I’ve also been avoiding High Fructose Corn Syrup for about 1
year now.
the illuminati- make people sick (so we can buy THEIR medicine) and make
people infertile so they will lower the world population. Please wake up.
You know, I react to shiny apples worse than bread or skim milks msg!
Hmm to add onto that: most asian restaurants in the US are cooking to
satisfy INTERNATIONAL folks, therefore the tastes are similar, but not
exactly traditional. Try a Thai restaurant. Then find someone who’s Thai to
cook the same dish for you if they can. You will notice the difference in
quality. You want good asian cuisine? Well, best and cheapest thing to do
for that craving would be home cooking.
Oh, I also suggest varying meals before you get bored. This is crucial to a
healty diet. You wanna get the greater variety 2get the most nutrients
available. And “preparation”… did you notice it has the prefix “pre”? It
means ‘in advance’, ‘prior to’. So it goes without saying the first thing 2
do is ‘think about it and plan’! Knowledge is nothing without practice. And
be patient and indulgent! See, nutrition even teaches us lessons of life!
@philacoudre You are correct, High Fructose Corn Syrup is known as
glucose/fructose in Canada… Please watch my video on HFCS to learn more.
@thrustfang You have not done your research. I can’t go into it here but if
you research the so called “medical science” behind it and then research
what is actually passed off as fluoride into our water systems you’ll
understand that science is not as much at fault as politics and vested
interests are.
Yeah, and it seems like this is not the first time that China has produced
harmful stuff. Not so long ago (a year or more), many, many toys produced
in China were removed from the market because the plastic contained some
carcinogenic substance or something like that. (Children like to put the
toys in their mouths.)
@illkd1783 Please make you channel available, I would like to send you
important info about MSG.
The nwo is poisening our food.Shame on them.
Metal Gear Solid? Lol Msg: Message?
@illkd1783 The diet of most Americans consists of processed food, junk food
and animal based foods such as meat and dairy products. When MSG added to
this kind of food, weight gain and other health issues are inevitable
because MSG chemically triggers an increase in appetite. For the Asian
people who eat mostly healthy foods (such as fruits and vegetables) the
harmful effects of MSG won’t be as bad. Please check out the text area
located below to this video for more information.
Yeah, I’ve got a 3.5 hour documentary called “The Money Masters” which
deals with the Federal Reserve. People need to wake up and realize that the
Fed is _not_ a Government agency but a private bank that’s literally
destroying the economy. I didn’t know that about the World Bank starving
Africa to buy it back for pennies. If that’s the case, then these people
have got blood on their hands!
Opium, cocaine and nicotine are naturally occurring, all you have to do is
grow them, do they kill people? LOL. Oh, wait, black people rape white
people under the influence of these particular plants, so they are bad!
LOL!!!! Morons.
It’s impossible to find non homogenized milk where I live.
There is a connection between a persons inability to absorb vitamin B_6 and
being allergic to MSG. Some authorities say that -not the regular vitamin
B_6 but an activated form must be taken to offset the allergy. Be smart.
Work with your doctor.
I just noticed that my Peter pan peanut butter has hydrogenated vegetable
oils in it
@jccgold ahh,pat robertson,my favorite christian satanist.
@jiminirvana For a list of the hidden names for MSG, please check out the
text section located below Part 4. In addition, check out the websites
listed there as well.
@TheSamjulian The American diet consists of processed food, junk food and
animal based foods such as meat and dairy products. When MSG added to this
kind of food, weight gain and other health issues are inevitable because
MSG chemically triggers an increase in appetite. For people who eat mostly
healthy foods (such as fruits and vegetables) the harmful effects of MSG
won’t be as bad. Please check out the text area located below to this video
for more information.
@WeThePeopleRleaders ITS NOT good for your teeth..look it up
…Or other proprietary blends, i’ve noticed this!
@jccgold In large amounts, opium kills people too! Imagine eating a tomato
with 400mg of morphine in it LOL. It is natural, so what is the problem
MSG isnt the ONLY bad chemical. Theres so many that if we took all the
foods away with bad stuff in them the grocery store would shrink to a fruit
stand on the side of a road
Obviously, the poisons always seem to affect either our brains or our
go read a book retard
DAMNIT! it makes me mad that we almost have no choise but to eat chemicals
what a world…
that keeps us dumb, make us not think straight anymore.. WE SHOULD stand up
against this. i’m tired of being poisened
MSG plays a huge role in the rise in autism among children today. Magnesium
and vitamin B6 therapy works well with autistic children because of high
glutamate levels partially from too much MSG intake.
Hi. No problem. I think you were referring to MSG (Monosodium Glutamine),
right? According to Wikipedia, it’s an isolate of Glutamic Acid. I don’t
know whether it’s found in nature or whether man extracted it. I’m not a
chemist. Anyway, I remember a quote that said: “We are living in times
where actual orange juice is used for making furniture lacquer and
synthetic orange flavouring is used for human consumption.” It’s just
crazy. We are putting money before ourselves.
@gotveggieoil : i think it was just the japs,, being industrial about
things,, and embracing all things fake,,making a broth from Konbu seeweed
is tasty (the elusive “5th’ flavour) so they tried to emulate it.. MSG is
really big business–dont forget that.. but yeh i have never been informed
of the ill affects of aspartame or MSG in the mainstream media in the UK
which is suspicious.
@thrustfang Please watch the film ‘The Fluoride Deception’ on YouTube to
learn how we have been deceived into thinking that fluoride is good for us.
In addition, please watch my video ‘The Dangers of Fluoride’ and read the
text box below that video for more information. Fluoride is a poison that
causes dental fluorosis (damage to teeth) , brittle bones and many other
health problems.